{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-duplicate-exports #-} module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Editors.Types ( -- * GenericWidgets GenericWidget(..) , edited , contents , widgetControl , widgetTidings -- * Editors , Editor(.., Horizontally, horizontally, Vertically, vertically) , liftElement , dimapE , applyE -- ** Editor composition , (|*|), (|*), (*|) , (-*-), (-*), (*-) , field , fieldLayout -- ** Editor constructors , editorUnit , editorIdentity , editorString , editorText , editorCheckBox , editorReadShow , editorEnumBounded , editorSelection , editorSum , editorJust , EditorCollection(..) , editorCollection , editorList , EditorCollectionConfig(..) , defaultEditorCollectionConfig -- ** Representation of empty values , HasEmpty(..) ) where import Control.Monad import Data.Biapplicative import Data.Maybe import Data.HasEmpty import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Functor.Compose import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Profunctor import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Attributes import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core as UI hiding (empty) import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Editors.Layout import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Editors.Utils import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Elements import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Events import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Widgets import Text.Read data GenericWidget control a = GenericWidget { widgetTidings :: Tidings a -- ^ The dynamic contents of the widget. , widgetControl :: control -- ^ The actual widget. } deriving Functor instance Bifunctor GenericWidget where bimap f g (GenericWidget t e) = GenericWidget (g <$> t) (f e) traverseControl :: Applicative f => (control -> f control') -> GenericWidget control a -> f (GenericWidget control' a) traverseControl f (GenericWidget t e) = GenericWidget t <$> f e edited :: GenericWidget el a -> Event a edited = rumors . widgetTidings contents :: GenericWidget el a -> Behavior a contents = facts . widgetTidings instance Widget el => Widget (GenericWidget el a) where getElement = getElement . widgetControl instance Renderable el => Renderable (GenericWidget el a) where render = render . widgetControl renderEditor :: Renderable w => GenericWidget w a -> UI (GenericWidget Element a) renderEditor = traverseControl render -- | An editor for values of type @inner@ inside a datatype @outer@ realized by a @widget@. -- -- All the three type arguments are functorial, but @outer@ is contravariant, so @Editor@ is a 'Biapplicative' functor and a 'Profunctor' (via 'dimapE'). -- -- 'Biapplicative' allows to compose editors on both their @widget@ and @inner@ structure. When @widget@ is monoidal, widget composition is implicit and 'Applicative' suffices. -- -- 'Profunctor' allows to apply an @inner@ editor to an @outer@ datatype. -- -- Once 'create'd, an 'Editor' yields a tuple of an @widget@ and a @Tidings inner@ which can be integrated in a threepenny app. -- newtype Editor outer widget inner = Editor { create :: Behavior outer -> UI (GenericWidget widget inner) } -- | Lift an HTML element into a vacuous editor. liftElement :: UI el -> Editor a el () liftElement el = Editor $ \_ -> GenericWidget (pure ()) <$> el bimapEditor :: (el -> el') -> (b -> b') -> Editor a el b -> Editor a el' b' bimapEditor g h = Editor . fmap (fmap (bimap g h)) . create dimapE :: (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> Editor a el b -> Editor a' el b' dimapE g h = unCoer . dimap (fmap g) h . coer where coer = Star . (Compose .) . create unCoer = Editor . fmap getCompose . runStar applyE :: (el1 -> el2 -> el) -> Editor in_ el1 (a -> b) -> Editor in_ el2 a -> Editor in_ el b applyE combineElements a b = Editor $ \s -> do a <- create a s b <- create b s return $ GenericWidget (widgetTidings a <*> widgetTidings b) (widgetControl a `combineElements` widgetControl b) instance Functor (Editor a el) where fmap = dimapE id instance Bifunctor (Editor a) where bimap = bimapEditor instance Biapplicative (Editor a) where bipure w o = Editor $ \_ -> return $ GenericWidget (pure o) w (<<*>>) = applyE ($) instance Monoid el => Applicative (Editor a el) where pure = bipure mempty (<*>) = applyE mappend -- | Applicative modifier for vertical composition of editor factories. -- This can be used in conjunction with ApplicativeDo as: -- -- > editorPerson = vertically $ do -- > firstName <- Vertically $ field "First:" firstName editor -- > lastName <- Vertically $ field "Last:" lastName editor -- > age <- Vertically $ field "Age:" age editor -- > return Person{..} -- -- DEPRECATED: Use the 'Vertical' layout builder instead pattern Vertically :: Editor a Layout b -> Editor a Vertical b pattern Vertically {vertically} <- (withLayout getVertical -> vertically) where Vertically a = withLayout Vertical a -- | Applicative modifier for horizontal composition of editor factories. -- This can be used in conjunction with ApplicativeDo as: -- -- > editorPerson = horizontally $ do -- > firstName <- Horizontally $ field "First:" firstName editor -- > lastName <- Horizontally $ field "Last:" lastName editor -- > age <- Horizontally $ field "Age:" age editor -- > return Person{..