concrete IdiomFre of Idiom = CatFre ** open (P = ParamX), PhonoFre, MorphoFre, ParadigmsFre, Prelude in { flags optimize=all_subs ; flags coding=utf8 ; lin ImpersCl vp = mkClause "il" True False (agrP3 Masc Sg) vp ; GenericCl vp = mkClause "on" True False (agrP3 Masc Sg) vp ; ExistNP np = mkClause "il" True False (agrP3 Masc Sg) (insertClit3 "y" (insertComplement (\\_ => (np.s ! Acc).ton) (predV avoir_V))) ; ExistIP ip = { s = \\t,a,p,_ => ip.s ! Nom ++ (mkClause "il" True False (agrP3 Masc Sg) (insertClit3 "y" (predV avoir_V))).s ! DDir ! t ! a ! p ! Indic ---- DInv } ; CleftNP np rs = mkClause elisCe True np.isPol (agrP3 Masc Sg) (insertComplement (\\_ => rs.s ! Indic ! np.a) (insertComplement (\\_ => (np.s ! rs.c).ton) (predV copula))) ; CleftAdv ad s = mkClause elisCe True False (agrP3 Masc Sg) (insertComplement (\\_ => conjThat ++ s.s ! Indic) (insertComplement (\\_ => ad.s) (predV copula))) ; ProgrVP vp = insertComplement (\\a => "en" ++ "train" ++ elisDe ++ infVP vp a) (predV copula) ; ImpPl1 vp = { s = mkImperative False P1 vp ! RPos ! Masc ! Pl --- fem } ; ImpP3 np vp = { s = (mkClause (np.s ! Nom).comp np.hasClit False np.a vp).s ! DInv ! RPres ! Simul ! RPos ! Conjunct } ; SelfAdvVP vp = insertComplement memePron vp ; SelfAdVVP vp = insertComplement memePron vp ; ---- should be AdV SelfNP np = heavyNP { s = \\c => (np.s ! c).ton ++ memePron ! np.a ; ---- moi moi-même ? a = np.a } ; oper elisCe = elision "c" ; memePron : Agr => Str = table { {n = Sg ; p = P1} => "moi-même" ; {n = Sg ; p = P2} => "toi-même" ; {g = Masc ; n = Sg ; p = P3} => "lui-même" ; {g = Fem ; n = Sg ; p = P3} => "elle-même" ; {n = Pl ; p = P1} => "nous-mêmes" ; {n = Pl ; p = P2} => "vous-mêmes" ; {g = Masc ; n = Pl ; p = P3} => "eux-mêmes" ; {g = Fem ; n = Pl ; p = P3} => "elles-mêmes" } ; }