concrete ExtraHin of ExtraHinAbs = CatHin ** open ResHin, Coordination, Prelude, MorphoHin, ParadigmsHin,CommonHindustani in { flags coding = utf8 ; lin GenNP np = {s = \\n,g,c => case of { => np.s ! NPC Obl ++ "के" ; => np.s ! NPC Obl ++ "का" ; => np.s ! NPC Obl ++ "के" ; <_,Fem,_> => np.s ! NPC Obl ++ "की" }; a = np.a} ; -- each_Det = mkDet "हर कwय" "हर कwय" "हर कwय" "हर कwय" Sg ; have_V = mkV "राखना"; IAdvAdv adv = {s = "कितनी" ++ adv.s ! Masc} ; ICompAP ap = {s = "कितने" ++ ap.s ! Sg ! Masc ! Dir ! Posit} ; cost_V = mkV "क़ीमत" ; -- added for causitives make_CV = mkVerb "नoतहिनग" ** {c2 = "" }; -- for VP conjunction lincat VPS = {s : Agr => Str} ; [VPS] = {s1,s2 : Agr => Str} ; lin BaseVPS = twoTable Agr ; ConsVPS = consrTable Agr comma ; PredVPS np vpi = {s = np.s ! NPC Dir ++ vpi.s ! np.a} ; MkVPS t p vp = { s = \\a => let verb = vp.s ! (VPTense VPPast a) ; -- this needs to be fixed --vp.s ! t.t ! t.a ! p.p ! ODir ! a ; verbf = verb.fin ++ verb.inf ; in t.s ++ p.s ++ ++ vp.cvp ++ verbf ++ vp.obj.s ++ vp.comp ! a } ; ConjVPS = conjunctDistrTable Agr ; -- ComplVPIVV vv vpi = -- insertObj (\\a => vpi.s ! vv.typ ! a) (predVV vv) ; --PassVPSlash vps = vps ; -- in progress PassVPSlash vps = let aux = predV (mkV "जाना") in { -- s = be.s ; s = table { VPTense tense agr => {inf = (vps.s ! VPTense VPPast agr).inf ++ (aux.s ! VPTense tense agr).inf ; fin = (aux.s ! VPTense tense agr).fin}; vform => {inf = (vps.s ! vform).inf ++ (aux.s!vform).inf; fin = (vps.s!vform).inf} }; obj = vps.obj ; subj = vps.subj ; inf = (vps.s ! VPTense VPPast (Ag Masc Sg Pers3_Distant)).inf ++ aux.inf; --this is not correct since, in this case the infinitive form will also inflect for agr i.e. khaya jana, khai jani etc ad =; embComp = vps.embComp; prog = vps.prog ; comp = vps.comp ; cvp = vps.cvp } ; }