#include #include "sqlite3Btree.h" #include "sg/sg.h" #include "gu/mem.h" #include "pgf/data.h" #define SG_EXPRS 1 #define SG_PAIRS 2 #define SG_IDENTS 3 #define SG_LITERALS 4 #define SG_TOKENS 5 #define SG_TRIPLES 6 #define SG_TRIPLES_SPO 7 #define SG_TRIPLES_PO 8 #define SG_TRIPLES_O 9 struct SgSG { Btree *pBtree; int exprsTNum; /* The page number for the table of expressions */ int identsTNum; /* The page number for the index on identifiers */ int literalsTNum; /* The page number for the index on literals */ int pairsTNum; /* The page number for the index on application pairs */ int tokensTNum; /* The page number for the index on linearization tokens */ int triplesTNum; /* The page number for the table of triples */ int triplesIdxTNum[3]; /* The page number for the three indexes on triples */ int autoCommit; }; void sg_raise_sqlite(int rc, GuExn* err) { const char *msg = sqlite3BtreeErrName(rc); GuExnData* err_data = gu_raise(err, SgError); if (err_data) { err_data->data = gu_malloc(err_data->pool, strlen(msg)+1); strcpy(err_data->data, msg); } } void sg_raise_err(GuString msg, GuExn* err) { GuExnData* err_data = gu_raise(err, SgError); if (err_data) { err_data->data = (char*) msg; } } static int sg_create_table(Btree* pBtree, BtCursor* crsSchema, int tblKey, int* pTNum, int flags) { int rc; int file_format = sqlite3BtreeFileFormat(pBtree); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(crsSchema, 0, tblKey, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return rc; } Mem mem; int serial_type; if (res == 0) { u32 payloadSize; rc = sqlite3BtreeDataSize(crsSchema, &payloadSize); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; u32 avail = 0; const unsigned char* row = sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(crsSchema, &avail); row++; row += getVarint32(row, serial_type); row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type, &mem); assert(mem.flags & MEM_Int); *pTNum = mem.u.i; } else { rc = sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(pBtree, pTNum, flags); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return rc; } mem.flags = MEM_Int; mem.u.i = *pTNum; unsigned char buf[32]; unsigned char *p; buf[0] = 2; serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem, file_format); buf[1] = serial_type; p = buf+2; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(buf+2, &mem, serial_type); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(crsSchema, 0, tblKey, buf, p-buf, 0, 0, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; } return SQLITE_OK; } SgSG* sg_open(const char *filename, GuExn* err) { int rc; Btree* pBtree; rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen(0, filename, &pBtree, 0, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE | SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return NULL; } rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pBtree, 1); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); sqlite3BtreeClose(pBtree); return NULL; } BtCursor* crsSchema = NULL; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(pBtree, 1, 1, 0, 0, &crsSchema); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); sqlite3BtreeClose(pBtree); return NULL; } SgSG* sg = malloc(sizeof(SgSG)); sg->pBtree = pBtree; sg->autoCommit = 1; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_EXPRS, &sg->exprsTNum, BTREE_INTKEY); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_IDENTS, &sg->identsTNum, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_LITERALS, &sg->literalsTNum, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_PAIRS, &sg->pairsTNum, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_TOKENS, &sg->tokensTNum, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_TRIPLES, &sg->triplesTNum, BTREE_INTKEY); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_TRIPLES_SPO, &sg->triplesIdxTNum[0], 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_TRIPLES_PO, &sg->triplesIdxTNum[1], 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; rc = sg_create_table(pBtree, crsSchema, SG_TRIPLES_O, &sg->triplesIdxTNum[2], 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsSchema); rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto fail; return sg; fail: sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); if (crsSchema != NULL) sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsSchema); sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); sqlite3BtreeClose(pBtree); free(sg); return NULL; } void sg_close(SgSG* sg, GuExn* err) { sqlite3BtreeClose(sg->pBtree); } void sg_shutdown() { sqlite3BtreeShutdown(); } void sg_begin_trans(SgSG* sg, GuExn* err) { int rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 1); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return; } sg->autoCommit = 0; } void sg_commit(SgSG* sg, GuExn* err) { int rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return; } sg->autoCommit = 1; } void sg_rollback(SgSG* sg, GuExn* err) { int rc = sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return; } sg->autoCommit = 1; } typedef struct { int n_cursors; BtCursor* crsExprs; BtCursor* crsIdents; BtCursor* crsLiterals; BtCursor* crsPairs; SgId key_seed; } ExprContext; static int open_exprs(SgSG *sg, int wrFlag, bool identsOnly, ExprContext* ctxt, GuExn* err) { ctxt->n_cursors = 0; int rc; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->exprsTNum, wrFlag, 0, 0, &ctxt->crsExprs); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } ctxt->n_cursors++; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->identsTNum, wrFlag, 1, 1, &ctxt->crsIdents); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } ctxt->n_cursors++; if (!identsOnly) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->literalsTNum, wrFlag, 1, 1, &ctxt->crsLiterals); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } ctxt->n_cursors++; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->pairsTNum, wrFlag, 