#!/usr/bin/make -f %: +dh $@ #dh_shlibdeps has a problem finding which package some of the Haskell #libraries come from, even though dpkg-query -S has no problem finding them. #But the gf executable is statically linked against the Haskell libraries, so #it will work even if these shared libraries aren't installed. But there will #be a problem if other shared libraries are missing (.e.g. libtinfo, libgmp), #so we need a better solution than simply ignoring all dependency problems... #See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11238134/dpkg-shlibdeps-error-no-dependency-information-found-for override_dh_shlibdeps: dh_shlibdeps --dpkg-shlibdeps-params=--ignore-missing-info override_dh_auto_build: cd src/runtime/python && EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS=$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c EXTRA_LIB_DIRS=$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c/.libs python setup.py build cd src/runtime/java && make CFLAGS="-I$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c -L$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c/.libs" INSTALL_PATH=/usr/lib echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c/.libs LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c/.libs cabal build make html override_dh_auto_clean: rm -fr dist/build -cd src/runtime/python && rm -fr build -cd src/runtime/java && make clean -cd src/runtime/c && make clean override_dh_auto_configure: cd src/runtime/c && bash setup.sh configure --prefix=/usr cd src/runtime/c && bash setup.sh build cabal update cabal install --only-dependencies cabal configure --prefix=/usr -fserver -fc-runtime --extra-lib-dirs=$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c/.libs --extra-include-dirs=$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c override_dh_auto_install: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(CURDIR)/src/runtime/c/.libs cabal copy --destdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/gf cd src/runtime/c && bash setup.sh copy prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/gf/usr cd src/runtime/python && python setup.py install --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/gf/usr cd src/runtime/java && make INSTALL_PATH=$(CURDIR)/debian/gf/usr/lib install D="`find debian/gf -name site-packages`" && [ -n "$$D" ] && cd $$D && cd .. && mv site-packages dist-packages override_dh_auto_test: ifneq (nocheck,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) true # cabal test endif