General Note ------------ If you want to use the statistical ranking in the parser then you have to compile your grammar with the option '-probs=grammar.probs', where grammar.probs must contain a tab separated file with the probabilities for all functions in the abstract syntax. In order to enable the named entity recongizer for the ParseEngAbs grammar you also have to add the option '-literal=Symb' while compiling. For Linux users --------------- You will need the packages: autoconf, libtool, make The compilation steps are: $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make $ make install For Mac OSX users ----------------- The following is what I did to make it work on MacOSX 10.8: - Install XCode and XCode command line tools - Install Homebrew: $ brew install automake autoconf libtool $ glibtoolize $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make $ make install For Windows users ----------------- - Install MinGW: From the installer you need to select at least the following packages: - Mingw-developer-toolkit - Mingw-base - Msys-base After the installation, don't forget to fix the fstab file. See here: - From the MSYS shell (c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/msys.bat) go to the directory which contains the INSTALL file and do: $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make $ make install The compiled binaries should be now in c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local/bin.