2, 0, &ctxt->crsPairs); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } ctxt->n_cursors++; } if (wrFlag) { int res; rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(ctxt->crsExprs, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(ctxt->crsExprs, &ctxt->key_seed); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } } else { ctxt->key_seed = 0; } return SQLITE_OK; } static void close_exprs(ExprContext* ctxt) { if (ctxt->n_cursors >= 4) { sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(ctxt->crsPairs); } if (ctxt->n_cursors >= 3) { sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(ctxt->crsLiterals); } if (ctxt->n_cursors >= 2) { sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(ctxt->crsIdents); } if (ctxt->n_cursors >= 1) { sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(ctxt->crsExprs); } ctxt->n_cursors = 0; } static int find_function_rowid(SgSG* sg, ExprContext* ctxt, GuString fun, SgId* pKey, int wrFlag) { int rc = SQLITE_OK; int file_format = sqlite3BtreeFileFormat(sg->pBtree); Mem mem[2]; mem[0].flags = MEM_Str; mem[0].n = strlen(fun); mem[0].z = (void*) fun; UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, ctxt->crsIdents, 1, 0, mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(ctxt->crsIdents, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return rc; } if (res == 0) { rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, ctxt->crsIdents, pKey); } else { if (wrFlag == 0) { *pKey = 0; return SQLITE_OK; } *pKey = ++ctxt->key_seed; int serial_type_fun = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[0], file_format); int serial_type_fun_hdr_len = sqlite3BtreeVarintLen(serial_type_fun); mem[1].flags = MEM_Int; mem[1].u.i = *pKey; int serial_type_key = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[1], file_format); int serial_type_key_hdr_len = sqlite3BtreeVarintLen(serial_type_key); unsigned char* buf = malloc(1+serial_type_fun_hdr_len+(serial_type_key_hdr_len > 1 ? serial_type_key_hdr_len : 1)+mem[0].n+8); unsigned char* p = buf; *p++ = 1+serial_type_fun_hdr_len+1; p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_fun); *p++ = 0; memcpy(p, fun, mem[0].n); p += mem[0].n; rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(ctxt->crsExprs, 0, *pKey, buf, p-buf, 0, 0, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { goto free; } p = buf; *p++ = 1+serial_type_fun_hdr_len+serial_type_key_hdr_len; p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_fun); p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_key); memcpy(p, fun, mem[0].n); p += mem[0].n; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[1], serial_type_key); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(ctxt->crsIdents, buf, p-buf, 0, *pKey, 0, 0, 0); free: free(buf); } return rc; } static int store_expr(SgSG* sg, ExprContext* ctxt, PgfExpr expr, SgId* pKey, int wrFlag) { int rc = SQLITE_OK; int file_format = sqlite3BtreeFileFormat(sg->pBtree); GuVariantInfo ei = gu_variant_open(expr); switch (ei.tag) { case PGF_EXPR_ABS: { gu_impossible(); break; } case PGF_EXPR_APP: { PgfExprApp* app = ei.data; Mem mem[3]; mem[0].flags = MEM_Int; rc = store_expr(sg, ctxt, app->fun, &mem[0].u.i, wrFlag); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; if (wrFlag == 0 && mem[0].u.i == 0) { *pKey = 0; return SQLITE_OK; } mem[1].flags = MEM_Int; rc = store_expr(sg, ctxt, app->arg, &mem[1].u.i, wrFlag); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; if (wrFlag == 0 && mem[1].u.i == 0) { *pKey = 0; return SQLITE_OK; } UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, ctxt->crsPairs, 2, 0, mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(ctxt->crsPairs, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return rc; } if (res == 0) { rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, ctxt->crsPairs, pKey); } else { if (wrFlag == 0) { *pKey = 0; return SQLITE_OK; } *pKey = ++ctxt->key_seed; unsigned char buf[32]; // enough for a record with three integers buf[1] = 3; u32 serial_type; unsigned char* p = buf+4; serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[0], file_format); buf[2] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[0], serial_type); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[1], file_format); buf[3] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[1], serial_type); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(ctxt->crsExprs, 0, *pKey, buf+1, p-(buf+1), 0, 0, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return rc; } buf[0] = 4; buf[1] = buf[2]; buf[2] = buf[3]; mem[2].flags = MEM_Int; mem[2].u.i = *pKey; serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[2], file_format); buf[3] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[2], serial_type); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(ctxt->crsPairs, buf, p-buf, 0, *pKey, 0, 0, 0); } break; } case PGF_EXPR_LIT: { PgfExprLit* elit = ei.data; Mem mem[2]; GuVariantInfo li = gu_variant_open(elit->lit); switch (li.tag) { case PGF_LITERAL_STR: { PgfLiteralStr* lstr = li.data; mem[0].flags = MEM_Str; mem[0].n = strlen(lstr->val); mem[0].z = lstr->val; break; } case PGF_LITERAL_INT: { PgfLiteralInt* lint = li.data; mem[0].flags = MEM_Int; mem[0].u.i = lint->val; break; } case PGF_LITERAL_FLT: { PgfLiteralFlt* lflt = li.data; mem[0].flags = MEM_Real; mem[0].u.r = lflt->val; break; } default: gu_impossible(); } UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, ctxt->crsIdents, 1, 0, mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(ctxt->crsLiterals, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return rc; } if (res == 0) { rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, ctxt->crsLiterals, pKey); } else { if (wrFlag == 0) { *pKey = 0; return SQLITE_OK; } *pKey = ++ctxt->key_seed; mem[1].flags = MEM_Int; mem[1].u.i = 0; int serial_type_lit = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[0], file_format); int serial_type_lit_hdr_len = sqlite3BtreeVarintLen(serial_type_lit); int serial_type_arg = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[1], file_format); int serial_type_arg_hdr_len = sqlite3BtreeVarintLen(serial_type_arg); unsigned char* buf = malloc(1+serial_type_lit_hdr_len+(serial_type_arg_hdr_len > 1 ? serial_type_arg_hdr_len : 1)+mem[0].n+8); unsigned char* p = buf; *p++ = 1+serial_type_lit_hdr_len+serial_type_arg_hdr_len; p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_lit); p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_arg); p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[0], serial_type_lit); p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[1], serial_type_arg); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(ctxt->crsExprs, 0, *pKey, buf, p-buf, 0, 0, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { mem[1].flags = MEM_Int; mem[1].u.i = *pKey; int serial_type_key = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[1], file_format); int serial_type_key_hdr_len = sqlite3BtreeVarintLen(serial_type_key); p = buf; *p++ = 1+serial_type_lit_hdr_len+serial_type_key_hdr_len; p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_lit); p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_key); p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[0], serial_type_lit); p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[1], serial_type_key); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(ctxt->crsLiterals, buf, p-buf, 0, *pKey, 0, 0, 0); } free(buf); } break; } case PGF_EXPR_META: { gu_impossible(); } case PGF_EXPR_FUN: { PgfExprFun* fun = ei.data; rc = find_function_rowid(sg, ctxt, fun->fun, pKey, wrFlag); break; } case PGF_EXPR_VAR: { gu_impossible(); break; } case PGF_EXPR_TYPED: { PgfExprTyped* etyped = ei.data; rc = store_expr(sg, ctxt, etyped->expr, pKey, wrFlag); break; } case PGF_EXPR_IMPL_ARG: { PgfExprImplArg* eimpl = ei.data; rc = store_expr(sg, ctxt, eimpl->expr, pKey, wrFlag); break; } default: gu_impossible(); } return rc; } SgId sg_insert_expr(SgSG *sg, PgfExpr expr, int wrFlag, GuExn* err) { int rc; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, wrFlag); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return 0; } } ExprContext ctxt; rc = open_exprs(sg, wrFlag, false, &ctxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto close; SgId key; rc = store_expr(sg, &ctxt, expr, &key, wrFlag); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } close_exprs(&ctxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return 0; } } return key; close: close_exprs(&ctxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } return 0; } static int load_expr(BtCursor* crsExprs, SgId key, PgfExpr *pExpr, GuPool* out_pool) { int res; int rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(crsExprs, 0, key, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; if (res != 0) { *pExpr = gu_null_variant; return SQLITE_OK; } u32 payloadSize; rc = sqlite3BtreeDataSize(crsExprs, &payloadSize); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; u32 avail = 0; const unsigned char* row = sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(crsExprs, &avail); row++; int serial_type_fun, serial_type_arg; row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_fun); row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_arg); Mem mem[2]; row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_fun, &mem[0]); row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_arg, &mem[1]); if (mem[1].flags & MEM_Null) { u32 len = sqlite3BtreeSerialTypeLen(serial_type_fun); PgfExprFun *efun = gu_new_flex_variant(PGF_EXPR_FUN, PgfExprFun, fun, len+1, pExpr, out_pool); memcpy(efun->fun, mem[0].z, len); efun->fun[len] = 0; } else if (mem[1].u.i == 0) { PgfExprLit *elit = gu_new_variant(PGF_EXPR_LIT, PgfExprLit, pExpr, out_pool); if (mem[0].flags & MEM_Str) { u32 len = sqlite3BtreeSerialTypeLen(serial_type_fun); PgfLiteralStr *lstr = gu_new_flex_variant(PGF_LITERAL_STR, PgfLiteralStr, val, len+1, &elit->lit, out_pool); memcpy(lstr->val, mem[0].z, len); lstr->val[len] = 0; } else if (mem[0].flags & MEM_Int) { PgfLiteralInt *lint = gu_new_variant(PGF_LITERAL_INT, PgfLiteralInt, &elit->lit, out_pool); lint->val = mem[0].u.i; } else if (mem[0].flags & MEM_Real) { PgfLiteralFlt *lflt = gu_new_variant(PGF_LITERAL_FLT, PgfLiteralFlt, &elit->lit, out_pool); lflt->val = mem[0].u.r; } else { gu_impossible(); } } else { PgfExprApp* papp = gu_new_variant(PGF_EXPR_APP, PgfExprApp, pExpr, out_pool); rc = load_expr(crsExprs, mem[0].u.i, &papp->fun, out_pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; rc = load_expr(crsExprs, mem[1].u.i, &papp->arg, out_pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; } return SQLITE_OK; } PgfExpr sg_get_expr(SgSG *sg, SgId key, GuPool* out_pool, GuExn* err) { int rc; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return gu_null_variant; } } BtCursor* crsExprs; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->exprsTNum, 0, 0, 0, &crsExprs); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto rollback; } PgfExpr expr = gu_null_variant; rc = load_expr(crsExprs, key, &expr, out_pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } rc = sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsExprs); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto rollback; } if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto rollback; } } return expr; close: sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsExprs); rollback: if (sg->autoCommit) { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } return gu_null_variant; } // A query is compiled into a sequence of instructions with // the following codes: #define QI_PUSH 1 #define QI_VAR 2 #define QI_APPLY 3 #define QI_RETURN 4 typedef struct { int code; SgId arg; } QueryInstr; struct SgQueryExprResult { ExprContext ectxt; GuBuf* instrs; GuBuf* queue; size_t iState; PgfMetaId min_meta_id; PgfMetaId max_meta_id; }; typedef struct QueryArg QueryArg; struct QueryArg { QueryArg* prev; SgId arg; }; typedef struct { QueryArg* args; // a stack of arguments int pc; // program counter } QueryState; static int build_expr_query(SgSG* sg, SgQueryExprResult* ctxt, PgfExpr expr) { int rc = SQLITE_OK; GuVariantInfo ei = gu_variant_open(expr); switch (ei.tag) { case PGF_EXPR_ABS: { gu_impossible(); break; } case PGF_EXPR_APP: { PgfExprApp* app = ei.data; rc = build_expr_query(sg, ctxt, app->fun); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; QueryInstr* first = gu_buf_index_last(ctxt->instrs, QueryInstr); rc = build_expr_query(sg, ctxt, app->arg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; QueryInstr* second = gu_buf_index_last(ctxt->instrs, QueryInstr); if (first->code == QI_PUSH && second->code == QI_PUSH && second - first == 1) { // we could directly combine the two expressions Mem mem[2]; mem[0].flags = MEM_Int; mem[0].u.i = first->arg; mem[1].flags = MEM_Int; mem[1].u.i = second->arg; UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, 2, 0, mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; if (res != 0) return SQLITE_DONE; gu_buf_pop(ctxt->instrs, QueryInstr); rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &first->arg); } else if (gu_variant_tag(app->arg) != PGF_EXPR_META) { QueryInstr* instr = gu_buf_extend(ctxt->instrs); instr->code = QI_APPLY; instr->arg = 0; } break; } case PGF_EXPR_LIT: { PgfExprLit* elit = ei.data; Mem mem; GuVariantInfo li = gu_variant_open(elit->lit); switch (li.tag) { case PGF_LITERAL_STR: { PgfLiteralStr* lstr = li.data; mem.flags = MEM_Str; mem.n = strlen(lstr->val); mem.z = lstr->val; break; } case PGF_LITERAL_INT: { PgfLiteralInt* lint = li.data; mem.flags = MEM_Int; mem.u.i = lint->val; break; } case PGF_LITERAL_FLT: { PgfLiteralFlt* lflt = li.data; mem.flags = MEM_Real; mem.u.r = lflt->val; break; } default: gu_impossible(); } UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, ctxt->ectxt.crsIdents, 1, 0, &mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(ctxt->ectxt.crsLiterals, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; if (res != 0) return SQLITE_DONE; QueryInstr* instr = gu_buf_extend(ctxt->instrs); instr->code = QI_PUSH; rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, ctxt->ectxt.crsLiterals, &instr->arg); break; } case PGF_EXPR_META: { PgfExprMeta* emeta = ei.data; QueryInstr* instr = gu_buf_extend(ctxt->instrs); instr->code = QI_VAR; instr->arg = emeta->id; if (ctxt->min_meta_id > emeta->id) ctxt->min_meta_id = emeta->id; if (ctxt->max_meta_id < emeta->id) ctxt->max_meta_id = emeta->id; break; } case PGF_EXPR_FUN: { PgfExprFun* fun = ei.data; QueryInstr* instr = gu_buf_extend(ctxt->instrs); instr->code = QI_PUSH; rc = find_function_rowid(sg, &ctxt->ectxt, fun->fun, &instr->arg, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK && instr->arg == 0) return SQLITE_DONE; break; } case PGF_EXPR_VAR: { gu_impossible(); break; } case PGF_EXPR_TYPED: { PgfExprTyped* etyped = ei.data; rc = build_expr_query(sg, ctxt, etyped->expr); break; } case PGF_EXPR_IMPL_ARG: { PgfExprImplArg* eimpl = ei.data; rc = build_expr_query(sg, ctxt, eimpl->expr); break; } default: gu_impossible(); } return rc; } static int run_expr_query(SgSG* sg, SgQueryExprResult* ctxt, GuPool* pool) { int rc; while (ctxt->iState < gu_buf_length(ctxt->queue)) { QueryState* state = gu_buf_index(ctxt->queue, QueryState, ctxt->iState); QueryInstr* instr = gu_buf_index(ctxt->instrs, QueryInstr, state->pc); switch (instr->code) { case QI_PUSH: { QueryArg* arg = gu_new(QueryArg, pool); arg->arg = instr->arg; arg->prev = state->args; state->args = arg; break; } case QI_VAR: { assert(state->args != NULL); Mem mem; mem.flags = MEM_Int; mem.u.i = state->args->arg; UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, 1, 1, &mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; if (res < 0) { rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &res); } res = 0; while (res == 0) { i64 szData; const unsigned char *zData; rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &szData); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; u32 available = 0; zData = sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &available); if (szData > available) gu_impossible(); idxKey.default_rc = 0; res = sqlite3BtreeRecordCompare(available, zData, &idxKey); if (res != 0) break; QueryArg* arg = gu_new(QueryArg, pool); arg->prev = state->args->prev; QueryState* state1 = gu_buf_extend(ctxt->queue); state1->args = arg; state1->pc = state->pc+1; rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &arg->arg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; sqlite3BtreeNext(ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; } ctxt->iState++; break; } case QI_APPLY: { assert(state->args != NULL && state->args->prev); Mem mem[2]; mem[0].flags = MEM_Int; mem[0].u.i = state->args->prev->arg; mem[1].flags = MEM_Int; mem[1].u.i = state->args->arg; UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, 2, 0, mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; if (res != 0) { ctxt->iState++; continue; } state->args = state->args->prev; rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, ctxt->ectxt.crsPairs, &state->args->arg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; break; } case QI_RETURN: return SQLITE_OK; } state->pc++; } return SQLITE_DONE; } SgQueryExprResult* sg_query_expr(SgSG *sg, PgfExpr expr, GuPool* pool, GuExn* err) { int rc; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return NULL; } } SgQueryExprResult* ctxt = gu_new(SgQueryExprResult, pool); rc = open_exprs(sg, 0, false, &ctxt->ectxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto close; ctxt->instrs = gu_new_buf(QueryInstr, pool); ctxt->queue = gu_new_buf(QueryState, pool); ctxt->iState = 0; ctxt->min_meta_id = INT_MAX; ctxt->max_meta_id = INT_MIN; rc = build_expr_query(sg, ctxt, expr); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { QueryInstr* instr = gu_buf_extend(ctxt->instrs); instr->code = QI_RETURN; instr->arg = 0; QueryState* state = gu_buf_extend(ctxt->queue); state->args = NULL; state->pc = 0; } else if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } return ctxt; close: close_exprs(&ctxt->ectxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } return NULL; } PgfExpr sg_query_next(SgSG *sg, SgQueryExprResult* ctxt, SgId* pKey, GuPool* pool, GuExn* err) { int rc; rc = run_expr_query(sg, ctxt, pool); if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) return gu_null_variant; if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return gu_null_variant; } QueryState* state = gu_buf_index(ctxt->queue, QueryState, ctxt->iState); assert(state->args != NULL); ctxt->iState++; PgfExpr expr; rc = load_expr(ctxt->ectxt.crsExprs, state->args->arg, &expr, pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return gu_null_variant; } *pKey = state->args->arg; return expr; } void sg_query_close(SgSG* sg, SgQueryExprResult* ctxt, GuExn* err) { int rc; close_exprs(&ctxt->ectxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); } } } static int insert_token(SgSG *sg, BtCursor* crsTokens, GuString tok, SgId key) { int rc = SQLITE_OK; int file_format = sqlite3BtreeFileFormat(sg->pBtree); Mem mem[2]; mem[0].flags = MEM_Str; mem[0].n = strlen(tok); mem[0].z = (void*) tok; int serial_type_tok = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[0], file_format); int serial_type_tok_hdr_len = sqlite3BtreeVarintLen(serial_type_tok); mem[1].flags = MEM_Int; mem[1].u.i = key; int serial_type_key = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[1], file_format); int serial_type_key_hdr_len = sqlite3BtreeVarintLen(serial_type_key); unsigned char* buf = malloc(1+serial_type_tok_hdr_len+serial_type_key_hdr_len+mem[0].n+8); unsigned char* p = buf; *p++ = 1+serial_type_tok_hdr_len+serial_type_key_hdr_len; p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_tok); p += putVarint32(p, serial_type_key); memcpy(p, tok, mem[0].n); p += mem[0].n; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[1], serial_type_key); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(crsTokens, buf, p-buf, 0, key, 0, 0, 0); free(buf); return rc; } static int insert_syms(SgSG *sg, BtCursor* crsTokens, PgfSymbols* syms, SgId key) { int rc; size_t n_syms = gu_seq_length(syms); for (size_t sym_idx = 0; sym_idx < n_syms; sym_idx++) { PgfSymbol sym = gu_seq_get(syms, PgfSymbol, sym_idx); GuVariantInfo sym_i = gu_variant_open(sym); switch (sym_i.tag) { case PGF_SYMBOL_KS: { PgfSymbolKS* ks = sym_i.data; rc = insert_token(sg, crsTokens, ks->token, key); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; break; } case PGF_SYMBOL_KP: { PgfSymbolKP* kp = sym_i.data; rc = insert_syms(sg, crsTokens, kp->default_form, key); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; for (size_t i = 0; i < kp->n_forms; i++) { rc = insert_syms(sg, crsTokens, kp->forms[i].form, key); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; } break; } } } return SQLITE_OK; } void sg_update_fts_index(SgSG* sg, PgfPGF* pgf, GuExn* err) { int rc = SQLITE_OK; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 1); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return; } } ExprContext ctxt; rc = open_exprs(sg, 1, true, &ctxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable(sg->pBtree, sg->tokensTNum, NULL); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return; } BtCursor* crsTokens; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->tokensTNum, 1, 1, 1, &crsTokens); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); } ctxt.n_cursors++; size_t n_concrs = gu_seq_length(pgf->concretes); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_concrs; i++) { PgfConcr* concr = gu_seq_index(pgf->concretes, PgfConcr, i); size_t n_funs = gu_seq_length(concr->cncfuns); for (size_t funid = 0; funid < n_funs; funid++) { PgfCncFun* cncfun = gu_seq_get(concr->cncfuns, PgfCncFun*, funid); SgId key = 0; rc = find_function_rowid(sg, &ctxt, cncfun->absfun->name, &key, 1); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } for (size_t lin_idx = 0; lin_idx < cncfun->n_lins; lin_idx++) { PgfSequence* seq = cncfun->lins[lin_idx]; rc = insert_syms(sg, crsTokens, seq->syms, key); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } } } } if (ctxt.n_cursors >= 3) { sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsTokens); ctxt.n_cursors--; } close_exprs(&ctxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); } } return; close: if (ctxt.n_cursors >= 3) { sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsTokens); ctxt.n_cursors--; } close_exprs(&ctxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } } GuSeq* sg_query_linearization(SgSG *sg, GuString tok, GuPool *pool, GuExn* err) { int rc; BtCursor* crsTokens; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->tokensTNum, 1, 1, 1, &crsTokens); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return NULL; } Mem mem[1]; mem[0].flags = MEM_Str; mem[0].n = strlen(tok); mem[0].z = (void*) tok; UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, crsTokens, 1, 0, mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(crsTokens, &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return NULL; } GuBuf* ids = gu_new_buf(SgId, pool); while (res == 0) { SgId key; rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, crsTokens, &key); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(crsTokens); return