concrete ExtraGer of ExtraGerAbs = CatGer ** open ResGer, Coordination, Prelude, IrregGer, (P = ParadigmsGer) in { flags coding=utf8 ; lincat VPI = {s : Bool => Str} ; [VPI] = {s1,s2 : Bool => Str} ; lin BaseVPI = twoTable Bool ; ConsVPI = consrTable Bool comma ; MkVPI vp = {s = \\b => useInfVP b vp} ; ConjVPI = conjunctDistrTable Bool ; ComplVPIVV v vpi = insertInf (vpi.s ! v.isAux) ( predVGen v.isAux v) ; ---- {- insertExtrapos vpi.p3 ( insertInf vpi.p2 ( insertObj vpi.p1 ( predVGen v.isAux v))) ; -} PPzuAdv cn = {s = case cn.g of { Masc | Neutr => "zum" ; Fem => "zur" } ++ cn.s ! adjfCase Weak Dat ! Sg ! Dat } ; TImpfSubj = {s = [] ; t = Past ; m = MConjunct} ; --# notpresent moegen_VV = auxVV mögen_V ; ICompAP ap = {s = \\_ => "wie" ++ ap.s ! APred ; ext = ap.c.p1 ++ ap.c.p2 ++ ap.ext} ; CompIQuant iq = {s = table {Ag g n p => iq.s ! n ! g ! Nom} ; ext = ""} ; IAdvAdv adv = {s = "wie" ++ adv.s} ; DetNPMasc det = { s = \\c => det.sp ! Masc ! c ; ---- genders a = agrP3 det.n ; isPron = False ; ext, adv, rc = [] } ; DetNPFem det = { s = \\c => det.sp ! Fem ! c ; ---- genders a = agrP3 det.n ; isPron = False ; ext, adv, rc = [] } ; EmptyRelSlash slash = { s = \\m,t,a,p,gn => appPrep slash.c2 (\\k => usePrepC k (\c -> relPron ! gn ! c)) ++ slash.s ! m ! t ! a ! p ! Sub ; c = (prepC slash.c2.c).c } ; PassVPSlash vp = let c = case of { => NPC Nom ; _ => vp.c2.c} in insertObj (\\_ => (PastPartAP vp).s ! APred) (predV werdenPass) ** {subjc = vp.c2 ** {c= c}} ; -- regulates passivised object: accusative objects -> nom; all others: same case -- this also gives "mit dir wird gerechnet" ; -- the alternative linearisation ("es wird mit dir gerechnet") is not implemented PassAgentVPSlash vp np = ---- "von" here, "durch" in StructuralGer insertObj (\\_ => (PastPartAgentAP (lin VPSlash vp) (lin NP np)).s ! APred) (predV werdenPass) ; PastPartAP vp = { s = \\af => (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p2 ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.inf ++ vp.ext ++ vp.infExt ++ vp.s.s ! VPastPart af ; isPre = True ; c = <[],[]> ; ext = [] } ; PastPartAgentAP vp np = let agent = appPrepNP P.von_Prep np in { s = \\af => (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agrP3 Sg).p2 ++ vp.a2 ++ agent ++ vp.inf ++ vp.c2.s ++ --- junk if not TV vp.ext ++ vp.infExt ++ vp.s.s ! VPastPart af ; isPre = True ; c = <[],[]> ; ext = [] } ; lincat VPS = {s : Order => Agr => Str} ; [VPS] = {s1,s2 : Order => Agr => Str} ; lin BaseVPS = twoTable2 Order Agr ; ConsVPS = consrTable2 Order Agr comma ; PredVPS np vpi = let subj = np.s ! NPC Nom ++ bigNP np ; agr = np.a ; in { s = \\o => let verb = vpi.s ! o ! agr in case o of { Main => subj ++ verb ; Inv => verb ++ subj ; ---- älskar henne och sover jag Sub => subj ++ verb } } ; MkVPS tm p vp = let vps = useVP vp in { s = \\o,agr => let ord = case o of { Sub => True ; -- glue prefix to verb _ => False } ; b = p.p ; a = tm.a ; t = tm.t ; m = tm.m ; subj = [] ; verb = vps.s ! ord ! agr ! VPFinite m t a ; neg = tm.s ++ p.s ++ vp.a1 ! b ; obj0 = (vp.nn ! agr).p1 ; obj = (vp.nn ! agr).p2 ; compl = obj0 ++ neg ++ obj ++ vp.a2 ; -- from EG 15/5 inf = vp.inf ++ verb.inf ; extra = vp.ext ; inffin : Str = case of { => verb.fin ++ inf ; -- double inf --# notpresent _ => inf ++ verb.fin --- or just