concrete DocumentationHin of Documentation = CatHin ** open ResHin, CommonHindustani, HTML in { lincat Inflection = {t : Str; s1,s2 : Str} ; Definition = {s : Str} ; Document = {s : Str} ; Tag = {s : Str} ; lin InflectionN, InflectionN2, InflectionN3 = \noun -> { t = "n" ; s1 = heading1 ("Noun" ++ case noun.g of { Masc => "(Masc)" ; Fem => "(Fem)" }); s2 = frameTable ( tr (th "" ++ th "sg" ++ th "pl") ++ tr (th "dir" ++ td (noun.s ! Sg ! Dir) ++ td (noun.s ! Pl ! Dir)) ++ tr (th "obl" ++ intagAttr "td" "rowspan=2" (noun.s ! Sg ! Obl) ++ td (noun.s ! Pl ! Obl)) ++ tr (th "voc" ++ td (noun.s ! Pl ! CommonHindustani.Voc)) ) } ; InflectionA, InflectionA2 = \adj -> { t = "a" ; s1 = heading1 "Adjective" ; s2 = heading2 "Positive" ++ forms Posit ++ heading2 "Comparative" ++ forms Compar ++ heading2 "Superlative" ++ forms Superl } where { forms : Degree -> Str = \degree -> frameTable ( tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=2" "" ++ th "sg" ++ th "pl") ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=3" "masc" ++ th "dir" ++ td (adj.s ! Sg ! Masc ! Dir ! degree) ++ td (adj.s ! Pl ! Masc ! Dir ! degree)) ++ tr (th "obl" ++ intagAttr "td" "rowspan=2" (adj.s ! Sg ! Masc ! Obl ! degree) ++ td (adj.s ! Pl ! Masc ! Obl ! degree)) ++ tr (th "voc" ++ td (adj.s ! Pl ! Masc ! CommonHindustani.Voc ! degree)) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=3" "fem" ++ th "dir" ++ td (adj.s ! Sg ! Fem ! Dir ! degree) ++ td (adj.s ! Pl ! Fem ! Dir ! degree)) ++ tr (th "obl" ++ intagAttr "td" "rowspan=2" (adj.s ! Sg ! Fem ! Obl ! degree) ++ td (adj.s ! Pl ! Fem ! Obl ! degree)) ++ tr (th "voc" ++ td (adj.s ! Pl ! Fem ! CommonHindustani.Voc ! degree)) ) ; }; InflectionAdv = \adv -> { t = "adv" ; s1 = heading1 "Adverb" ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th "masc" ++ td (adv.s ! Masc)) ++ tr (th "fem" ++ td (adv.s ! Fem)) ) } ; InflectionPrep = \prep -> { t = "prep" ; s1 = heading1 "Preposition" ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th "masc" ++ td (prep.s ! Masc)) ++ tr (th "fem" ++ td (prep.s ! Fem)) ) } ; InflectionV, InflectionV2, InflectionV3, InflectionV2A, InflectionV2Q, InflectionV2S, InflectionV2V, InflectionVA, InflectionVQ, InflectionVS, InflectionVV = \verb -> { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 "Verb" ; s2 = heading2 "Root" ++ paragraph (verb.s ! Root) ++ heading2 "Present" ++ forms Imperf ++ heading2 "Past" ++ forms CommonHindustani.Subj ++ heading2 "Past Perfect" ++ forms Perf ++ heading2 "Infinitive" ++ frameTable ( tr (th "" ++ td (verb.s ! Inf)) ++ tr (th "obl" ++ td (verb.s ! Inf_Obl)) ++ tr (th "fem" ++ td (verb.s ! Inf_Fem)) ) } where { forms : VTense -> Str = \tense -> frameTable ( tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=2" "" ++ th "masc" ++ th "fem") ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=6" "sg" ++ th "1.p" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers1 Sg Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers1 Sg Fem)) ++ tr (th "2.p casual" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Casual Sg Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Casual Sg Fem)) ++ tr (th "2.p familiar" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Familiar Sg Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Familiar Sg Fem)) ++ tr (th "2.p respect" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Respect Sg Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Familiar Sg Fem)) ++ tr (th "3.p near" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Near Sg Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Near Sg Fem)) ++ tr (th "3.p distant" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Distant Sg Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Distant Sg Fem)) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=6" "pl" ++ th "1.p" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers1 Pl Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers1 Pl Fem)) ++ tr (th "2.p casual" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Casual Pl Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Casual Pl Fem)) ++ tr (th "2.p familiar" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Familiar Pl Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Familiar Pl Fem)) ++ tr (th "2.p respect" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Respect Pl Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers2_Familiar Pl Fem)) ++ tr (th "3.p near" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Near Pl Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Near Pl Fem)) ++ tr (th "3.p distant" ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Distant Pl Masc) ++ td (verb.s ! VF tense Pers3_Distant Pl Fem)) ) } ; lin NoDefinition t = {s=t.s}; MkDefinition t d = {s="


"}; MkDefinitionEx t d e = {s="



"}; lin MkDocument d i e = {s = i.s1 ++ d.s ++ i.s2 ++ paragraph e.s} ; MkTag i = {s = i.t} ; }