NULL; } gu_buf_push(ids, SgId, key); sqlite3BtreeNext(crsTokens, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(crsTokens); return NULL; } i64 szData; const unsigned char *zData; rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(crsTokens, &szData); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(crsTokens); return NULL; } u32 available = 0; zData = sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(crsTokens, &available); if (szData > available) gu_impossible(); res = sqlite3BtreeRecordCompare(available, zData, &idxKey); if (res != 0) break; } sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(crsTokens); return gu_buf_data_seq(ids); } typedef struct { int n_cursors; BtCursor* cursor[4]; } TripleContext; static int open_triples(SgSG *sg, int wrFlag, TripleContext* ctxt, GuExn* err) { int rc; ctxt->n_cursors = 0; while (ctxt->n_cursors < 3) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->triplesIdxTNum[ctxt->n_cursors], wrFlag, 3-ctxt->n_cursors, ctxt->n_cursors, &ctxt->cursor[ctxt->n_cursors]); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } ctxt->n_cursors++; } rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->triplesTNum, wrFlag, 0, 0, &ctxt->cursor[ctxt->n_cursors]); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return rc; } ctxt->n_cursors++; return SQLITE_OK; } static void close_triples(TripleContext* ctxt) { while (ctxt->n_cursors > 0) { ctxt->n_cursors--; sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(ctxt->cursor[ctxt->n_cursors]); } } SgId sg_insert_triple(SgSG *sg, SgTriple triple, GuExn* err) { int rc; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 1); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return 0; } } TripleContext tctxt; rc = open_triples(sg, 1, &tctxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto close; Mem mem[4]; ExprContext ectxt; rc = open_exprs(sg, 1, false, &ectxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto close; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mem[i].flags = MEM_Int; rc = store_expr(sg, &ectxt, triple[i], &mem[i].u.i, 1); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } } UnpackedRecord idxKey; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&idxKey, tctxt.cursor[0], 3, 0, mem); int res = 0; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(tctxt.cursor[0], &idxKey, 0, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } SgId key = 0; if (res == 0) { rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, tctxt.cursor[0], &key); } else { rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(tctxt.cursor[3], &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(tctxt.cursor[3], &key); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } key++; u32 serial_type; unsigned char buf[41]; // enough for a record with three integers int file_format = sqlite3BtreeFileFormat(sg->pBtree); unsigned char* p = buf+(buf[0] = 5); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[0], file_format); buf[1] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[0], serial_type); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[1], file_format); buf[2] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[1], serial_type); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[2], file_format); buf[3] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[2], serial_type); unsigned char* tmp = p; mem[3].flags = MEM_Int; mem[3].u.i = 1; serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[3], file_format); buf[4] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[3], serial_type); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(tctxt.cursor[3], 0, key, buf, p-buf, 0, 0, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } mem[3].flags = MEM_Int; mem[3].u.i = key; p = tmp; serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[3], file_format); buf[4] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[3], serial_type); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(tctxt.cursor[0], buf, p-buf, 0, key, 0, 0, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } p = buf+(buf[0] = 4); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[1], file_format); buf[1] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[1], serial_type); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[2], file_format); buf[2] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[2], serial_type); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[3], file_format); buf[3] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[3], serial_type); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(tctxt.cursor[1], buf, p-buf, 0, key, 0, 0, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } p = buf+(buf[0] = 3); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[2], file_format); buf[1] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[2], serial_type); serial_type = sqlite3BtreeSerialType(&mem[3], file_format); buf[2] = serial_type; p += sqlite3BtreeSerialPut(p, &mem[3], serial_type); rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(tctxt.cursor[2], buf, p-buf, 0, key, 0, 0, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } } close: close_exprs(&ectxt); close_triples(&tctxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { if (rc == SQLITE_OK || rc == SQLITE_DONE) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return 0; } } else { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } } return key; } static int load_triple(BtCursor* crsTriples, BtCursor* crsExprs, SgTriple triple, GuPool* out_pool) { int rc; u32 payloadSize; rc = sqlite3BtreeDataSize(crsTriples, &payloadSize); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; u32 avail = 0; const unsigned char* row = sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(crsTriples, &avail); row++; int