resource BeschGre = open Prelude,ResGre in { flags coding = utf8 ; oper mkImper : Str -> Str = \v -> case v of { c + "στ" => v + "άτε" ; c + ("β" | "γ" | "δ"| "ζ" |"θ" | "κ"| "μ" | "ν"| "π" |"ρ" | "τ"| "φ" | "χ" | "λλ" ) => v + "ετε" ; c + ("λ" | "σ"| "ξ" |"ψ" ) => v + "τε" }; -----For Contracted Verbs, give extra consonant---- mkContr : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { "σπάω" => "ζ" ; ("ακούω" | "κλαίω" | "καίω" | "φταίω" | "φυλάω") => "γ" }; ------Patterns for verbs with reduplication in the participle------- exept : pattern Str = #("πει"); exept2 : pattern Str = #("συνδε"); exept3 : pattern Str = #("τελε"); exept4 : pattern Str = #("διακο"); exept5 : pattern Str = #("εισα" | "εξα"); exept6 : pattern Str = # "προ" ; exept7 : pattern Str = # ("διαδω") ; -------Participles according to passive perfect stem ------------------ mkPartStem : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { "αρκεστ" => "αρκούμενος"; ---irreg "αποτελέσ" => "αποτελούμενος"; ---irreg "εξαιρεθ" => "εξηρημένος"; ---irreg "λήφθ" => "ειλλημένος"; ---irreg "κα" => "καμένος" ; ---irreg "κλαυτ" => "κλαμένος" ; ---irreg "ταξιδευτ" => "ταξιδεμένος" ; "κερδηθ" => "κερδισμένος" ; "αφεθ" => "αφημένος" ; "προστεθ"=> "προστιθέμενος" ; "τραγουδηθ" => "τραγουδισμένος" ; x@(#exept) + "στ" => "πε" + x + "σμένος" ; -----reduplication πε-πεισμένος x@(#exept2) + "θ" => x + "δε" + "μένος" ; -----reduplication συνδε-δε-μένος x@(#exept3) + "στ" => "τε" + x + "σμένος" ; -----reduplication τε-τελεσμένος x@(#exept4) + "π" => "δια" + "κε" + "κομμένος" ; -----reduplication δια-κε-κομμένος x@(#exept5) + "χθ" => x + "γό" + "μενος" ; -----reduplication εισαγ-ο-μενος x@(#exept6) + "βληθ" => x + "βε" + "βλημένος" ; -----reduplication προ-βε-βλημένος x@(#exept7) + "θ" => "δια" + "δε" + "δομένος" ; -----reduplication δια-δε-δομμένος x + ("στ" | "σθ"|"νθ" ) => x + "σμένος"; x + ("χτ" | "χθ" ) => x + "γμένος" ; x + "ευτ" => x + "ημένος" ; x + "αχ" => x + "εγμένος" ; x + ("φτ" | "φθ" | "π" | "φ" ) => x + "μμένος"; x + "εύσ" => x + "ευμένος" ; x + "ιώ" => x + "ιωμένος" ; x + "αρθ" => x + "αρμένος" ; x + "αλθ" => x + "αλμένος" ; x + "ερθ" => x + "ερμένος" ; x + "ηθ" => x + "ημένος" ; x + "ευρεθ" => x + "ευρισκόμενος" ; x + "ταθ" => x + "τεινόμενος" ; x + "υθ" => x + "υμένος" ; x + "εθ" => x + "εμένος" ; x + "ωθ" => x + "ωμένος" ; x + "αθ" => x + "αμένος" ; x + "θ" => x + "σμένος" ; x + "γ" => x + "γμένος" }; -------Stem for passive perfective according to active imperfective ------------------ mkStem : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { "βρέχω" => "βράχ" ; "δίνω" => "δόθ" ; "τρέφω" => "τράφ" ; "πνίγω" => "πνίγ" ; "σέρνω" => "σύρθ" ; "αφήνω" => "αφέθ" ; "σπέρνω" => "σπάρθ" ; "στέλνω" => "στάλθ" ; "στρέφω" => "στράφ" ; "σβήνω" => "σβήστ" ; "τρέπω" => "τράπ" ; "φθείρω" => "φθάρθ" ; "καθιστώ" => "καθίστ" ; "παρέχω" => "παρασχέθ" ; "συμμετέχω" => "συμμετάσχ" ; ("ψάλλω" | "ψέλνω" ) => "ψάλθ" ; x + "έχω" => x + "ασχέθ"; x + "είρω" => x + "έρθ"; ----εγείρω Irreg x + "κόπτω" => x + "κόπ" ; x + "ζω" => x + "χθ" ; ---σφάζω x + "νω" => x + "θ" ; ----χάνω x + "έω" => x + "εύστ" ; ----εμπνέω x + "χ" => x + "χ" ; x + "ξω" => x + "χθ" ; x + ("ττω" | "σσω") => x + "χθ" ; ---κυρήττω x + ("δω" | "θω") => x + "στ" ; ----πειθω x + "εύω" => x + "εύτ" ; --- γιατρεύω x + "αύω" => x + "αύτ" ; --- παύω x + ("βω" | "πω"| "πτω"|"φω" | "φτω") => x + "φτ"; ----θάβω x + ("γω" | "γγω"| "γχω"|"κω" | "σκω" | "χνω" | "χω") => x + "χθ" ----παράγω, σφίγγω }; -------Stem for passive perfective according to active perfective ------------------ mkStem2 : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { "κάψω" => "κά" ; "κλάψω" => "κλαύτ" ; "κλέψω" => "κλάπ" ; "κόψω" => "κόπ" ; "λάβω" => "λήφθ" ; "προτείνω" => "προτάθ" ; "προβάλλω" => "προβλήθ" ; "εφεύρω" => "εφευρέθ" ; "πλήξω" => "πλήγ" ; "θέσω" => "τέθ" ; "σώσω" => "σώθ" ; "πρήξω" => "πρήστ" ; "πετύχω" => "επιτεύχθ" ; x + "ζω" => x + "στ"; x + "ήσω" => x + "ήθ"; x + "πλήξω" => x + "πλάγ"; x + "σω" => x + "στ" ; x + "άρω" => x + "άρθ"; x + "είρω" => x + "άρθ"; x + "άω" => x + "αγώθ"; x + "λω" => x + "λθ" ; x + "σκω" => x + "σκήσθ" ; x + "ξω" => x + "χτ"; x + "ψω" => x + "φθ"; x + "άνω" => x + "άνθ"; x + "αρίσω" => x + "αρίστ"; x + "άρω" => x + "αρίστ"; x + "ιρίσω" => x + "ιρίστ"; x + "ίρω" => x + "ιρίστ"; x + "νω" => x + "θ" }; -------Stem for passive perfective according to active perfective, cases as in mkStem2, extra variations ------------------ mkStem3 : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { "εκτείσω" => "εκτάθ" ; "κερδίσω" => "κερδήθ" ; "παραδώσω" => "παραδόθ" ; "μάθω" => "μαθεύτ" ; "διαθέσω" => "διατέθ" ; "προσθέσω" => "προστέθ" ; x + "ίσω" => x + "ίστ" ; x + "σω" => x + "θ" ; x + "άνω" => x + "άθ"; x + "νω" => x + "νθ" ; x + "άβω" => x + "ήφθ" ; x + "μω" => x + "μηθ" ; x + "ξω" => x + "χθ" ; x + "εύω" => x + "εύτ" ; x + "άλλω" => x + "λήθ" }; -------Conjugation 2 (A,B).Stem for passive perfective regular ------------------ mkStem4 : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { x + "ήσ" => x + "ήθ"; x + "έσ" => x + "έστ"; x + "άσ" => x + "άστ" ; x + "άξ" => x + "άχτ" ; x + "ήξ" => x + "ήχτ" }; mkStem5 : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { x + "έσ" => x + "έθ" ; x + "ήσ" => x + "ήσθ"; x + "στ" => x + "στάχτ" ; x + "άξ" => x + "άχτ" ; "πώ" => "ειπώθ"; "δώ" => "ειδώθ"; x + "θώ" => "θηκ" }; ---For the formation of the passive imperative singular---- mkImperPassive : Str -> Str = \v -> case v of { "πλύν" => "πλύσ" ; c + "τεύχθ" => c + "τεύξ" ; c + "γείρ" => c + "γέρσ" ; c + "είρ" => c + "άρσ" ; c + "είν" => c + "άσ" ; c + "είλ" => c + "άλσ" ; c + "άγ" => c + "άξ" ; c + "άρ" => c + "άρσ" ; c + "εύρ" => c + "ευρέσ" ; c + "άξ" => c + "άξ" ; c + ( "άλ" |"άλλ" ) => c + "άλσ" ; _ => v }; -------------------Verbs of First Conjugation----------------- mkVerb1 : (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15 : Str) -> Verb = \paIzw, paIksw, Epeksa, Epeza, paIz,paIks, Epeks, Epez, De, p, p1, Imp, Imp2, Imp3 ,part-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => paIzw ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => paIz + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> paIz + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => paIz+ "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => paIz + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => paIz + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => paIz + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => paIz + "εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> paIz + "εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> p + "όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => paIz + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => paIz + "ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => paIksw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => paIks + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => paIks + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> paIks + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => paIks + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => paIks + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => p1 + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => p1 + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Epeksa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Epeks + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Epeks + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => paIks + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => paIks + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Epeks + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => De + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => De + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => p1 + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> p1 + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Epeza ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Epez + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Epez + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => paIz + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => paIz + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Epez + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> p + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => p + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => p + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => p + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> p + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => p + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => paIks + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => p1 + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp2 ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Imp3 ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => paIz + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => mkImperPassive paIks + "ου" ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => p1 + "είτε" ; Gerund => paIz + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; ---for verbs of First Conjugation, imperative typeA---- Verb1a : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ paIzw, paIksw, Epeksa, Epeza-> let paIz = init paIzw ; paIks = init paIksw ; Epeks = init Epeksa; Epez = init Epeza; De = mkStem paIzw; p = mkVerbStem paIz; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper paIks ; Imp2 = paIks + "ε"; Imp3 = paIz + "ε"; part= mkPartStem p1; in mkVerb1 paIzw paIksw Epeksa Epeza paIz paIks Epeks Epez De p p1 Imp Imp2 Imp3 part; ---for verbs of first Conjugation, imperative typeB---- Verb1b : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ anoIgw, anoIksw, Anoiksa, Anoiga-> let anoIg = init anoIgw ; anoIks = init anoIksw ; Anoiks = init Anoiksa; Anoig = init Anoiga; De = mkStem anoIgw; p = mkVerbStem anoIg; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper anoIks ; Imp2 = Anoiks + "ε"; Imp3 = Anoig + "ε"; part= mkPartStem p1; in mkVerb1 anoIgw anoIksw Anoiksa Anoiga anoIg anoIks Anoiks Anoig De p p1 Imp Imp2 Imp3 part; ---for verbs of first Conjugation,Stem2, imperative typeA---- Verb1c : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ kleInw, kleIsw, Ekleisa, Ekleina-> let kleIn = init kleInw ; kleIs = init kleIsw ; Ekleis = init Ekleisa; Eklein = init Ekleina; De = mkStem2 kleIsw; p = mkVerbStem kleIn; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper kleIs ; Imp2 = kleIs+ "ε" ; Imp3 = kleIn + "ε"; part= mkPartStem p1; in mkVerb1 kleInw kleIsw Ekleisa Ekleina kleIn kleIs Ekleis Eklein De p p1 Imp Imp2 Imp3 part ; ---for verbs of first Conjugation,Stem2, imperative typeB---- Verb1d : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ didAskw, didAksw, dIdaksa, dIdaska-> let didAsk = init didAskw ; didAks = init didAksw ; dIdaks = init dIdaksa; dIdask = init dIdaska; De = mkStem2 didAksw; p = mkVerbStem dIdask; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper didAks ; Imp2 = dIdaks + "ε" ; Imp3 = dIdask + "ε"; part= mkPartStem p1; in mkVerb1 didAskw didAksw dIdaksa dIdaska didAsk didAks dIdaks dIdask De p p1 Imp Imp2 Imp3 part; ----Verbs First Conjugation, stem3, alternative endings------ mkVerb1x : (idrYw,idrY,p,idrYsw,idrYs,p1,Idrysa,Idrys,De,Idry,idrY,Idrya,Imp,Imp2,part,ImpP : Str) -> Verb = \idrYw,idrY,p,idrYsw,idrYs,p1,Idrysa,Idrys,De,Idry,idrY,Idrya,Imp,Imp2,part,ImpP-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => idrYw ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => idrY + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> idrY + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => idrY+ "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => idrY + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => idrY + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => idrY + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => idrY + "εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> idrY + "εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> p + "όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => idrY + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => idrY + "ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => idrYsw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => idrYs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => idrYs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> idrYs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => idrYs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => idrYs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => p1 + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => p1 + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Idrysa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Idrys + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Idrys + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => idrYs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => idrYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Idrys + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => De + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => De + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => p1 + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> p1 + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Idrya ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Idry + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Idry + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => idrY + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => idrY + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Idry + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> p + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => p + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => p + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => p + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> p + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => p + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => idrYs + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => p1 + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp2; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Idry + "ε" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => idrY + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => ImpP; VImperative _ Pl Passive => p1 + "είτε" ; Gerund => idrY + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; Verb1dx : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \idrYw, idrYsw, Idrysa, Idrya-> let idrYs = init idrYsw ; Idrys = init Idrysa ; idrY = init idrYw; Idry = init Idrya; De = mkStem3 idrYsw; p = mkVerbStem Idry; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper idrYs; Imp2 = Idrys + "ε" ; part= mkPartStem p1; ImpP = idrYs + "ου" ; in mkVerb1x idrYw idrY p idrYsw idrYs p1 Idrysa Idrys De Idry idrY Idrya Imp Imp2 part ImpP; -----verbs with prepositional prefix----- Verb1prepSuf : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ syndEo, syndEso, synEdesa, synEdea-> let syndEs = init syndEso ; synEdes = init synEdesa ; syndE = init syndEo; synEde = init synEdea; syndEth = mkStem3 syndEso; synde = mkVerbStem syndE; syndeth = mkVerbStem syndEth ; syndEste = mkImper syndEs; Imp2 = synEdes + "ε" ; part= mkPartStem syndeth; ImpP = syndEs + "ου" ; in mkVerb1x syndEo syndE synde syndEso syndEs syndeth synEdesa synEdes syndEth synEde syndE synEdea syndEste Imp2 part ImpP ; Verb1dxx : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ mathaInw, mAthw, Ematha, mAthaina-> let mAth = init mAthw ; Emath = init Ematha ; mathaIn = init mathaInw; mAthain = init mAthaina; matheUt = mkStem3 mAthw; matheut = mkVerbStem matheUt ; matheu = init matheut; mAthete = mkImper mAth; Imp2 = mAth + "ε" ; part= mkPartStem matheut; ImpP = matheu + "σου" ; in mkVerb1x mathaInw mathaIn matheu mAthw mAth matheut Ematha Emath matheUt mAthain mathaIn mAthaina mAthete Imp2 part ImpP; Verb1dxxx : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ lamvAnw, lAvw, Elava, lAmvana-> let lAv = init lAvw ; Elav = init Elava ; lamvAn = init lamvAnw; lAmvan = init lAmvana; lIfth = mkStem3 lAvw ; lifth = mkVerbStem lIfth ; lamvan = mkVerbStem lAmvan; lAvete = mkImper lAv; Imp2 = lAv + "ε" ; ImpP = " " ; part= mkPartStem lIfth; in mkVerb1x lamvAnw lamvAn lamvan lAvw lAv lifth Elava Elav lIfth lAmvan lamvAn lAmvana lAvete Imp2 part ImpP; ---------Verbs of Second Conjugation, Type A ----------------- mkVerb2A : (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13 : Str) -> Verb = \agapW, agapIsw,agApisa, agapoYsa, agap, agapIs,agApis, agapoYs, De,p1, Imp, agAp,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => agapW ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => agap + "άς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> agap + "ά" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => agap+ "άμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => agap + "άτε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => agap + "ούν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => agap + "ιέμαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => agap + "ιέσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> agap + "ιέται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> agap + "ιόμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => agap + "ιέστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => agap + "ιούνται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => agapIsw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => agapIs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => agapIs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> agapIs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => agapIs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => agapIs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => p1 + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => p1 + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => agApisa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> agApis + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => agApis + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => agapIs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => agapIs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => agApis + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => De + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => De + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => p1 + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> p1 + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => agapoYsa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => agapoYs + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => agapoYs + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => agapoYs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => agapoYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => agapoYs + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> agap + "ιόμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => agap + "ιόσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => agap + "ιόταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => agap + "ιόμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> agap + "ιόσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => agap + "ιόντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => agapIs + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => p1 + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> agApis + "ε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => agAp + "α" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => agap + "άτε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => agapIs + "ου" ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => p1 + "είτε" ; Gerund => agap + "ώντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; ---for verbs of second Conjugation, typeA, using stem4------ Verb2a : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \agapW, agapIsw,agApisa, agapoYsa-> let agap = init agapW ; agapIs = init agapIsw ; agApis = init agApisa ; agapoYs = init agapoYsa ; De = mkStem4 agapIs ; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper agapIs ; part = mkPartStem p1 ; agAp = 2 agApis ; in mkVerb2A agapW agapIsw agApisa agapoYsa agap agapIs agApis agapoYs De p1 Imp agAp part; ---for verbs of second Conjugation, typeA, using stem5------ Verb2b : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ forW, forEsw, fOresa, foroYsa-> let for = init forW ; forEs = init forEsw ; fOres = init fOresa ; foroYs = init foroYsa ; De = mkStem5 forEs ; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper forEs ; part = mkPartStem p1 ; fOr = 2 fOres ; in mkVerb2A forW forEsw fOresa foroYsa for forEs fOres foroYs De p1 Imp fOr part; ---for verbs of second Conjugation, typeA, using stem4, with extra consonant in the imperative------ Verb2c : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ xepernW, xeperAsw, xepErasa, xepernoYsa-> let xepern = init xepernW ; xeperAs = init xeperAsw ; xepEras = init xepErasa ; xepernoYs = init xepernoYsa ; De = mkStem4 xeperAs ; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper xeperAs ; part = mkPartStem p1 ; xepEr = 2 xepEras + "v" ; in mkVerb2A xepernW xeperAsw xepErasa xepernoYsa xepern xeperAs xepEras xepernoYs De p1 Imp xepEr part; ---------Verbs of Second Conjugation, Type B ----------------- mkVerb2B : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \theoro,theoriso,theorisa, theorousa,theor,theorIs,theOris,theoroYs, De, p1, Imp,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => theoro ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => theor + "είς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> theor + "εί" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => theor+ "ούμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => theor + "είτε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => theor + "ούν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => theor + "ούμαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => theor + "είσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> theor + "είται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> theor + "ούμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => theor + "είστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => theor + "ούνται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => theoriso ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => theorIs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => theorIs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> theorIs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => theorIs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => theorIs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => p1 + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => p1 + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => theorisa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> theOris + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => theOris + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => theorIs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => theorIs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => theOris + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => De + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => De + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => p1 + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> p1 + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => theorousa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => theoroYs + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => theoroYs + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => theoroYs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => theoroYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => theoroYs + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> theor + "ούμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => theor + "ούσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => theor + "ούνταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => theor + "ούμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> theor + "ούσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => theor + "ούνταν" ; VNonFinite Active => theorIs + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => p1 + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> theOris + "ε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " "; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => theor + "είτε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => theorIs + "ου" ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => p1 + "είτε" ; Gerund => theor + "ώντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; ---for verbs of second Conjugation, typeB, Stem4------ Verb2Ba : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \theorW, theorIsw, theOrisa, theoroYsa-> let theor = init theorW ; theorIs = init theorIsw ; theOris = init theOrisa ; theoroYs = init theoroYsa ; De = mkStem4 theorIs ; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper theorIs ; part = mkPartStem p1 ; in mkVerb2B theorW theorIsw theOrisa theoroYsa theor theorIs theOris theoroYs De p1 Imp part ; Verb2Bb : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \afairW, afairEsw, afaIresa, afairoYsa-> let afair = init afairW ; afairEs = init afairEsw ; afaIres = init afaIresa ; afairoYs = init afairoYsa ; De = mkStem5 afairEs ; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper afairEs ; part = mkPartStem p1 ; in mkVerb2B afairW afairEsw afaIresa afairoYsa afair afairEs afaIres afairoYs De p1 Imp part ; ---------Verbs of Second Conjugation, Type B, different endings in passive ----------------- mkVerb2B3 : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \miso,misiso,misisa, misousa-> let mis = init miso ; misIs = init misiso ; mIsis = init misisa ; misoYs = init misousa ; De = mkStem4 misIs ; p1 = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper misIs ; part = mkPartStem p1 ; in { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => miso ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => mis + "είς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> mis + "εί" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => mis+ "ούμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => mis + "είτε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => mis + "ούν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => mis + "ιέμαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => mis + "ιέσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> mis + "ιέται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> mis + "ιόμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => mis + "ιέστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => mis + "ιούνται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => misiso ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => misIs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => misIs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> misIs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => misIs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => misIs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => p1 + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => p1 + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => p1 + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => p1 + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => misisa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> mIsis + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => mIsis + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => misIs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => misIs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => mIsis + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => De + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => De + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => p1 + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> p1 + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => misousa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => misoYs + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => misoYs + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => misoYs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => misoYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => misoYs + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> mis + "ιόμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => mis + "ιόσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => mis + "ιόταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => mis + "ιόμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> mis + "ιόσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => mis + "ιόντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => misIs + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => p1 + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> mIsis + "ε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " "; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => mis + "είτε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => misIs + "ου" ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => Imp + "είτε" ; Gerund => mis + "ώντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; ------Contracted Verbs. ---------- mkVerbContrac : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \akoUw, akoUsw, Akouga, Akousa, akoU, akoUs, Akoug, Akous, akou, akoUst, akoust, Imp, Imp2, part-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => akoU + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => akoU + "ς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> akoU + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => akoU + "με" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => akoU + "τε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => akoU + "νε" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => akoU + mkContr akoUw + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => akoU + mkContr akoUw +"εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> akoU + mkContr akoUw +"εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> akou + mkContr akoUw +"όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => akoU +mkContr akoUw + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => akoU + mkContr akoUw +"ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => akoUsw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => akoUs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => akoUs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> akoUs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => akoUs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => akoUs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => akoust + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => akoust + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => akoust + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => akoust + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => akoust + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => akoust + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Akousa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Akous + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Akous+ "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => akoUs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => akoUs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Akous+ "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => akoUst + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => akoUst + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => akoUst + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => akoust + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> akoust + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => akoUst + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Akouga ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Akoug + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Akoug + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => akoU + "γ" +"αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => akoU +"γ" + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Akoug + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> akou + mkContr akoUw + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => akou + mkContr akoUw + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => akou + mkContr akoUw + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => akou + mkContr akoUw + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> akou + mkContr akoUw + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => akou + mkContr akoUw + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => akoUs + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => akoust + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp + "ε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => akoUs + "τε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Imp2 + "ε" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => akoU + "τε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => akoUs + "ου" ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => akoust + "είτε" ; Gerund =>akoU +mkContr akoUw + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; ---for Contracted verbs, more than two syllables---- VerbContr : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ akoUw, akoUsw, Akouga, Akousa-> let akoU = init akoUw ; akoUs = init akoUsw ; Akoug = init Akouga; Akous = init Akousa; akou = mkVerbStem akoU ; akoUst = mkStem2 akoUsw ; akoust = mkVerbStem akoUst ; Imp = Akoug ; Imp2 = Akous ; part= mkPartStem akoust; in mkVerbContrac akoUw akoUsw Akouga Akousa akoU akoUs Akoug Akous akou akoUst akoust Imp Imp2 part; ---for Contracted verbs, two syllables---- VerbContr2 : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ klaIw, klApsw, Eklaiga, Eklapsa-> let klaI = init klaIw ; klAps = init klApsw ; Eklaig = init Eklaiga; Eklaps = init Eklapsa; klai = mkVerbStem klaI ; klAfth = mkStem2 klApsw ; klafth = mkVerbStem klAfth ; Imp = klAps; Imp2 = klaI + mkContr klaIw; part= mkPartStem klafth; in mkVerbContrac klaIw klApsw Eklaiga Eklapsa klaI klAps Eklaig Eklaps klai klAfth klafth Imp Imp2 part; ----------------Irregular verbs with _tracted types in Cond------------------------ mkVerbContracIrreg : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \trWw,fAw,Efaga,Etrwga, trW,fA, Efag, Etrwg, trw, fagWth, fagwth, fag,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => trW + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => trW + "ς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> trW + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => trW + "με" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => trW + "τε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => trW + "νε" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => trW + "γ" + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => trW + "γ" +"εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> trW + "γ" +"εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> trw + "γ" +"όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => trw +"γ" + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => trW + "γ" +"ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => fAw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => fA + "ς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => fA + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> fA + "με" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => fA + "τε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => fA + "νε" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => fagwth + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => fagwth + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => fagwth + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => fagwth + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => fagwth + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => fagwth + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Efaga ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Efag + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Efag + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => fA + "γ" + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => fA + "γ" + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Efag + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => fagWth + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => fagWth + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => fagWth + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => fagwth + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> fagwth + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => fagWth + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Etrwga ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Etrwg + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Etrwg + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => trW + "γ"+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => trW + "γ" + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Etrwg + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> fag + "ν" + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => fag + "ν" + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => fag + "ν" + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => fag + "ν" + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> fag + "ν" + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => fag + "ν" + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => fA + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => fagwth + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> fA + "ε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => fA + "τε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active =>trW + "γ"+ "ε" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => trW + "γ"+ "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => fagwth + "είτε" ; Gerund => trW + "γ" + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbContrIrreg : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ trWw,fAw,Efaga,Etrwga-> let trW = init trWw; fA = init fAw; Efag = init Efaga; Etrwg = init Etrwga; trw =mkVerbStem trW; fagWth = mkStem2 fAw; fagwth = mkVerbStem fagWth; fag = init fagwth; part= mkPartStem fagwth; in mkVerbContracIrreg trWw fAw Efaga Etrwga trW fA Efag Etrwg trw fagWth fagwth fag part; --------------------------------------------IRREGULAR VERBS -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------Irregular verbs.Verbs with Contracted types, but also irregularities in the active dependent form------------------------ mkVerbContracIrreg2 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \lEw, pW, eIpa, Elega, lE, p, eIp, Eleg, lEg, leg, eipWth, eipwth,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => lE + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => lE + "ς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> lE + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => lE + "με" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => lE + "τε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => lE + "νε" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => lEg + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => lEg +"εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> lEg +"εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> leg +"όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => lEg + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => lEg +"ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => pW ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => p + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => p + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> p + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => p + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => p + "ούν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => eipwth + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => eipwth + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => eipwth + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => eipwth + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => eipwth + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => eipwth + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => eIpa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> eIp + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => eIp + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => eIp + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => eIp + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => eIp + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => eipWth + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => eipWth + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => eipWth + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => eipwth + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> eipwth + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => eipWth + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Elega ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Eleg + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Eleg + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => lEg+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => lEg + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Eleg + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> leg + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => leg+ "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => leg +"όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => leg + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> leg + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => leg + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => p + "εί" ; VNonFinite Passive => eipwth + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> p + "ές" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => p + "είτε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active =>lEg + "ε" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => lEg + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => eipwth + "είτε" ; Gerund =>lEg + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbContrIrreg2 : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \lEw,pW,eIpa,Elega-> let lE = init lEw; p = init pW; eIp = init eIpa; Eleg = init Elega; lEg = lE + "γ"; leg = mkVerbStem lEg ; eipWth = mkStem5 pW; eipwth = mkVerbStem eipWth; part= mkPartStem eipwth; in mkVerbContracIrreg2 lEw pW eIpa Elega lE p eIp Eleg lEg leg eipWth eipwth part; mkVerbContracIrreg3 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \vlEpw, dW, eIda, Evlepa, vlEp, d, eId, Evlep, vlEp, vlep, eidWth, eidwth, part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => vlEpw ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => vlEp + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> vlEp + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => vlEp + "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => vlEp + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => vlEp + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => vlEp + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => vlEp +"εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> vlEp +"εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> vlep +"όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => vlEp + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => vlEp +"ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => dW ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => d + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => d + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> d + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => d + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => d + "ούν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => eidwth + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => eidwth + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => eidwth + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => eidwth + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => eidwth + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => eidwth + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => eIda ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> eId + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => eId + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => eId + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => eId + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => eId + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => eidWth + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => eidWth + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => eidWth + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => eidwth + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> eidwth + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => eidWth + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Evlepa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Evlep + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Evlep + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => vlEp+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => vlEp + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Evlep + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> vlep + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => vlep+ "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => vlep +"όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => vlep + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> vlep + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => vlep + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => d + "εί" ; VNonFinite Passive => eidwth + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> d + "ές" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => d + "είτε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active =>vlEp + "ε" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => vlEp + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => eidwth + "είτε" ; Gerund =>vlEp + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbContrIrreg3 : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \vlEpw,dW,eIda,Evlepa-> let vlEp = init vlEpw; d = init dW; eId = init eIda; Evlep = init Evlepa; eid = mkVerbStem eId; vlep = mkVerbStem vlEp; eidWth = mkStem5 dW; eidwth = mkVerbStem eidWth; part= mkPartStem eidwth; in mkVerbContracIrreg3 vlEpw dW eIda Evlepa vlEp d eId Evlep vlEp vlep eidWth eidwth part; -------------Verb Contracted with no passive Perfective ---------------------- mkVerbContracIrregNPassPerf : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \pInw, piW, Ipia, Epina, pIn, pin, pi, Ipi, Epin,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => pIn + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => pIn + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> pIn + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => pIn + "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => pIn + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => pIn + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => pIn + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => pIn +"εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> pIn +"εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> pin +"όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => pIn + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => pIn +"ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => piW ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => pi + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => pi + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> pi + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => pi + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => pi + "ούν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Ipia ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Ipi + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Ipi + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => Ipi + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => Ipi + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Ipi + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Epina ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Epin + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Epin + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => pIn+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => pIn + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Epin + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> pin + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => pin+ "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => pin +"όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => pin + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> pin + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => pin + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => pi + "εί" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> pi + "ές" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => pi + "είτε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active =>pIn+ "ε" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => pIn + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund =>pIn + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbContrIrregNPassPerf : (x1,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \pInw,piW,Ipia,Epina-> let pIn = init pInw; pi = init piW; Ipi = init Ipia; Epin = init Epina; pin = mkVerbStem pIn ; part= mkPartStem piW; in mkVerbContracIrregNPassPerf pInw piW Ipia Epina pIn pin pi Ipi Epin part; mkVerbContracIrregNopassive : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \vgaInw, vgW, vgIka, Evgaina, vgaIn, vg, vgIk, Evgain, Imp1,Imp2, Imp3, Imp4,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => vgaIn + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => vgaIn + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> vgaIn + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => vgaIn + "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => vgaIn + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => vgaIn + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => vgW ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => vg + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => vg + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> vg + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => vg + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => vg + "ούν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => vgIka ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> vgIk + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => vgIk + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => vg + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => vg + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => vgIk + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Evgaina ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Evgain + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Evgain + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => vgaIn+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => vgaIn + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Evgain + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VNonFinite Active => vg + "εί" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp1 ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp2 ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active =>Imp3 ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp4 ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund =>vgaIn + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; ------Verbs with 2 syllables------ VerbContracIrregNopassive : (x1,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \vgaInw, vgW, vgIka, Evgaina, vgEs, part-> let vgaIn = init vgaInw; vg = init vgW; vgIk = init vgIka; Evgain = init Evgaina ; Imp1 = vgEs ; Imp2 =vg + "είτε" ; Imp3 =vgaIn+ "ε" ; Imp4 =vgaIn + "ετε" ; part=part; in mkVerbContracIrregNopassive vgaInw vgW vgIka Evgaina vgaIn vg vgIk Evgain Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part; -----Verbs with more than two syllables ----- VerbContracIrregNopassive2 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \provaInw, provW, proEvika, proEvaina, prOvaine,part-> let provaIn = init provaInw; prov = init provW; proEvik = init proEvika; proEvain = init proEvaina ; Imp1 = prOvaine ; Imp2 =prov +"είτε" ; Imp3 = proEvain + "ε" ; Imp4 = provaIn + "ετε" ; part=part ; in mkVerbContracIrregNopassive provaInw provW proEvika proEvaina provaIn prov proEvik proEvain Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part; ------Contracted Verbs with no passive ---------- mkVerbContrac2 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \ftaIw, ftaIksw, Eftaiksa, Eftaiga, ftaI, ftaIks, Eftaiks, Eftaig, Imp, Imp2,part-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => ftaI + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => ftaI + "ς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> ftaI + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => ftaI + "με" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => ftaI + "τε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => ftaI + "νε" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=>" " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " "; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => ftaIksw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => ftaIks + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => ftaIks + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> ftaIks + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => ftaIks + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => ftaIks + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Eftaiksa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Eftaiks + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Eftaiks+ "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => ftaIks + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => ftaIks + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Eftaiks+ "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Eftaiga ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Eftaig + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Eftaig + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => ftaI + mkContr ftaIw +"αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => ftaI +mkContr ftaIw + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Eftaig + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VNonFinite Active => ftaIks + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp + "ε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => ftaIks + "τε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Imp2 + "ε" ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => ftaI + "τε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund =>ftaI + mkContr ftaIw + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; ---for Contracted verbs, more than two syllables---- VerbContr2NoPassive : (x1,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \ ftaIw, ftaIksw, Eftaiksa, Eftaiga, part-> let ftaI = init ftaIw ; ftaIks = init ftaIksw ; Eftaiks = init Eftaiksa; Eftaig = init Eftaiga; Imp = ftaIks ; Imp2 = ftaI + mkContr ftaIw ; part= part; in mkVerbContrac2 ftaIw ftaIksw Eftaiksa Eftaiga ftaI ftaIks Eftaiks Eftaig Imp Imp2 part; ---------Deponent Verbs, they have the endings of passive voice, but they are active in meaning. Verbs in -άμαι, -ιέμαι ------- mkVerbDeponent : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \koimAmai, koimithW, koimIthika, koimOmoun, koimA, koim, koimith, koimIth, koimI, Imp,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => koimA + "μαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => koimA + "σαι"; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> koimA + "ται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => koim + "όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => koim + "όσαστε"; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => koim + "ούνται" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ =>" " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => koimith + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => koimith + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => koimith + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> koimith + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => koimith + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => koimith + "ούν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => koimIth + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> koimIth + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => koimIth + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => koimith + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => koimith + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => koimIth + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=>" "; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => koim + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => koim + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => koim + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => koim + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => koim + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => koim + "όντουσαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => koimith + "εί" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => koimith + "είτε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " "; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => " " ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund => " " ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; VerbDeponent : (x1,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \variEmai, varethW, varEthika,variOmoun, varEsou,part-> let variE = 3 variEmai ; vari = 4 variEmai ; vareth = init varethW ; varEth = 3 varEthika ; varE = init varEth ; Imp = varEsou ; part = part; in mkVerbDeponent variEmai varethW varEthika variOmoun variE vari vareth varEth varE Imp part; ---------Verbs in -όμαι ------- mkVerbDeponent2 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \noiAzomai, noiastW, noiAstika, noiazOmoun, noiAz, noiast, noiAst, noiaz, Imp, Imp2,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => noiAz + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => noiAz + "εσαι"; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> noiAz + "εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => noiaz + "όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => noiaz + "όσαστε"; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => noiAz + "ονται" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ =>" " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => noiast + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => noiast + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => noiast + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> noiast + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => noiast + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => noiast + "ούν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => noiAst + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> noiAst + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => noiAst + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => noiast + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => noiast + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => noiAst + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=>" "; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => noiaz + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => noiaz + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => noiaz + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => noiaz + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => noiaz + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => noiaz + "όντουσαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => noiast + "εί" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => noiast + "είτε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " "; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp2 ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund => " " ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; VerbDeponent2 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \noiAzomai, noiastW, noiAstika, noiazOmoun, noiAsou, part-> let noiAz = 4 noiAzomai ; noiast = init noiastW ; noiAst = 3 noiAstika ; noiaz = 5 noiazOmoun ; Imp = noiAsou ; Imp2= noiAz + "εστε" ; part = part; in mkVerbDeponent2 noiAzomai noiastW noiAstika noiazOmoun noiAz noiast noiAst noiaz Imp Imp2 part; ---------Verbs in -ομαι ------- mkVerbDeponent3 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \gInomai, gInw, Egina, ginOmoun, gIn, gin, GIn, gIN, Egin , Imp, Imp2,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => gIn + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => gIn + "εσαι"; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> gIn + "εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => gin + "όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => gin + "όσαστε"; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => gIn + "ονται" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ =>" " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => GIn + "ω" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => GIn + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => GIn + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> GIn + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => GIn + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => GIn + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Egin + "α" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Egin + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Egin + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => gIN + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => gIN + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Egin + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=>" "; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => gin + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => gin + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => gin + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => gin + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => gin + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => gin + "όντουσαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => GIn + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp2 ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " "; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => " " ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund => " " ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; -----For verbs in -ομαι, not stressed present Conjuctive----- VerbDeponent3 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \gInomai, gInw, Egina, ginOmoun, gIne, gInete, part-> let gIn = 4 gInomai ; gin = mkVerbStem gIn ; gIN = gIn ; Egin = init Egina ; ginO = 4 ginOmoun ; Imp = gIne ; Imp2= gInete ; part = part; in mkVerbDeponent3 gInomai gInw Egina ginOmoun gIn gin gIn gIN Egin Imp Imp2 part ; -----For verbs in -ομαι, not stressed present Conjuctive, irregular cases like έρχομαι----- VerbDeponent4 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \Erxomai, Erthw, Irtha, erxOmoun, Ela, elAte,part-> let Erx = 4 Erxomai ; Erth = init Erthw ; Irth = init Irtha ; erx = 5 erxOmoun ; Imp = Ela ; Imp2= elAte ; part = part; in mkVerbDeponent3 Erxomai Erthw Irtha erxOmoun Erx erx Erth Irth Irth Imp Imp2 part ; VerbDeponent5 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \kAthomai, kathIsw, kAthisa, kathOmoun, kAthise, kathIste,part-> let kAth = 4 kAthomai ; kathIs = init kathIsw ; kAthis = init kAthisa ; kath = 5 kathOmoun ; Imp = kAthise ; Imp2= kathIste ; part = part; in mkVerbDeponent3 kAthomai kathIsw kAthisa kathOmoun kAth kath kathIs kathIs kAthis Imp Imp2 part ; mkVerbNoPassiveA : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \apotyxaInw, apotYxw, apEtyxa,apotYxaina,apotyxaIn,apotYx, apEtyx, apotYxain, Nonfinite, Imp1, Imp2, Imp3, Imp4,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => apotyxaIn + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => apotyxaIn + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> apotyxaIn + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => apotyxaIn + "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => apotyxaIn + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => apotyxaIn + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => apotYxw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => apotYx + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => apotYx + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> apotYx + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => apotYx + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => apotYx + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => apEtyxa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> apEtyx + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => apEtyx + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => apotYx + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => apotYx + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => apEtyx + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => apotYxaina ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => apotYxain + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => apotYxain + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => apotyxaIn+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => apotyxaIn + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => apotYxain + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VNonFinite Active => Nonfinite ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp1 ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp2; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Imp3; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp4 ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund =>apotyxaIn + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbNoPassive : (x1,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \apotyxaInw, apotYxw, apEtyxa,apotYxaina, apEtyxe,part-> let apotyxaIn = init apotyxaInw ; apotYx = init apotYxw ; apEtyx = init apEtyxa ; apotYxain = init apotYxaina ; Nonfinite = apotYx + "ει" ; Imp1 = apEtyxe ; Imp2 = mkImper apotYx ; Imp3 = apotYxain+ "ε"; Imp4 = apotyxaIn + "ετε"; part = part; in mkVerbNoPassiveA apotyxaInw apotYxw apEtyxa apotYxaina apotyxaIn apotYx apEtyx apotYxain Nonfinite Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part; ----verbs with 2 syllables ------ VerbNoPassive1 : (x1,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \mEnw, meInw, Emeina ,Emena,part -> let mEn = init mEnw ; meIn = init meInw ; Emein = init Emeina ; Emen = init Emena ; Nonfinite = meIn + "ει" ; Imp1 = meIn + "ε" ; Imp2 = mkImper meIn ; Imp3 = mEn+ "ε"; Imp4 = mEn + "ετε"; in mkVerbNoPassiveA mEnw meInw Emeina Emena mEn meIn Emein Emen Nonfinite Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part; VerbNoPassive2 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \anevaInw, anEvw, anEbika,anEvaina, anEva,part-> let anevaIn = init anevaInw ; anEv = init anEvw ; anEbik = init anEbika ; anEvain = init anEvaina ; Nonfinite = anEv + "ει" ; Imp1 = anEva ; Imp2 = 3 anevaIn + "είτε" ; Imp3 = anEvain+ "ε"; Imp4 = anevaIn + "ετε"; in mkVerbNoPassiveA anevaInw anEvw anEbika anEvaina anevaIn anEv anEbik anEvain Nonfinite Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part ; ---For verbs that have more than 2 syllables in the present _ ------ VerbNoPassive2syll : (x1,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \thElw, thelIsw, thElisa ,Ithela,part -> let thEl = init thElw ; thelIs = init thelIsw ; thElis = init thElisa ; Ithel = init Ithela ; Nonfinite = thelIs + "ει" ; Imp1 = thElis + "ε" ; Imp2 = mkImper thelIs ; Imp3 = thEl+ "ε"; Imp4 = thEl + "ετε" ; in mkVerbNoPassiveA thElw thelIsw thElisa Ithela thEl thelIs thElis Ithel Nonfinite Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part; mkVerbNoPassiveB : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \dipsW, dipsAsw, dIpsasa,dipsoYsa ,dips,dipsAs, dIpsas, dipsoYs, Nonfinite, Imp1, Imp2, Imp3, Imp4,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => dips + "ώ" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => dips + "άς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> dips + "ά" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => dips + "άμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => dips + "άτε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => dips + "ούν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => dipsAsw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => dipsAs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => dipsAs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> dipsAs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => dipsAs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => dipsAs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => dIpsasa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> dIpsas + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => dIpsas + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => dipsAs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => dipsAs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => dIpsas + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => dipsoYsa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => dipsoYs + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => dipsoYs + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => dipsoYs+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => dipsoYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => dipsoYs + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VNonFinite Active => Nonfinite ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp1 ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp2; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Imp3; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp4 ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund =>dips + "ώντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbNoPassive3 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \dipsW, dipsAsw, dIpsasa,dipsoYsa, dIpsa, part-> let dips = init dipsW ; dipsAs = init dipsAsw ; dIpsas = init dIpsasa ; dipsoYs = init dipsoYsa ; Nonfinite = dipsAs + "ει" ; Imp1 = dIpsa ; Imp2 = dips+ "άτε" ; Imp3 = dIpsas + "ε"; Imp4 = dipsAs + "τε"; part = part; in mkVerbNoPassiveB dipsW dipsAsw dIpsasa dipsoYsa dips dipsAs dIpsas dipsoYs Nonfinite Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part ; mkVerbNoPassiveC : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \zW, zIsw, Ezisa,zoYsa, zIse ,z,zIs, Ezis, zoYs, Nonfinite, Imp1, Imp2, Imp3, Imp4 ,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => z + "ώ" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => z + "είς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> z + "εί" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => z + "ούμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => z + "είτε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => z + "ούν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => zIsw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => zIs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => zIs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> zIs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => zIs+ "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => zIs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Ezisa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Ezis + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Ezis + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => zIs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => zIs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Ezis + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => zoYsa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => zoYs + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => zoYs + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => zoYs+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => zoYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => zoYs + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VNonFinite Active => Nonfinite ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp1 ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp2; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Imp3; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp4 ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund =>z + "ώντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbNoPassive4 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \zW, zIsw, Ezisa,zoYsa , zIse, part-> let z = init zW ; zIs = init zIsw ; Ezis = init Ezisa ; zoYs = init zoYsa ; Nonfinite = zIs + "ει" ; Imp1 = zIse ; Imp2 = z+ "είτε" ; Imp3 = zIs + "ε"; Imp4 = zIs + "τε"; part = part; in mkVerbNoPassiveC zW zIsw Ezisa zoYsa zIse z zIs Ezis zoYs Nonfinite Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part ; -----more than 2 syllables------ VerbNoPassive5 : (x1,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \tharrW, tharrEpsw, thArrepsa,tharroYsa , thArrepse, part-> let tharr = init tharrW ; tharrEps = init tharrEpsw ; thArreps = init thArrepsa ; tharroYs = init tharroYsa ; Nonfinite = tharrEps + "ει" ; Imp1 = thArrepse ; Imp2 = tharr + "είτε" ; Imp3 = thArreps + "ε"; Imp4 = tharrEps + "τε"; part = part; in mkVerbNoPassiveC tharrW tharrEpsw thArrepsa tharroYsa thArrepse tharr tharrEps thArreps tharroYs Nonfinite Imp1 Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 part ; ---------Irregular Verbs of Second Conjugation, no Passive Imperfective----------------- mkVerb2AIrreg : (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13: Str) -> Verb = \anaklW, anaklAsw,anAklasa, anakloYsa, anakl, anaklAs, anAklas, anakloYs, De,anaklast, Imp, Imp2,part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => anaklW ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => anakl + "άς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> anakl + "ά" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => anakl+ "άμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => anakl + "άτε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => anakl + "ούν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => anakl + "ώμαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => anakl + "άσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> anakl + "άται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> anakl + "όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => anakl + "άστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => anakl + "ώνται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => anaklAsw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => anaklAs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => anaklAs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> anaklAs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => anaklAs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => anaklAs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => anaklast + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => anaklast + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => anaklast + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => anaklast + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => anaklast + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => anaklast + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => anAklasa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> anAklas + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => anAklas + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => anaklAs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => anaklAs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => anAklas + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => De + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => De + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => anaklast + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> anaklast + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => De + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => anakloYsa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => anakloYs + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => anakloYs + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => anakloYs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => anakloYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => anakloYs + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " "; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VNonFinite Active => anaklAs + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => anaklast + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> anAklas + "ε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " " ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp2; VImperative _ Sg Passive => anaklAs + "ου" ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => anaklast + "είτε" ; Gerund => anakl + "ώντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; Verb2aIrreg : (x1,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \anaklW, anaklAsw,anAklasa, anakloYsa, part-> let anakl = init anaklW ; anaklAs = init anaklAsw ; anAklas = init anAklasa ; anakloYs = init anakloYsa ; De = mkStem4 anaklAs ; anaklast = mkVerbStem De ; Imp = mkImper anaklAs ; part = mkPartStem anaklast ; Imp2 = anakl + "άτε" ; part = part; in mkVerb2AIrreg anaklW anaklAsw anAklasa anakloYsa anakl anaklAs anAklas anakloYs De anaklast Imp Imp2 part; -------------Verbs with no passive Imperfective ---------------------- mkVerbNpperf : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \plIttw, plIksw, Epliksa, Eplitta, plItt, plitt, plIks, Epliks, Eplitt, plig,plIg, Imp, Imp2, Imp3,Imp4, ImpP, part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => plItt + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => plItt + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> plItt + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => plItt + "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => plItt + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => plItt + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => plItt + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => plItt +"εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> plItt +"εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> plitt +"όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => plItt + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => plItt +"ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => plIksw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => plIks + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => plIks + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> plIks + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => plIks + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => plIks + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => plig + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => plig + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => plig + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => plig + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => plig + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => plig + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => Epliksa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Epliks + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Epliks + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => plIks + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => plIks + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Epliks + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => plIg + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => plIg + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => plIg + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => plig + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> plig + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => plIg + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Eplitta ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Eplitt + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Eplitt + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => plItt+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => plItt + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Eplitt + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " "; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => plIks + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => plig + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp3 ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => Imp4; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp2; VImperative _ Sg Passive => ImpP ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => plig + "είτε" ; Gerund =>plItt + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbNpperf : (x1,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \plIttw, plIksw,Epliksa, Eplitta,part-> let plItt = init plIttw ; plitt = mkVerbStem plItt ; plIks = init plIksw ; Epliks = init Epliksa ; Eplitt = init Eplitta ; plIg = mkStem2 plIksw ; plig = mkVerbStem plIg ; Imp = mkImper plIks ; Imp2 = plItt + "ετε" ; Imp3 = plIks + "ε" ; Imp4 = plItt + "ε" ; ImpP = plIks + "ου" ; part =part; in mkVerbNpperf plIttw plIksw Epliksa Eplitta plItt plitt plIks Epliks Eplitt plig plIg Imp Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 ImpP part; VerbNpperf2 : (x1,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \petyxaInw, petYxw,pEtyxa, petYxaina, part-> let petyxaIn = init petyxaInw ; petyxainw = mkVerbStem petyxaInw ; petYx = init petYxw ; pEtyx = init pEtyxa ; petYxain = init petYxaina ; epitEyxth = mkStem2 petYxw ; epiteyxth = mkVerbStem epitEyxth ; Imp = mkImper petYx ; Imp2 = petyxaIn + "ετε" ; Imp3 = pEtyx + "ε" ; Imp4 = petYxain + "ε" ; ImpP = mkImperPassive epitEyxth + "ου" ; part =part; in mkVerbNpperf petyxaInw petYxw pEtyxa petYxaina petyxaIn petyxainw petYx pEtyx petYxain epiteyxth epitEyxth Imp Imp2 Imp3 Imp4 ImpP part; auxVerb : Verb = mkAux "έχω" "είχα" "έχε" "έχετε" "έχων" ; Verbirreg_pigaInw : (x1,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \pigAinw, pAw, pIga,pIgaina -> let pigAin = init pigAinw ; pA = init pAw ; pIg = init pIga; pIgain = init pIgaina; part= " " ; in { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => pigAin + "ω" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => pigAin + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> pigAin + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => pigAin + "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => pigAin + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => pigAin + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => pAw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => pA + "ς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => pA + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> pA + "με" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => pA + "τε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => pA + "νε" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => pIga ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> pIg + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => pIg + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => pIg + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => pIg + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => pIg + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => pIgaina ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => pIgain + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => pIgain + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => pigAin+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => pigAin + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => pIgain + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=>" " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VNonFinite Active => pA + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> pA + "νε" ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => pA + "τε" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => pIgain + "ε"; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => pigAin + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " " ; Gerund =>pigAin + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; -------A small number of verbs form their active or passive past by using endings in -ην. Mostly used in formal _texts.--------------------- mkVerbIN : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \kathistW, katastIsw, katEstisa, kathistoYsa, kathist, katastIs, katEstis, kathistoYs, kathIst, katast, katEst, Imp, Imp1, Imp2, part -> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => kathist + "ώ" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => kathist + "άς" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> kathist + "ά" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => kathist + "άμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => kathist + "άτε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => kathist + "ούν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => kathIst + "αμαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => kathIst +"ασαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> kathIst +"αται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> kathist +"άμεθα" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => kathIst + "ασθε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => kathIst +"ανται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => katastIsw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => katastIs + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => katastIs + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> katastIs + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => katastIs + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => katastIs + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => katast + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => katast + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => katast + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => katast + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => katast + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => katast + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => katEstisa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> katEstis + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => katEstis + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => katastIs + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => katastIs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => katEstis + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => katEst + "ην" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => katEst + "ης" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => katEst + "η" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => katEst + "ησαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => kathistoYsa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => kathistoYs + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => kathistoYs + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => kathistoYs+ "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => kathistoYs + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => kathistoYs + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " "; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => katastIs + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => katast + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> Imp ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => Imp1 ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " "; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => Imp2; VImperative _ Sg Passive => katastIs + "ου" ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => katast + "είτε" ; Gerund =>katast + "ώντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } } ; VerbIN : (x1,_,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \kathistW, katastIsw, katEstisa, kathistoYsa, katestimEnos-> let kathist = init kathistW ; katastIs = init katastIsw ; katEstis = init katEstisa ; kathistoYs = init kathistoYsa ; kathIst = mkStem kathistW ; katast = 2 katastIs ; katEst= 2 katEstis ; Imp = katEstis + "ε" ; Imp1 = katastIs + "τε" ; Imp2 = kathist + "άτε" ; part = katestimEnos ; in mkVerbIN kathistW katastIsw katEstisa kathistoYsa kathist katastIs katEstis kathistoYs kathIst katast katEst Imp Imp1 Imp2 part; -----Verbs with a prepositional prefix and the auxiliary verb εχω-------------- mkVerbExw : (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10: Str) -> Verb = \parExw, parAsxw,pareIxa, parEx, parAsx, pareIx, parex, parasxeth, parasxEth, part-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => parExw ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => parEx + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> parEx + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => parEx+ "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => parEx + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => parEx + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => parEx + "ομαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => parEx + "εσαι" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> parEx + "εται" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> parex + "όμαστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => parEx + "εστε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => parEx + "ονται" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => parAsxw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => parAsx + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => parAsx + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> parAsx + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => parAsx + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => parAsx + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => parasxeth + "ώ" ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => parasxeth + "είς" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => parasxeth + "εί" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => parasxeth + "ούμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => parasxeth + "είτε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => parasxeth + "ούν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => pareIxa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> pareIx + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => pareIx + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => pareIx + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => pareIx + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => pareIx + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => parasxEth + "ηκα" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf => parasxEth + "ηκες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => parasxEth + "ηκε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => parasxeth + "ήκαμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> parasxeth + "ήκατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => parasxEth + "ηκαν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => pareIxa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => pareIx + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => pareIx + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => pareIx + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => pareIx + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => pareIx + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> parex + "όμουν" ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => parex + "όσουν" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf => parex + "όταν" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => parex + "όμασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> parex + "όσασταν" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => parex + "όντουσαν" ; VNonFinite Active => parEx + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => parasxeth + "εί" ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> " " ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => parAsx + "ετε"; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " " ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => parex + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => parasxeth + "είτε" ; Gerund => parEx + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; VerbExw : (x1,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \parExw, parAsxw,pareIxa, parexOmenos-> let parEx = init parExw ; parAsx = init parAsxw ; pareIx = init pareIxa ; parex = mkVerbStem parEx ; parasxEth = mkStem parExw ; parasxeth = mkVerbStem parasxEth ; part = parexOmenos ; in mkVerbExw parExw parAsxw pareIxa parEx parAsx pareIx parex parasxeth parasxEth part; -----Verbs with a prepositional suffix and the auxiliary verb εχω-------------- mkVerbExwNoPass : (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7: Str) -> Verb = \symmetExw, symmetAsxw, symmeteIxa, symmetEx, symmetAsx, symmeteIx, part-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => symmetExw ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => symmetEx + "εις" ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> symmetEx + "ει" ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => symmetEx+ "ουμε" ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => symmetEx + "ετε" ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => symmetEx + "ουν" ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " "; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => symmetAsxw ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => symmetAsx + "εις" ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => symmetAsx + "ει" ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> symmetAsx + "ουμε" ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => symmetAsx + "ετε" ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => symmetAsx + "ουν" ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => symmeteIxa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> symmeteIx + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => symmeteIx + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => symmeteIx + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => symmeteIx + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => symmeteIx + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => symmeteIxa ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => symmeteIx + "ες" ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => symmeteIx + "ε" ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => symmeteIx + "αμε" ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => symmeteIx + "ατε" ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => symmeteIx + "αν" ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf =>" "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => symmetEx + "ει" ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> " " ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => symmetAsx + "ετε"; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " " ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => symmetEx + "ετε" ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " "; Gerund => symmetEx + "οντας" ; Participle d g n c => (regAdj part).s !d! g !n !c } }; VerbExwNoPass : (x1,_,_,_: Str) -> Verb = \symmetExw, symmetAsxw, symmeteIxa,symmetExon-> let symmetEx = init symmetExw ; symmetAsx = init symmetAsxw ; symmeteIx = init symmeteIxa ; part = symmetExon ; in mkVerbExwNoPass symmetExw symmetAsxw symmeteIxa symmetEx symmetAsx symmeteIx part; mkVerbAproswpo : (x1,x2,x3,x4: Str) -> Verb = \vrEchei, vrExei, Evrexe, Evreche-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> vrEchei ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " "; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => vrExei ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Evrexe; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Evreche ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf =>" "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => vrExei ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> " " ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => "" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " " ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => " " ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " "; Gerund => ""; Participle d g n c => " " } }; mk_Prepei : (x1,x2: Str) -> Verb = \prEpei, Eprepe-> { s = table { VPres Ind Sg P1 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Active _=> prEpei ; VPres Ind Pl P1 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres Ind Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Sg P3 Passive _=> " "; VPres Ind Pl P1 Passive _=> " " ; VPres Ind Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres Ind Pl P3 Passive _ => " "; VPres _ Sg P1 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres _ Sg P2 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres _ Sg P3 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres _ Pl P1 Active _=> prEpei; VPres _ Pl P2 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres _ Pl P3 Active _ => prEpei ; VPres _ Sg P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Sg P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P1 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P2 Passive _ => " " ; VPres _ Pl P3 Passive _ => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Perf =>Eprepe ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Perf=> Eprepe ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Perf => Eprepe; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Perf => Eprepe; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Perf => Eprepe ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Perf => Eprepe ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Perf =>" " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Perf => " "; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Perf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Perf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P1 Active Imperf => Eprepe ; VPast _ Sg P2 Active Imperf => Eprepe ; VPast _ Sg P3 Active Imperf => Eprepe ; VPast _ Pl P1 Active Imperf => Eprepe; VPast _ Pl P2 Active Imperf => Eprepe ; VPast _ Pl P3 Active Imperf => Eprepe ; VPast _ Sg P1 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Sg P2 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Sg P3 Passive Imperf =>" "; VPast _ Pl P1 Passive Imperf => " " ; VPast _ Pl P2 Passive Imperf=> " " ; VPast _ Pl P3 Passive Imperf => " "; VNonFinite Active => Eprepe ; VNonFinite Passive => " " ; VImperative Perf Sg Active=> " " ; VImperative Perf Pl Active => "" ; VImperative Imperf Sg Active => " " ; VImperative Imperf Pl Active => " " ; VImperative _ Sg Passive => " " ; VImperative _ Pl Passive => " "; Gerund => ""; Participle d g n c => " " } }; }