--# -path=.:../abstract concrete ExtensionsGer of Extensions = CatGer ** open MorphoGer, ResGer, ParadigmsGer, SyntaxGer, (E = ExtraGer), (G = GrammarGer), Prelude in { flags literal=Symb ; coding = utf8 ; lincat VPI = E.VPI ; ListVPI = E.ListVPI ; VPS = E.VPS ; ListVPS = E.ListVPS ; lin MkVPI = E.MkVPI ; ConjVPI = E.ConjVPI ; ComplVPIVV = E.ComplVPIVV ; MkVPS = E.MkVPS ; ConjVPS = E.ConjVPS ; PredVPS = E.PredVPS ; BaseVPI = E.BaseVPI ; ConsVPI = E.ConsVPI ; BaseVPS = E.BaseVPS ; ConsVPS = E.ConsVPS ; ---- GenNP = E.GenNP ; ---- GenIP = E.GenIP ; ---- GenRP = E.GenRP ; PassVPSlash = E.PassVPSlash ; PassAgentVPSlash = E.PassAgentVPSlash ; EmptyRelSlash = E.EmptyRelSlash ; lin ComplVV v ant p vp = let vpi = infVP v.isAux vp in insertExtrapos vpi.p4 ( insertInfExt vpi.p3 ( insertInf vpi.p2 ( insertObj vpi.p1 ( predVGen v.isAux v)))) ; PastPartRS ant pol sl = { -- guessed by KA, some fields in sl are ignored!! s = \\gn => let agr = agrgP3 Masc (numGenNum gn) in sl.s.s ! VPastPart APred ++ (sl.nn ! agr).p1 ++ (sl.nn ! agr).p2 ++ sl.a2; c = Nom } ; PresPartRS ant pol vp = { -- guessed by KA!! s = \\gn => let agr = agrgP3 Masc (numGenNum gn) in vp.s.s ! VPresPart APred ++ (vp.nn ! agr).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agr).p2; c = Nom } ; PredVPosv = G.PredVP; PredVPovs = G.PredVP; CompoundN noun cn = { s = \\n,c => glue noun.co (cn.uncap.s ! n ! c) ; co = glue noun.co (cn.uncap.co) ; uncap = { s = \\n,c => glue noun.uncap.co (cn.uncap.s ! n ! c) ; co = glue noun.uncap.co (cn.uncap.co) } ; g = cn.g } ; {- ---- doesn't compile AR 22/5/2015 CompoundN noun cn = { s = \\n,c => glue noun.co (cn.s ! n ! c) ; co = glue noun.co (cn.co) ; g = cn.g } ; -} CompoundAP noun adj = { s = \\af => glue (noun.s ! Sg ! Nom) (adj.s ! Posit ! af) ; isPre = True } ; GerundNP vp = { -- infinitive: Bier zu trinken s = \\c => (prepC c).s ++ useInfVP False vp ; a = Ag Neutr Sg P3 ; isPron = False } ; GerundAdv vp = { -- Bier trinkend s = (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p2 ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.inf ++ vp.ext ++ vp.infExt ++ vp.s.s ! VPresPart APred } ; WithoutVP vp = { -- ohne Bier zu trinken s = "ohne" ++ useInfVP False vp } ; InOrderToVP vp = { -- um Bier zu trinken s = "um" ++ useInfVP False vp } ; ByVP vp = { ---- durch Bier zu drinken s = "durch" ++ useInfVP False vp ---- } ; PresPartAP vp = { s = \\af => (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p2 ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.inf ++ vp.ext ++ vp.infExt ++ vp.s.s ! VPresPart af ; isPre = True } ; PastPartAP vp = { s = \\af => (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p2 ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.inf ++ vp.ext ++ vp.infExt ++ vp.s.s ! VPastPart af ; isPre = True } ; PastPartAgentAP vp np = let agent = (SyntaxGer.mkAdv von_Prep (lin NP np)).s in { s = \\af => (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p2 ++ vp.a2 ++ agent ++ vp.inf ++ vp.ext ++ vp.infExt ++ vp.s.s ! VPastPart af ; isPre = True } ; {- OrdCompar a = {s = \\c => a.s ! AAdj Compar c } ; -- higher PositAdVAdj a = {s = a.s ! AAdv} ; -- really UseQuantPN q pn = {s = \\c => q.s ! False ! Sg ++ pn.s ! npcase2case c ; a = agrgP3 Sg pn.g} ; -- this London SlashV2V v p vp = insertObjc (\\a => p.s ++ case p.p of {CPos => ""; _ => "nicht"} ++ -- force not to sleep v.c3 ++ infVP v.typ vp a) (predVc v) ; ComplPredVP np vp = { -- ? s = \\t,a,b,o => let verb = vp.s ! t ! a ! b ! o ! np.a ; compl = vp.s2 ! np.a in case o of { ODir => compl ++ "," ++ np.s ! npNom ++ verb.aux ++ verb.adv ++ vp.ad ++ verb.fin ++ verb.inf ; OQuest => verb.aux ++ compl ++ "," ++ np.s ! npNom ++ verb.adv ++ vp.ad ++ verb.fin ++ verb.inf } } ; -} CompS s = {s = \\_ => "dass" ++ s.s ! Main} ; -- S -> Comp CompVP ant p vp = {s = \\_ => useInfVP True vp} ; -- VP -> Comp lin that_RP = which_RP ; UttAdV adv = adv; DirectComplVS t np vs utt = mkS (lin Adv (optCommaSS utt)) (mkS t positivePol (mkCl np (lin V vs))) ; DirectComplVQ t np vs q = mkS (lin Adv (optCommaSS (mkUtt q))) (mkS t positivePol (mkCl np (lin V vs))) ; FocusObjS np sslash = mkS (lin Adv (ss (appPrep sslash.c2 np.s))) ; }