serial_type_subj, serial_type_pred, serial_type_obj; row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_subj); row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_pred); row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_obj); row++; Mem mem[3]; row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_subj, &mem[0]); row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_pred, &mem[1]); row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_obj, &mem[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (gu_variant_is_null(triple[i])) { rc = load_expr(crsExprs, mem[i].u.i, &triple[i], out_pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; } } return SQLITE_OK; } int sg_get_triple(SgSG *sg, SgId key, SgTriple triple, GuPool* out_pool, GuExn* err) { triple[0] = gu_null_variant; triple[1] = gu_null_variant; triple[2] = gu_null_variant; int rc; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return false; } } BtCursor* crsTriples; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->triplesTNum, 0, 0, 0, &crsTriples); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto rollback; } BtCursor* crsExprs; rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(sg->pBtree, sg->exprsTNum, 0, 0, 0, &crsExprs); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close1; } int res; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(crsTriples, 0, key, 0, &res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } if (res == 0) { rc = load_triple(crsTriples, crsExprs, triple, out_pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } } rc = sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsExprs); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close1; } rc = sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsTriples); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto rollback; } if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return false; } } return (res == 0); close: sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsExprs); close1: sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(crsTriples); rollback: if (sg->autoCommit) { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } return false; } typedef struct { TripleContext tctxt; BtCursor* cursor; int res; Mem mem[3]; UnpackedRecord idxKey; } SgTripleResultInt; struct SgTripleResult { SgSG *sg; SgTriple triple; ExprContext ectxt; SgTripleResultInt i; }; static int triple_result_init(SgSG *sg, SgTripleResultInt* tresi, GuExn* err) { int rc; rc = open_triples(sg, 0, &tresi->tctxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; int i = 0; while (i < 3) { if (tresi->mem[i].flags != MEM_Null) break; i++; } tresi->cursor = tresi->tctxt.cursor[i]; sqlite3BtreeInitUnpackedRecord(&tresi->idxKey, tresi->cursor, 0, 0, &tresi->mem[i]); tresi->res = 0; while (i+tresi->idxKey.nField < 3) { tresi->idxKey.nField++; if (tresi->mem[i+tresi->idxKey.nField].flags == MEM_Null) break; } if (tresi->idxKey.nField > 0) { tresi->idxKey.default_rc = 1; rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(tresi->cursor, &tresi->idxKey, 0, 0, &tresi->res); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { if (tresi->res < 0) { rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(tresi->cursor, &tresi->res); } tresi->res = 0; } } else { rc = sqlite3BtreeFirst(tresi->cursor, &tresi->res); } if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); } return rc; } static bool triple_result_fetch(SgSG* sg, SgTripleResultInt* tresi, SgId* pKey, GuExn* err) { while (tresi->res == 0) { int rc; if (tresi->idxKey.nField > 0) { i64 szData; const unsigned char *zData; rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(tresi->cursor, &szData); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return false; } u32 available = 0; zData = sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(tresi->cursor, &available); if (szData > available) gu_impossible(); tresi->idxKey.default_rc = 0; tresi->res = sqlite3BtreeRecordCompare(available, zData, &tresi->idxKey); if (tresi->res != 0) return false; if (tresi->idxKey.aMem == &tresi->mem[0] && tresi->idxKey.nField == 1 && tresi->mem[2].flags != MEM_Null) { int offset = zData[0] + sqlite3BtreeSerialTypeLen(zData[1]) + sqlite3BtreeSerialTypeLen(zData[2]); zData+offset; Mem mem; sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(zData+offset, zData[3], &mem); if (mem.u.i != tresi->mem[2].u.i) { sqlite3BtreeNext(tresi->cursor, &tresi->res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return false; } continue; } } rc = sqlite3BtreeIdxRowid(sg->pBtree, tresi->cursor, pKey); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return false; } rc = sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked(tresi->tctxt.cursor[3], 0, *pKey, 0, &tresi->res); } else { rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(tresi->cursor, pKey); } if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return false; } return true; } return false; } SgTripleResult* sg_query_triple(SgSG *sg, SgTriple triple, GuExn* err) { int rc; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return NULL; } } SgTripleResult* tres = malloc(sizeof(SgTripleResult)); tres->sg = sg; tres->triple[0] = triple[0]; tres->triple[1] = triple[1]; tres->triple[2] = triple[2]; rc = open_exprs(sg, 0, false, &tres->ectxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto close; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (gu_variant_is_null(triple[i])) tres->i.mem[i].flags = MEM_Null; else { tres->i.mem[i].flags = MEM_Int; rc = store_expr(sg, &tres->ectxt, triple[i], &tres->i.mem[i].u.i, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto close; if (tres->i.mem[i].u.i == 0) { tres->i.res = 1; tres->i.tctxt.n_cursors = 0; // this is important since the triples are not initialized yet return tres; } } } rc = triple_result_init(sg, &tres->i, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return