auxiliary vp } in case o of { Main => subj ++ verb.fin ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ inf ++ extra ; Inv => verb.fin ++ subj ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ inf ++ extra ; Sub => subj ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ inffin ++ extra } } ; ConjVPS = conjunctDistrTable2 Order Agr ; lincat RNP = {s : Agr => Case => Str} ; lin ReflRNP vps rnp = insertObj (\\a => appPrep vps.c2 (\\k => usePrepC k (\c -> rnp.s ! a ! c))) vps ; ReflPoss num cn = {s = \\a,c => num.s ! cn.g ! c ++ possPron a num.n cn.g c ++ cn.s ! adjfCase Strong c ! num.n ! c} ; -- implementation of some of the relevant Foc rules from Extra lincat Foc = {s : Mood => ResGer.Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => Str} ; lin FocObj np cl = let n = appPrepNP cl.c2 np in mkFoc n cl ; FocAdv adv cl = mkFoc adv.s cl ; FocAP ap np = let adj = ap.s ! APred ; vp = predV sein_V ** {ext = ap.c.p1 ++ ap.c.p2 ++ ap.ext}; -- potentially not correct analysis for all examples -- works for: -- "treu ist sie ihm" -- "froh ist sie dass er da ist" -- "stolz ist sie auf ihn" subj = mkSubj np vp.subjc ; cl = mkClause subj.p1 subj.p2 vp in mkFoc adj cl ; UseFoc t p f = {s = t.s ++ p.s ++ f.s ! t.m ! t.t ! t.a ! p.p} ; -- extra rules to get some of the "es" alternative linearisations lin EsVV vv vp = predV vv ** { nn = \\a => let n = vp.nn ! a in <"es" ++ n.p1 , n.p2 > ; inf = vp.s.s ! (VInf True) ++ vp.inf ; -- ich genieße es zu versuchen zu gehen; alternative word order could be produced by vp.inf ++ vp.s.s... (zu gehen zu versuchen) a1 = vp.a1 ; a2 = vp.a2 ; ext = vp.ext ; infExt = vp.infExt ; adj = vp.adj } ; EsV2A v2a ap s = predV v2a ** { nn = \\_ => <"es",[]> ; adj = ap.s ! APred ; ext = "," ++ "dass" ++ s.s ! Sub} ; -- "es wird gelacht"; generating formal sentences lincat FClause = VP ** {subj : NP} ; lin VPass v = let vp = predV werdenPass ; in vp ** { subj = esSubj ; inf = v.s ! VPastPart APred } ; -- construct the formal clause AdvFor adv fcl = fcl ** {a2 = adv.s} ; FtoCl cl = let subj = mkSubj cl.subj cl.subjc in DisToCl subj.p1 subj.p2 cl ; oper -- extra operations for ExtraGer mkFoc : Str -> Cl -> Foc = \focus, cl -> lin Foc {s = \\m,t,a,p => focus ++ cl.s ! m ! t ! a ! p ! Inv} ; esSubj : NP = lin NP { s = \\_ => "es" ; rc, ext, adv = [] ; a = Ag Neutr Sg P3 ; isPron = True} ; DisToCl : Str -> Agr -> FClause -> Clause = \subj,agr,vp -> let vps = useVP vp in { s = \\m,t,a,b,o => let ord = case o of { Sub => True ; -- glue prefix to verb _ => False } ; verb = vps.s ! ord ! agr ! VPFinite m t a ; neg = vp.a1 ! b ; obj0 = (vp.nn ! agr).p1 ; obj = (vp.nn ! agr).p2 ; compl = obj0 ++ neg ++ vp.adj ++ obj ++ vp.a2 ; -- adj added inf = vp.inf ++ verb.inf ; -- not used for linearisation of Main/Inv extra = vp.ext ; inffin : Str = case of { => verb.fin ++ inf ; -- double inf --# notpresent _ => inf ++ verb.fin --- or just auxiliary vp } in case o of { Main => subj ++ verb.fin ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ verb.inf ++ extra ++ vp.inf ; Inv => verb.fin ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ verb.inf ++ extra ++ vp.inf ; Sub => compl ++ vp.infExt ++ inffin ++ extra } } ; -- this function is not entirely satisfactory as largely -- though not entirely duplicating mkClause in ResGer }