--1 Auxiliary operations common for Scandinavian languages. -- -- This module contains operations that are shared by the Scandinavian -- languages, without dependence on parameters. resource CommonScand = ParamX ** open Prelude in { flags optimize=all ; coding=utf8 ; param Species = Indef | Def ; Case = Nom | Gen ; Voice = Act | Pass ; -- The principal word orders in predication: main clause, inverted, subordinate. Order = Main | Inv | Sub ; -- The types of noun definiteness required by determiners. Examples: -- "ett stort hus" (DIndef), "mitt stora hus" (DDef Indef), -- "det stora huset" (DDed Def). DetSpecies = DIndef | DDef Species ; -- These are the gender-number combinations needed for adjective inflection, -- minimizing the number of forms in the lexicon: there is no gender dependency -- in the plural, and only two genders in the singular even in Norwegian. GenNum = GSg Gender | GPl ; Gender = Utr | Neutr ; AForm = AF AFormGrad Case ; AFormGrad = APosit AFormPos | ACompar | ASuperl AFormSup ; -- The $Number$ in $Weak$ only matters in "lilla"/"små". AFormPos = Strong GenNum | Weak Number ; AFormSup = SupStrong | SupWeak ; VForm = VF VFin | VI VInf ; VFin = VPres Voice | VPret Voice --# notpresent | VImper Voice ; VInf = VInfin Voice | VSupin Voice --# notpresent | VPtPret AFormPos Case | VPtPres Number Species Case ; VPForm = VPFinite STense Anteriority | VPImperat | VPInfinit Anteriority ; PartForm = PartPret AFormPos Case | PartPres Number Species Case ; VType = VAct | VPass | VRefl ; NPForm = NPNom | NPAcc | NPPoss GenNum Case ; RCase = RNom | RGen | RPrep Bool ; RAgr = RNoAg | RAg Gender Number Person ; PredetAgr = PNoAg | PAg Number ; STense = SPres | SPast --# notpresent | SFut --# notpresent | SFutKommer --# notpresent -- komma att | SCond --# notpresent ; oper Complement : Type = {s : Str ; hasPrep : Bool} ; Agr : PType = {g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person} ; nominative : NPForm = NPNom ; accusative : NPForm = NPAcc ; caseNP : NPForm -> Case = \np -> case np of { NPPoss _ _ => Gen ; _ => Nom } ; specDet : DetSpecies -> Species = \d -> case d of { DDef Def => Def ; _ => Indef } ; mkComplement : Str -> Complement = \s -> { s = s ; hasPrep = case s of { "" => False ; _ => True } } ; -- Used in $Noun.AdjCN$. agrAdjNP : Agr -> DetSpecies -> AFormPos = \a -> agrAdj (gennumAgr a) ; agrAdj : GenNum -> DetSpecies -> AFormPos = \gn,d -> case < : GenNum * DetSpecies> of { <_, DIndef> => Strong gn ; => Weak Pl ; _ => Weak Sg } ; gennum : Gender -> Number -> GenNum = \g,n -> case n of { Sg => GSg g ; Pl => GPl } ; gennumAgr : Agr -> GenNum = \a -> gennum a.g a.n ; aformpos2agr : AFormPos -> Agr = \af -> case af of { Strong (GSg g) => {p = P3 ; n = Sg ; g = g} ; Strong GPl => {p = P3 ; n = Pl ; g = Utr} ; -- loss of gender does not matter in Pl Weak n => {p = P3 ; n = n ; g = Utr} ---- loss of gender: *det stor blivande huset } ; -- Used in $DiffScand.predV$. vFin : STense -> Voice -> VForm = \t,v -> case t of { SPres => VF (VPres v) ; --# notpresent SPast => VF (VPret v) ; --# notpresent _ => VI (VInfin v) --# notpresent } ; -- Used in $ConjunctionScand$. conjGender : Gender -> Gender -> Gender = \g,h -> case g of { Utr => h ; _ => Neutr } ; conjAgr : (_,_ : Agr) -> Agr = \a,b -> { g = conjGender a.g b.g ; n = conjNumber a.n b.n ; p = conjPerson a.p b.p } ; --- -- For $Lex$. -- For each lexical category, here are the worst-case constructors. -- -- But $mkNoun$ is fully defined only for each language, since -- $Gender$ varies. nounForms : (x1,_,_,x4 : Str) -> (Number => Species => Case => Str) = \man,mannen,men,mennen -> \\n,d,c => case of { => mkCase c man ; => mkCase c mannen ; => mkCase c men ; => mkCase c mennen } ; Adjective : Type = {s : AForm => Str} ; mkAdjective : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,x7 : Str) -> {s : AForm => Str} = \liten, litet, lilla, sma, mindre, minst, minsta -> { s = table { AF (APosit a) c => mkCase c (mkAdjPos a liten litet lilla sma) ; AF ACompar c => mkCase c mindre ; AF (ASuperl SupStrong) c => mkCase c minst ; AF (ASuperl SupWeak) c => mkCase c minsta } } ; mkVerb9 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,x9 : Str) -> {s : VForm => Str ; vtype : VType} = \finna,finner,finn,fann,funnit,funnen,funnet,funna, finnande -> { s = table { VF (VPres Act) => finner ; VF (VPres Pass) => mkVoice Pass finn ; VF (VPret v) => mkVoice v fann ; --# notpresent VF (VImper v) => mkVoice v finn ; VI (VInfin v) => mkVoice v finna ; VI (VSupin v) => mkVoice v funnit ; --# notpresent VI (VPtPret a c)=> mkCase c (mkAdjPos a funnen funnet funna funna) ; VI (VPtPres n d c) => case of { => mkCase c finnande ; => mkCase c (finnande + "t") ; => mkCase c (finnande + "n") ; => mkCase c (finnande + "na") ---- TODO "ne" in Dan, Nor } } ; vtype = VAct } ; -- These are useful auxiliaries. mkCase : Case -> Str -> Str = \c,f -> case c of { Nom => f ; Gen => f + case last f of { "s" | "z" | "x" => [] ; _ => "s" } } ; mkAdjPos : AFormPos -> (s1,_,_,s4 : Str) -> Str = \a, liten, litet, lilla, sma -> case a of { Strong gn => case gn of { GSg Utr => liten ; GSg Neutr => litet ; GPl => sma } ; Weak Sg => lilla ; Weak Pl => sma } ; mkVoice : Voice -> Str -> Str = \v,s -> case v of { Act => s ; Pass => s + case last s of { "s" => "es" ; _ => "s" } } ; -- For $Noun$. artDef : GenNum -> Str = \gn -> gennumForms "den" "det" "de" ! gn ; mkNP : (x1,_,_,_,x5 : Str) -> Gender -> Number -> Person -> {s : NPForm => Str ; a : Agr} = \du,dig,din,ditt,dina,g,n,p -> { s = table { NPNom => du ; NPAcc => dig ; NPPoss h c => mkCase c (gennumForms din ditt dina ! h) } ; a = { g = g ; n = n ; p = p } } ; gennumForms : (x1,x2,x3 : Str) -> GenNum => Str = \den,det,de -> table { GSg Utr => den ; GSg Neutr => det ; _ => de } ; detForms : (x1,x2,x3 : Str) -> Gender => Number => Str = \den,det,de -> \\g,n => gennumForms den det de ! gennum g n ; regNP : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Number -> {s : NPForm => Str ; a : Agr} = \det,dess,g,n -> mkNP det det dess dess dess g n P3 ; -- For $Verb$. VP = { s : Voice => VPForm => { fin : Str ; -- V1 har ---s1 inf : Str -- V2 sagt ---s4 } ; sp : PartForm => Str ; -- present or past participle a1 : Polarity => Agr => Str ; -- A1 inte ---s3 själv/själva/självt n2 : Agr => Str ; -- N2 dig ---s5 a2 : Str ; -- A2 idag ---s6 ext : Str ; -- S-Ext att hon går ---s7 --- ea1,ev2, --- these depend on params of v and a1 en2,ea2,eext : Bool -- indicate if the field exists } ; insertObj : (Agr => Str) -> VP -> VP = \obj,vp -> vp ** { n2 = \\a => obj ! a ++ vp.n2 ! a ; en2 = True ; } ; insertObjPost : (Agr => Str) -> VP -> VP = \obj,vp -> vp ** { n2 = \\a => vp.n2 ! a ++ obj ! a ; en2 = True ; } ; insertAdv : Str -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp -> vp ** { a2 = vp.a2 ++ adv ; ea2 = True ; } ; insertExt : Str -> VP -> VP = \ext,vp -> vp ** { ext = vp.ext ++ ext ; eext = True ; } ; insertAdV : Str -> VP -> VP = \adv -> insertAdVAgr (\\_ => adv) ; insertAdVAgr : (Agr => Str) -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp ->vp ** { a1 = \\b,a => vp.a1 ! b ! a ++ adv ! a ; } ; passiveVP : VP -> VP = \vp -> { s = \\_ => vp.s ! Pass ; -- forms the s-passive sp = vp.sp ; a1 = vp.a1 ; n2 = vp.n2 ; a2 = vp.a2 ; ext = vp.ext ; en2 = vp.en2 ; ea2 = vp.ea2 ; eext = vp.eext } ; infVP : VP -> Agr -> Str = \vp,a -> infVPPlus vp a Simul Pos ; infVPPlus : VP -> Agr -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> Str = \vp,a,ant,pol -> vp.a1 ! pol ! a ++ (vp.s ! Act ! VPInfinit ant).inf ++ vp.n2 ! a ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.ext ; --- a1 partVPPlus : VP -> PartForm -> Agr -> Polarity -> Str = \vp,pf,a,pol -> vp.a1 ! pol ! a ++ vp.n2 ! a ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.ext ++ vp.sp ! pf ; -- verb final: i sängen liggande partVPPlusPost : VP -> PartForm -> Agr -> Polarity -> Str = \vp,pf,a,pol -> vp.a1 ! pol ! a ++ vp.sp ! pf ++ vp.n2 ! a ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.ext ; -- verb first: liggande i sängen -- For $Sentence$. Clause : Type = { s : STense => Anteriority => Polarity => Order => Str } ; mkClause : Str -> Agr -> VP -> Clause = \subj,agr,vp -> { s = \\t,a,b,o => let verb = vp.s ! Act ! VPFinite t a ; neg = vp.a1 ! b ! agr ; compl = vp.n2 ! agr ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.ext in case o of { Main => subj ++ verb.fin ++ neg ++ verb.inf ++ compl ; Inv => verb.fin ++ subj ++ neg ++ verb.inf ++ compl ; Sub => subj ++ neg ++ verb.fin ++ verb.inf ++ compl } } ; }