NULL; } return tres; close: close_exprs(&tres->ectxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } free(tres); return NULL; } int sg_triple_result_fetch(SgTripleResult* tres, SgId* pKey, SgTriple triple, GuPool* out_pool, GuExn* err) { int rc; triple[0] = tres->triple[0]; triple[1] = tres->triple[1]; triple[2] = tres->triple[2]; bool found = triple_result_fetch(tres->sg, &tres->i, pKey, err); if (!found) return 0; rc = load_triple(tres->i.tctxt.cursor[3], tres->ectxt.crsExprs, triple, out_pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return 0; } sqlite3BtreeNext(tres->i.cursor, &tres->i.res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return 0; } return 1; } void sg_triple_result_get_query(SgTripleResult* tres, SgTriple triple) { triple[0] = tres->triple[0]; triple[1] = tres->triple[1]; triple[2] = tres->triple[2]; } void sg_triple_result_close(SgTripleResult* tres, GuExn* err) { close_exprs(&tres->ectxt); close_triples(&tres->i.tctxt); if (tres->sg->autoCommit) { int rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(tres->sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return; } } free(tres); } typedef int SgPattern[3]; struct SgQueryResult { SgSG* sg; size_t n_vars; struct { SgId id; PgfExpr expr; }* vars; size_t n_sels; int* sels; ExprContext ectxt; bool is_empty; size_t n_results; size_t n_patterns; struct { SgPattern pattern; SgTripleResultInt result; } triples[]; }; SgQueryResult* sg_query(SgSG *sg, size_t n_triples, SgTriple* triples, GuExn* err) { int rc; if (sg->autoCommit) { rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(sg->pBtree, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return NULL; } } SgQueryResult* qres = malloc(GU_FLEX_SIZE(SgQueryResult, triples, n_triples)); qres->sg = sg; qres->is_empty = false; qres->n_results = 0; qres->n_vars = 0; qres->vars = malloc(sizeof(qres->vars[0])*n_triples*3); qres->n_sels = 0; qres->sels = malloc(sizeof(int)*n_triples*3); rc = open_exprs(sg, 0, false, &qres->ectxt, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) goto close; qres->n_patterns = n_triples; for (size_t i = 0; i < n_triples; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { PgfExpr expr = triples[i][k]; size_t j = 0; while (j < qres->n_vars) { if (pgf_expr_eq(expr, qres->vars[j].expr)) break; j++; } if (j >= qres->n_vars) { qres->vars[j].expr = expr; if (gu_variant_tag(expr) == PGF_EXPR_META) { qres->vars[j].id = 0; qres->sels[qres->n_sels++] = j; qres->triples[i].result.mem[k].flags = MEM_Null; } else { rc = store_expr(sg, &qres->ectxt, expr, &qres->vars[j].id, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } if (qres->vars[j].id == 0) goto close; qres->triples[i].result.mem[k].flags = MEM_Int; } qres->n_vars++; } else { qres->triples[i].result.mem[k].flags = MEM_Int; } qres->triples[i].pattern[k] = j; } } return qres; close: qres->is_empty = true; close_exprs(&qres->ectxt); if (sg->autoCommit) { sqlite3BtreeRollback(sg->pBtree, SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK, 0); } return qres; } size_t sg_query_result_columns(SgQueryResult* qres) { return qres->n_sels; } static int load_vars(SgQueryResult* qres, BtCursor* crsTriples, SgPattern pattern) { int rc; u32 payloadSize; rc = sqlite3BtreeDataSize(crsTriples, &payloadSize); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc; u32 avail = 0; const unsigned char* row = sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(crsTriples, &avail); row++; int serial_type_subj, serial_type_pred, serial_type_obj; row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_subj); row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_pred); row += getVarint32(row, serial_type_obj); row++; Mem mem[3]; row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_subj, &mem[0]); row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_pred, &mem[1]); row += sqlite3BtreeSerialGet(row, serial_type_obj, &mem[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { qres->vars[pattern[i]].id = mem[i].u.i; } return SQLITE_OK; } int sg_query_result_fetch(SgQueryResult* qres, PgfExpr* res, GuPool* out_pool, GuExn* err) { if (qres->is_empty) return 0; int rc; SgId key; size_t i = (qres->n_results == 0) ? 0 : qres->n_results-1; while (i < qres->n_patterns) { if (i >= qres->n_results) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { qres->triples[i].result.mem[k].u.i = qres->vars[qres->triples[i].pattern[k]].id; } rc = triple_result_init(qres->sg, &qres->triples[i].result, err); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { goto close; } qres->n_results++; } bool found = triple_result_fetch(qres->sg, &qres->triples[i].result, &key, err); if (gu_exn_is_raised(err)) { goto close; } if (found) { rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(qres->triples[i].result.cursor, &qres->triples[i].result.res); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } rc = load_vars(qres, qres->triples[i].result.tctxt.cursor[3], qres->triples[i].pattern); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } i++; } else { close_triples(&qres->triples[i].result.tctxt); if (i == 0) goto close; i--; qres->n_results--; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < qres->n_sels; i++) { rc = load_expr(qres->ectxt.crsExprs, qres->vars[qres->sels[i]].id, &res[i], out_pool); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); goto close; } } return true; close: qres->is_empty = true; return false; } void sg_query_result_close(SgQueryResult* qres, GuExn* err) { while (qres->n_results > 0) { close_triples(&qres->triples[qres->n_results-1].result.tctxt); qres->n_results--; } close_exprs(&qres->ectxt); if (qres->sg->autoCommit) { int rc = sqlite3BtreeCommit(qres->sg->pBtree); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sg_raise_sqlite(rc, err); return; } } free(qres->vars); free(qres->sels); free(qres); }