--# -path=.:../english:../abstract:../translator concrete ParseChi of ParseEngAbs = TenseChi, --- CatChi, NounChi - [PPartNP], AdjectiveChi, NumeralChi, SymbolChi [PN, Symb, String, CN, Card, NP, MkSymb, SymbPN, CNNumNP], ConjunctionChi, VerbChi - [SlashV2V, PassV2, UseCopula, ComplVV, CompAP, AdvVP], AdverbChi, PhraseChi, SentenceChi, QuestionChi - [QuestCl], RelativeChi, IdiomChi [NP, VP, Tense, Cl, ProgrVP, ExistNP, SelfAdvVP, SelfAdVVP, SelfNP], ConstructionChi, DocumentationChi, ExtraChi [NP, Quant, VPSlash, VP, Tense, GenNP, PassVPSlash, PassAgentVPSlash, Temp, Pol, Conj, VPS, ListVPS, S, Num, CN, RP, MkVPS, BaseVPS, ConsVPS, ConjVPS, PredVPS, GenRP, VPI, VPIForm, VPIInf, VPIPresPart, ListVPI, VV, MkVPI, BaseVPI, ConsVPI, ConjVPI, ComplVPIVV, ClSlash, RCl, EmptyRelSlash, ListCN, ConjCN, BaseCN, ConsCN], DictionaryChi ** open ResChi, ParadigmsChi, SyntaxChi, Prelude, (G = GrammarChi), (E = ExtraChi) in { flags literal=Symb ; coding = utf8 ; -- Chinese-specific overrides lin CompAP = G.CompAP | E.CompBareAP ; -- he is good | he good AdvVP vp adv = E.TopicAdvVP vp adv | G.AdvVP vp adv ; -- he *today* here sleeps | *today* he here sleeps QuestCl cl = G.QuestCl cl | E.QuestRepV cl ; -- he comes 'ma' | he come not come lin EmptyRelSlash slash = mkRCl ; that_RP = which_RP ; -- lexical entries -- another_Quant = mkQuantifier "otro" "otra" "otros" "otras" ; -- some_Quant = mkQuantifier "algĂșn" "alguna" "algunos" "algunas" ; -- anySg_Det = mkDeterminer "algĂșn" "alguna" Sg False ; ---- also meaning "whichever" ? -- each_Det = SyntaxChi.every_Det ; -- but_Subj = {s = "pero" ; m = Indic} ; ---- strange to have this as Subj {- myself_NP = regNP "myself" singular ; yourselfSg_NP = regNP "yourself" singular ; himself_NP = regNP "himself" singular ; herself_NP = regNP "herself" singular ; itself_NP = regNP "itself" singular ; ourself_NP = regNP "ourself" plural ; yourselfPl_NP = regNP "yourself" plural ; themself_NP = regNP "themself" plural ; themselves_NP = regNP "themselves" plural ; -} CompoundCN num noun cn = {s = num.s ++ noun.s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; ---- DashCN noun cn = {s = noun.s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; ---- {- DashCN noun1 noun2 = { s = \\n,c => noun1.s ! Sg ! Nom ++ "-" ++ noun2.s ! n ! c ; g = noun2.g } ; -} GerundN v = { s = v.s ; c = ge_s ---- ge } ; GerundAP v = { s = v.s ++ de_s ; ---- monoSyl = False ; hasAdA = True ; --- } ; PastPartAP v = { s = v.s ++ de_s ; monoSyl = False ; hasAdA = True ; --- } ; ---- PastPartAP v = v ; ---- {- OrdCompar a = {s = \\c => a.s ! AAdj Compar c } ; -} PositAdVAdj a = {s = a.s} ; UseQuantPN q pn = {s = q.s ++ ge_s ++ pn.s} ; ---- ge SlashV2V v a p vp = insertObj (ResChi.mkNP (a.s ++ p.s ++ useVerb vp.verb ! p.p ! APlain ++ vp.compl)) (predV v v.part) ** {c2 = v.c2 ; isPre = v.hasPrep} ; ---- aspect {- SlashVPIV2V v p vpi = insertObjc (\\a => p.s ++ v.c3 ++ vpi.s ! VVAux ! a) (predVc v) ; -} ---- TODO: find proper expressions for OSV and OVS in Chi PredVPosv np vp = PredVP np vp ; ---- (lin NP np) (lin VP vp) ; ---- PredVPovs np vp = PredVP np vp ; ---- (lin NP np) (lin VP vp) ; ---- CompS s = insertObj s (predV copula []) ; ---- CompQS qs = insertObj qs (predV copula []) ; ---- CompVP ant p vp = insertObj (ss (infVP vp)) (predV copula []) ; ---- {- VPSlashVS vs vp = insertObj (\\a => infVP VVInf vp Simul CPos a) (predV vs []) ** {c2 = ""; gapInMiddle = False} ; -} PastPartRS ant pol vp = { ---- copied from PresPartRS s = ant.s ++ pol.s ++ vp.prePart ++ useVerb vp.verb ! pol.p ! APlain ++ vp.compl ++ which_RP.s ---- aspect } ; ---- ?? PresPartRS ant pol vp = { ---- copied from RelVP s = ant.s ++ pol.s ++ vp.prePart ++ useVerb vp.verb ! pol.p ! APlain ++ vp.compl ++ which_RP.s ---- aspect } ; ---- ?? ComplVV v a p vp = { verb = v ; compl = a.s ++ p.s ++ vp.topic ++ vp.prePart ++ useVerb vp.verb ! p.p ! APlain ++ vp.compl ; ---- aspect prePart, topic = [] } ; ApposNP np1 np2 = { s = np1.s ++ chcomma ++ np2.s } ; AdAdV = cc2 ; UttAdV adv = adv; }