concrete PredEng of Pred = CatEng [Ant,NP,Utt,IP,IAdv,IComp,Conj,RP,RS,Subj] ** PredFunctor - [ -- for all these, special qforms added in Eng PassUseV, AgentPassUseV, UseVPC, PredVP, QuestVP, RelVP, UseCN, -- insert article UseCl, -- for contracted forms QuestIComp ---- IComp has no parameters in Eng ] with (PredInterface = PredInstanceEng) ** open PredInstanceEng, (R = ResEng) in { -- overrides lin PassUseV x a t p v = initPrVerbPhraseV a t p v ** { v = \\agr => tenseV (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p passive agr v ; vc = \\agr => tenseVContracted (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p passive agr v ; inf = \\vt => tenseInfV a.s a.a p.p passive v vt ; obj2 = ; -- becomes subject control even if object control otherwise "*she was promised by us to love ourselves" qforms = \\agr => qformsCopula (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p agr ; } ; AgentPassUseV x a t p v np = initPrVerbPhraseV a t p v ** { v = \\agr => tenseV (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p passive agr v ; v = \\agr => tenseVContracted (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p passive agr v ; inf = \\vt => tenseInfV a.s a.a p.p passive v vt ; obj2 = ; -- becomes subject control even if object control otherwise "*she was promised by us to love ourselves" adv = appComplCase agentCase np ; qforms = \\agr => qformsCopula (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p agr ; } ; UseCN x a t p cn = useCopula a t p ** { c1 = cn.c1 ; c2 = cn.c2 ; adj = \\a => case agr2nagr a of {Sg => R.artIndef ++ cn.s ! Sg ; Pl => cn.s ! Pl} ; obj1 = ; } ; PredVP x np vp = vp ** { v = applyVerb vp (agr2vagr np.a) ; vc = ! (agr2vagr np.a) ; subj = appSubjCase np ; adj = vp.adj ! np.a ; obj1 = vp.part ++ strComplCase vp.c1 ++ vp.obj1.p1 ! np.a ; ---- apply complCase ---- place of part depends on obj obj2 = strComplCase vp.c2 ++ vp.obj2.p1 ! (case vp.obj2.p2 of {True => np.a ; False => vp.obj1.p2}) ; ---- apply complCase c3 = vp.c1 ; -- in case there is any free slot left ---- could be c2 qforms = qformsVP vp (agr2vagr np.a) ; } ; QuestVP x ip vp = let ipa = ipagr2agr ip.n in { v = applyVerb vp (ipagr2vagr ip.n) ; vc = ! (ipagr2vagr ip.n) ; foc = ip.s ! subjCase ; focType = FocSubj ; subj = [] ; adj = vp.adj ! ipa ; obj1 = vp.part ++ strComplCase vp.c1 ++ vp.obj1.p1 ! ipa ; ---- appComplCase obj2 = strComplCase vp.c2 ++ vp.obj2.p1 ! (case vp.obj2.p2 of {True => ipa ; False => vp.obj1.p2}) ; ---- appComplCase c3 = noComplCase ; -- for one more prep to build ClSlash ---- ever needed for QCl? adv = vp.adv ; adV = vp.adV ; ext = vp.ext ; qforms = qformsVP vp (ipagr2vagr ip.n) ; } ; UseCl cl = {s = declCl cl} | {s = declClContracted cl} ; RelVP rp vp = let cl : Agr -> PrClause = \a -> let rpa = rpagr2agr rp.a a in vp ** { v = applyVerb vp (agr2vagr rpa) ; vc = ! (agr2vagr rpa) ; subj = rp.s ! subjRPCase a ; adj = vp.adj ! rpa ; obj1 = vp.part ++ strComplCase vp.c1 ++ vp.obj1.p1 ! rpa ; ---- apply complCase ---- place of part depends on obj obj2 = strComplCase vp.c2 ++ vp.obj2.p1 ! (case vp.obj2.p2 of {True => rpa ; False => vp.obj1.p2}) ; ---- apply complCase c3 = noComplCase ; -- for one more prep to build ClSlash qforms = qformsVP vp (agr2vagr rpa) ; } in {s = \\a => declCl (cl a) ; c = subjCase} ; UseVPC x vpc = initPrVerbPhrase ** { ---- big loss of quality (overgeneration) seems inevitable v = \\a => <[], [], vpc.s1 ++ vpc.v ! a> ; inf = \\vt => vpc.inf ! defaultAgr ! vt ; ---- agr imp = vpc.imp ; c1 = vpc.c1 ; c2 = vpc.c2 ; qforms = \\a => <"do", vpc.inf ! defaultAgr ! vvInfinitive> ; ---- do/does/did } ; lin QuestIComp a t p icomp np = let vagr = (agr2vagr np.a) in initPrClause ** { v = tenseCopula (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p vagr ; vc = tenseCopulaC (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p vagr ; subj = np.s ! subjCase ; foc = icomp.s ; focType = FocObj ; qforms = qformsCopula (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p vagr ; } ; -- not in functor anyway NomVPNP vpi = { s = \\c => vpi.s ! R.VVPresPart ! defaultAgr ; a = defaultAgr } ; ByVP x vp vpi = vp ** {adv = "by" ++ vpi.s ! R.VVPresPart ! defaultAgr} ; ---- agr WhenVP x vp vpi = vp ** {adv = "when" ++ vpi.s ! R.VVPresPart ! defaultAgr} ; ---- agr BeforeVP x vp vpi = vp ** {adv = "before" ++ vpi.s ! R.VVPresPart ! defaultAgr} ; ---- agr AfterVP x vp vpi = vp ** {adv = "after" ++ vpi.s ! R.VVPresPart ! defaultAgr} ; ---- agr InOrderVP x vp vpi = vp ** {adv = "in order" ++ vpi.s ! R.VVInf ! defaultAgr} ; ---- agr WithoutVP x vp vpi = vp ** {adv = "without" ++ vpi.s ! R.VVPresPart ! defaultAgr} ; ---- agr }