instance PredInstanceFin of PredInterface - [ NounPhrase, PrVerb, initPrVerb, PrVerbPhrase, initPrVerbPhrase, initPrVerbPhraseV, useCopula, linrefPrVP, qformsVP, applyVerb, addObj2VP, initBasePrVerbPhrase, initBasePrVerbPhraseV, PrClause, initPrClause ] = open ResFin, (P = ParadigmsFin), (S = StemFin), (X = ParamX), Prelude in { -- overrides oper NounPhrase = ResFin.NP ; PrVerb = StemFin.SVerb1 ** { c1 : ComplCase ; c2 : ComplCase ; vvtype : ResFin.VVType ; } ; initPrVerb : PrVerb = { s = \\_ => [] ; sc = SCNom ; h = Back ; p = [] ; c1,c2 = noComplCase ; isSubjectControl = True ; vtype = Act ; vvtype = VVInf ; } ; PrVerbPhrase = { v : Agr => {fin,inf : Str} ; inf : VPIType => Str ; imp : ImpType => Str ; adj : Agr => Str ; obj1 : Agr => Str ; -- Bool => Polarity => Agr => Str ; -- talo/talon/taloa obj2 : Agr => Str ; -- Bool => Polarity => Agr => Str ; -- talo/talon/taloa adv : Str ; -- Polarity => Str ; -- ainakin/ainakaan adV : Str ; -- Polarity => Str ; -- ainakin/ainakaan ext : Str ; isNeg : Bool ; -- True if some complement is negative isPass : Bool ; -- True if the verb is rendered in the passive vvtype : ResFin.VVType ; sc : SubjCase ; h : Harmony ; c1 : Compl ; c2 : Compl ; qforms : VAgr => Str * Str ; } ; initPrVerbPhrase : PrVerbPhrase = { v : Agr => {fin,inf : Str} = \\_ => {fin,inf = []} ; inf : VPIType => Str = \\vtt => [] ; imp : ImpType => Str = \\_ => [] ; adj : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; obj1 : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; obj2 : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; adv : Str = [] ; adV : Str = [] ; ext : Str = [] ; isNeg : Bool = True ; isPass : Bool = False ; c1 : Compl = noComplCase ; c2 : Compl = noComplCase ; vvtype = VVInf ; sc = SCNom ; h = Back ; qforms : VAgr => Str * Str = \\_ => <[],[]> -- special Eng for introducing "do" in questions } ; initPrVerbPhraseV : {s : Str ; a : Anteriority} -> {s : Str ; t : STense} -> {s : Str ; p : Polarity} -> PrVerb -> PrVerbPhrase = \a,t,p,verb -> initPrVerbPhrase ** { v : Agr => {fin,inf : Str} = case of { SCNom => \\agr => finV (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p Act agr (lin PrV verb) ; _ => \\_ => finV (a.s ++ t.s ++ p.s) t.t a.a p.p Act defaultAgr (lin PrV verb) } ; inf : VPIType => Str = \\vtt => tenseInfV (a.s ++ p.s) a.a p.p Act (lin PrV verb) vtt ; imp : ImpType => Str = \\it => imperativeV p.s p.p it (lin PrV verb) ; adj : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; obj1 : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; obj2 : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; adv : Str = [] ; adV : Str = [] ; ext : Str = [] ; isNeg : Bool = False ; isPass : Bool = False ; c1 : Compl = verb.c1 ; c2 : Compl = verb.c2 ; vvtype = verb.vvtype ; sc = ; h = case a.a of {Anter => Back ; _ => verb.h} ; } ; useCopula : {s : Str ; a : Anteriority} -> {s : Str ; t : STense} -> {s : Str ; p : Polarity} -> PrVerbPhrase = \a,t,p -> initPrVerbPhraseV a t p (liftV P.olla_V) ; linrefPrVP : PrVerbPhrase -> Str = \_ -> "verbphrase" ; ---- PrClause = { subj : Str ; verb : {fin,inf : Str} ; adj : Str ; obj1 : Str ; obj2 : Str ; adv : Str ; adV : Str ; ext : Str ; h : Harmony ; c3 : Compl ; } ; initPrClause : PrClause = { subj : Str = [] ; verb : {fin,inf : Str} = {fin,inf = []} ; adj : Str = [] ; obj1 : Str = [] ; obj2 : Str = [] ; adv : Str = [] ; adV : Str = [] ; ext : Str = [] ; h : Harmony = Back ; c3 : Compl = noComplCase ; } ; --------------------- -- parameters ------- --------------------- oper Agr = ResFin.Agr ; Case = ResFin.Case ; NPCase = ResFin.NPForm ; VForm = S.SVForm ; VVType = VPIType ; VType = Voice ; ---- Gender = Unit ; ---- VAgr = Agr ; SVoice = Voice ; oper active = Act ; passive = Pass ; defaultVType = Act ; defaultVVType = vvInfinitive ; subjCase : NPCase = ResFin.NPCase Nom ; objCase : NPCase = NPAcc ; ComplCase = ResFin.Compl ; -- preposition agentCase : ComplCase = P.postGenPrep "toimesta" ; strComplCase : ComplCase -> Str = \c -> c.s.p1 ++ c.s.p2 ; appComplCase : ComplCase -> NounPhrase -> Str = \p,np -> appCompl True Pos p np ; noComplCase : ComplCase = P.accPrep ; ---- noObj : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; RPCase = NPCase ; subjRPCase : Agr -> RPCase = \a -> subjCase ; NAgr = Number ; IPAgr = Number ; --- two separate fields in RGL RPAgr = ResFin.RAgr ; ICAgr = Agr ; defaultAgr : Agr = Ag Sg P3 ; -- omitting rich Agr information agr2vagr : Agr -> VAgr = \a -> a ; agr2aagr : Agr -> AAgr = \a -> a ; agr2nagr : Agr -> NAgr = \a -> case a of {Ag n _ => n ; AgPol => Sg} ; -- minä olen pomo / te olette pomoja / te olette pomo agr2icagr : Agr -> ICAgr = \a -> a ; -- restoring full Agr ipagr2agr : IPAgr -> Agr = \a -> Ag a P3 ; ipagr2vagr : IPAgr -> VAgr = \n -> Ag n P3 ; rpagr2agr : RPAgr -> Agr -> Agr = \ra,a -> case ra of { RAg ag => ag ; RNoAg => a } ; --- this is only needed in VPC formation vagr2agr : VAgr -> Agr = \a -> a ; vPastPart : PrVerb -> AAgr -> Str = \v,a -> (S.sverb2verbSep v).s ! PastPartPass (aForm a) ; vPresPart : PrVerb -> AAgr -> Str = \v,a -> (S.sverb2verbSep v).s ! PresPartAct (aForm a) ; -- predicative adjective form aForm : AAgr -> AForm = \a -> case a of { Ag Pl _ => AN (NCase Pl Part) ; _ => AN (NCase Sg Nom) } ; ---- TODO: case system of PrAP vvInfinitive : VVType = VPIVV VVInf ; isRefl : PrVerb -> Bool = \_ -> False ; ---- -- the forms outside VPIVV to be used in adverbials such as "tekemällä" param VPIType = VPIVV (ResFin.VVType) | VPIInf3Adess | VPIInf3Abess | VPIInf2Iness | VPIInf1Long {- | VPIPastPartPassPart -} | VPIInf4Part ; -- tekemällä, tekemättä, tehdessä, tehdäkseen, tehtyään, tekemistä ------------------ --- opers -------- ------------------ oper reflPron : Agr -> Str = \a -> (ResFin.reflPron a).s ! NPAcc ; ---- case finV : Str -> STense -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> SVoice -> Agr -> PrVerb -> {fin,inf : Str} = \sta,t,a,pol,o,agr,v -> let vit = case o of {Act => VIFin t ; Pass => VIPass t} ; ovps = (S.vp2old_vp (S.predV v)).s ! vit ! a ! pol ! agr ; -- VIForm => Anteriority => Polarity => Agr => {fin, inf : Str} ; in {fin = sta ++ ovps.fin ; inf = ovps.inf} ; infV : Str -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> SVoice -> PrVerb -> VPIType -> Str = \sa,a,pol,o,v,vvt -> let vt = case vvt of { VPIVV vi => VIInf (vvtype2infform vi) ; VPIInf3Adess => VIInf Inf3Adess ; VPIInf3Abess => VIInf Inf3Abess ; VPIInf2Iness => VIInf Inf2Iness ; VPIInf1Long => VIInf Inf1Long ; ---- VPIPastPartPassPart => PastPartPass (AN (NCase Sg Part)) ; VPIInf4Part => VIInf Inf4Part } ; ovps = (S.vp2old_vp (S.predV v)).s ! vt ! a ! pol ! defaultAgr ; -- VIForm => Anteriority => Polarity => Agr => {fin, inf : Str} ; in sa ++ ovps.fin ++ ovps.inf ; tenseInfV : Str -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> SVoice -> PrVerb -> VVType -> Str = infV ; {- \sa,a,pol,o,v,vt -> let vt = Inf1 ; ---- ovps = (S.vp2old_vp (S.predV v)).s ! VIInf vt ! a ! pol ! defaultAgr ; -- VIForm => Anteriority => Polarity => Agr => {fin, inf : Str} ; in sa ++ ovps.fin ++ ovps.inf ; -} infVP : VVType -> Agr -> PrVerbPhrase -> Str = \vvt,agr,vp -> vp.inf ! vvt ++ vp.adV ++ vp.adj ! agr ++ vp.obj1 ! agr ++ vp.obj2 ! agr ++ vp.adv ++ vp.ext ; impVP : Number -> PrVerbPhrase -> Str = \n,vp -> let agr = Ag n P2 in vp.imp ! n ++ vp.adV ++ vp.adj ! agr ++ vp.obj1 ! agr ++ vp.obj2 ! agr ++ vp.adv ++ vp.ext ; declCl : PrClause -> Str = \cl -> cl.subj ++ cl.verb.fin ++ cl.adV ++ cl.verb.inf ++ cl.adj ++ cl.obj1 ++ cl.obj2 ++ cl.adv ++ cl.ext ; declSubordCl : PrClause -> Str = declCl ; declInvCl : PrClause -> Str = declCl ; --- questCl : PrQuestionClause -> Str = \cl -> let ko = case cl.h of {Back => "ko" ; Front => "kö"} in case cl.focType of { NoFoc => cl.verb.fin ++ Predef.BIND ++ ko ++ cl.subj ++ cl.adV ++ cl.verb.inf ++ cl.adj ++ cl.obj1 ++ cl.obj2 ++ cl.adv ++ cl.ext ; _ => cl.foc ++ cl.subj ++ cl.verb.fin ++ cl.adV ++ cl.verb.inf ++ cl.adj ++ cl.obj1 ++ cl.obj2 ++ cl.adv ++ cl.ext } ; questSubordCl : PrQuestionClause -> Str = questCl ; that_Compl : Str = "että" ; -- this part is usually the same in all reconfigurations --- restCl : PrClause -> Str = \cl -> cl.v.p3 ++ cl.adj ++ cl.obj1 ++ cl.obj2 ++ cl.adv ++ cl.ext ++ cl.c3.s.p1 ++ cl.c3.s.p2 ; ---- c3 negAdV : {s : Str ; p : Polarity} -> Str = \p -> p.s ; tenseV : Str -> STense -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> SVoice -> VAgr -> PrVerb -> Str * Str * Str = \sta,t,a,pol,o,agr,v -> let vit = case o of {Act => VIFin t ; Pass => VIPass t} ; ovps = (S.vp2old_vp (S.predV v)).s ! vit ! a ! pol ! agr ; -- VIForm => Anteriority => Polarity => Agr => {fin, inf : Str} ; in ; imperativeV : Str -> Polarity -> ImpType -> PrVerb -> Str = \s,p,it,v -> let ovps = (S.vp2old_vp (S.predV v)).s ! VIImper ! Simul ! p ! Ag it P2 ; in s ++ ovps.fin ++ ovps.inf ; tenseCopula : Str -> STense -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> VAgr -> Str * Str * Str = \s,t,a,p,agr -> tenseV s t a p Act agr (liftV P.olla_V) ; tenseInfCopula : Str -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> VVType -> Str = \s,a,p,vt -> tenseInfV s a p Act (liftV P.olla_V) vt ; tenseImpCopula : Str -> Polarity -> ImpType -> Str = \s,p,it -> imperativeV s p it (liftV P.olla_V) ; noObj : Agr => Str = \\_ => [] ; applyVerb : PrVerbPhrase -> VAgr -> {inf,fin : Str} = \vp,agr -> vp.v ! agr ; addObj2VP : PrVerbPhrase -> (Agr => Str) -> PrVerbPhrase = \vp,obj -> vp ** { obj2 = \\a => vp.obj2 ! a ++ obj ! a ; } ; addExtVP : PrVerbPhrase -> Str -> PrVerbPhrase = \vp,ext -> vp ** { ext = ext ; } ; not_Str : Polarity -> Str = \p -> case p of {Pos => [] ; Neg => "inte"} ; liftV : S.SVerb1 -> PrVerb = \v -> initPrVerb ** v ; --- junk qformsV : Str -> STense -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> VAgr -> PrVerb -> Str * Str = \sta,t,a,p,agr,v -> <[],[]> ; qformsCopula : Str -> STense -> Anteriority -> Polarity -> VAgr -> Str * Str = \sta,t,a,p,agr -> <[],[]> ; qformsVP : PrVerbPhrase -> VAgr -> Str * Str = \vp,vagr -> <[],[]> ; }