----1 Auxiliary operations common for Romance languages -- -- This module contains operations that are shared by the Romance -- languages. The complete set of auxiliary operations needed to -- implement [Test Test.html] is defined in [ResRomance ResRomance.html], -- which depends on [DiffRomance DiffRomance.html]. -- resource CommonRomance = ParamX ** open Prelude in { flags optimize=all ; coding=utf8 ; --2 Enumerated parameter types for morphology -- -- These types are the ones found in school grammars. -- Their parameter values are atomic. param Gender = Masc | Fem ; Mood = Indic | Conjunct ; Direct = DDir | DInv ; -- Adjectives are inflected in gender and number, and there is also an -- adverbial form (e.g. "infiniment"), which has different paradigms and -- can even be irregular ("bien"). -- Comparative adjectives are moreover inflected in degree -- (which in Romance is usually syntactic, though). AForm = AF Gender Number | AA ; -- Gender is not morphologically determined for first and second person pronouns. PronGen = PGen Gender | PNoGen ; -- Cardinal numerals have gender, ordinal numerals have full number as well. CardOrd = NCard Gender | NOrd Gender Number ; -- The following coercions are useful: oper prongen2gender : PronGen -> Gender = \p -> case p of { PGen g => g ; PNoGen => variants {Masc ; Fem} --- the best we can do for je, tu, nous, vous } ; aform2gender : AForm -> Gender = \a -> case a of { AF g _ => g ; _ => Masc -- "le plus lentement" } ; aform2number : AForm -> Number = \a -> case a of { AF _ n => n ; _ => Sg -- "le plus lentement" } ; aform2aagr : AForm -> AAgr = \a -> case a of { AF g n => aagr g n ; _ => aagr Masc Sg -- "le plus lentement" } ; conjGender : Gender -> Gender -> Gender = \m,n -> case m of { Fem => n ; _ => Masc } ; --3 Verbs -- -- In the current syntax, we use -- a reduced conjugation with only the present tense infinitive, -- indicative, subjunctive, and imperative forms. -- But our morphology has full Bescherelle conjunctions: -- so we use a coercion between full and reduced verbs. -- The full conjugations and the coercions are defined separately for French -- and Italian, since they are not identical. The differences are mostly due -- to Bescherelle structuring the forms in different groups; the -- gerund and the present participles show real differences. -- -- For Italian contracted forms, $VInfin$ should have -- an alternative form, whose proper place is $Diff$. param VF = VInfin Bool | VFin TMood Number Person | VImper NumPersI | VPart Gender Number | VGer | VPresPart --- = VGer except in Italian ; TMood = VPres Mood | VImperf Mood --# notpresent | VPasse --# notpresent | VFut --# notpresent | VCondit --# notpresent ; NumPersI = SgP2 | PlP1 | PlP2 ; VPForm = VPFinite TMood Anteriority | VPImperat | VPGerund | VPInfinit Anteriority Bool ; RTense = RPres | RPast --# notpresent | RPasse --# notpresent | RFut --# notpresent | RCond --# notpresent ; -- Agreement of adjectives, verb phrases, relative pronouns, and predeterminers. oper AAgr : Type = {g : Gender ; n : Number} ; Agr : Type = {g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person} ; complAgr : Agr -> {g : Gender ; n : Number} = \a -> {g = a.g ; n = a.n} ; verbAgr : Agr -> {g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person} = \a -> a ; conjAgr : Agr -> Agr -> Agr = \a,b -> {g = conjGender a.g b.g ; n = conjNumber a.n b.n ; p = conjPerson a.p b.p} ; Ag : Gender -> Number -> Person -> Agr = \g,n,p -> {g = g ; n = n ; p = p} ; -- The imperative forms depend on number and person. vImper : Number -> Person -> VF = \n,p -> case of { => VImper SgP2 ; => VImper PlP1 ; => VImper PlP2 ; _ => VFin (VPres Conjunct) n p } ; {- param Agr = Ag Gender Number Person | AgPol Gender ; oper complAgr : Agr -> {g : Gender ; n : Number} = \a -> case a of { Ag g n _ => {g = g ; n = n} ; AgPol g => {g = g ; n = Sg} -- vous ĂȘtes fatiguĂ©e } ; verbAgr : Agr -> {g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person} = \a -> case a of { Ag g n p => {g = g ; n = n ; p = p} ; AgPol g => {g = g ; n = Pl ; p = P2} } ; conjAgr : Agr -> Agr -> Agr = \a,b -> case of { => Ag (conjGender g h) (conjNumber n m) (conjPerson p q) ; => Ag (conjGender g h) Pl (conjPerson p P2) ; => Ag (conjGender g h) Pl (conjPerson p P2) ; => AgPol (conjGender g h) } ; vImperForm : Agr -> VF = \a -> case a of { Ag _ Pl P1 => VImper PlP1 ; Ag _ n P3 => VFin (VPres Conjunct) n P3 ; Ag _ Sg _ => VImper SgP2 ; _ => VImper PlP2 -- covers French AgPol } ; -} param RAgr = RAg {g : Gender ; n : Number} | RNoAg ; --- AAgr PAgr = PAg Number | PNoAg ; -- Clitic slots. CAgr = CPron Gender Number Person | CRefl | CNone ; --- Agr --- CAgr = CPron {g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person} | CRefl | CNone ; --- Agr oper aagr : Gender -> Number -> AAgr = \g,n -> {g = g ; n = n} ; agrP3 : Gender -> Number -> Agr = \g,n -> Ag g n P3 ; vf2numpers : VF -> (Number * Person) = \v -> case v of { VFin _ n p => ; _ => ---- } ; presInd = VPres Indic ; --- oper genForms : Str -> Str -> Gender => Str = \bon,bonne -> table { Masc => bon ; Fem => bonne } ; aagrForms : (x1,_,_,x4 : Str) -> (AAgr => Str) = \tout,toute,tous,toutes -> table { {g = g ; n = Sg} => genForms tout toute ! g ; {g = g ; n = Pl} => genForms tous toutes ! g } ; Noun = {s : Number => Str ; g : Gender} ; Adj = {s : AForm => Str} ; appVPAgr : VPAgr -> AAgr -> AAgr = \vp,agr -> case vp of { VPAgrSubj => agr ; VPAgrClit g n => {g = g ; n = n} } ; vpAgrNone : VPAgr = VPAgrClit Masc Sg ; oper mkOrd : {s : Degree => AForm => Str} -> {s : AAgr => Str} ; mkOrd x = {s = \\ag => x.s ! Posit ! AF ag.g ag.n} ; -- This is used in Spanish and Italian to bind clitics with preceding verb. bindIf : Bool -> Str = \b -> if_then_Str b BIND [] ; param VPAgr = VPAgrSubj -- elle est partie, elle s'est vue | VPAgrClit Gender Number ; -- elle a dormi; elle les a vues -- Polarity: three values (Fre positive,ne-pas,ne), presence of polarity element line "aucun" param RPolarity = RPos | RNeg Bool ; -- RNeg True = "ne", RNeg False = "ne - pas" }