} -- -- DEPRECATED: Use the 'Horizontal' layout builder instead pattern Horizontally :: Editor a Layout b -> Editor a Horizontal b pattern Horizontally {horizontally} <- (withLayout getHorizontal -> horizontally) where Horizontally a = withLayout Horizontal a infixl 4 |*|, -*- infixl 5 |*, *|, -*, *- -- | Apply a layout builder. withLayout :: (layout -> layout') -> Editor a layout b -> Editor a layout' b withLayout f = bimap f id -- | Left-right editor composition (|*|) :: Editor s Layout (b -> a) -> Editor s Layout b -> Editor s Layout a a |*| b = withLayout getHorizontal $ withLayout Horizontal a <*> withLayout Horizontal b -- | Left-right composition of an element with a editor (*|) :: UI Element -> Editor s Layout a -> Editor s Layout a e *| a = withLayout getHorizontal $ liftElement(return $ horizontal e) *> withLayout Horizontal a -- | Left-right composition of an element with a editor (|*) :: Editor s Layout a -> UI Element -> Editor s Layout a a |* e = withLayout getHorizontal $ withLayout Horizontal a <* liftElement(return $ horizontal e) -- | Left-right editor composition (-*-) :: Editor s Layout (b -> a) -> Editor s Layout b -> Editor s Layout a a -*- b = withLayout getVertical $ withLayout Vertical a <*> withLayout Vertical b -- | Left-right composition of an element with a editor (*-) :: UI Element -> Editor s Layout a -> Editor s Layout a e *- a = withLayout getVertical $ liftElement(return $ vertical e) *> withLayout Vertical a -- | Left-right composition of an element with a editor (-*) :: Editor s Layout a -> UI Element -> Editor s Layout a a -* e = withLayout getVertical $ withLayout Vertical a <* liftElement(return $ vertical e) -- | A helper that arranges a label and an editor horizontally, -- wrapped in the given monoidal layout builder. fieldLayout :: (Renderable m, Renderable m') => (Layout -> m') -> String -> (out -> inn) -> Editor inn m a -> Editor out m' a fieldLayout l name f e = withLayout l (string name *| first getLayout (dimapE f id e)) -- | A helper that arranges a label -- and an editor horizontally. field :: Renderable m => String -> (out -> inn) -> Editor inn m a -> Editor out Layout a field name f e = string name *| first getLayout (dimapE f id e) editorUnit :: Editor b Element b editorUnit = Editor $ \b -> do t <- new return $ GenericWidget (tidings b never) t editorCheckBox :: Editor Bool Element Bool editorCheckBox = Editor $ \b -> do t <- sink checked b $ input # set type_ "checkbox" return $ GenericWidget (tidings b $ checkedChange t) t editorString :: Editor String TextEntry String editorString = Editor $ \b -> do w <- askWindow t <- entry b liftIOLater $ do initialValue <- currentValue b _ <- runUI w $ set value initialValue (element t) return () return $ GenericWidget (userText t) t editorText :: Editor Text TextEntry Text editorText = dimapE Text.unpack Text.pack editorString editorReadShow :: (Read a, Show a) => Editor (Maybe a) TextEntry (Maybe a) editorReadShow = Editor $ \b -> do e <- create editorString (maybe "" show <$> b) let readIt "" = Nothing readIt x = readMaybe x let t = tidings b (readIt <$> edited e) return $ GenericWidget t (widgetControl e) -- An editor that presents a choice of values. editorEnumBounded :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Ord a, Show a) => Behavior(a -> UI Element) -> Editor (Maybe a) (ListBox a) (Maybe a) editorEnumBounded = editorSelection (pure $ enumFrom minBound) -- | An editor that presents a dynamic choice of values. editorSelection :: Ord a => Behavior [a] -> Behavior(a -> UI Element) -> Editor (Maybe a) (ListBox a) (Maybe a) editorSelection options display = Editor $ \b -> do l <- listBox options b display return $ GenericWidget (tidings b (rumors $ userSelection l)) l -- | Ignores 'Nothing' values and only updates for 'Just' values editorJust :: Editor (Maybe b) el (Maybe b) -> Editor b el b editorJust (Editor editor) = Editor $ \b -> do e <- editor (Just <$> b) let ev = filterJust (edited e) return $ GenericWidget (tidings b ev) (widgetControl e) -- | An editor for union types, built from editors for its constructors. editorSum :: (Ord tag, Show tag, Renderable el) => (Layout -> Layout -> Layout) -> [(tag, Editor a el a)] -> (a -> tag) -> Editor a Layout a editorSum combineLayout options selector = Editor $ \ba -> do options <- mapM (\(tag, Editor mk) -> (tag,) <$> (mk ba >>= renderEditor)) options let tag = selector <$> ba tag' <- calmB tag let build a = lookup a options -- build a tag selector following the current tag l <- listBox (pure $ fmap fst options) (Just <$> tag) (pure (string . show)) -- a placeholder for the constructor editor nestedEditor <- new # sink children ((\x -> [maybe (error "editorSum") widgetControl (build x)]) <$> tag') -- let composed = combineLayout (Single (return $ getElement l)) (Single $ return nestedEditor) -- the result event fires when any of the nested editors or the tag selector fire. let editedEvents = fmap (edited . snd) options eTag = filterJust $ rumors (userSelection l) taggedOptions = sequenceA [(tag, ) <$> contents e | (tag, e) <- options] editedTag = filterJust $ flip lookup <$> taggedOptions <@> eTag editedE = head <$> unions (editedTag : editedEvents) return $ GenericWidget (tidings ba editedE) composed editorIdentity :: Editor a el a -> Editor (Identity a) el (Identity a) editorIdentity = dimapE runIdentity Identity -------------------------- -- EditorCollection data EditorCollection k w = EditorCollection { selector :: ListBox k , add, remove :: Element , selected :: w } instance Renderable w => Renderable (EditorCollection k w) where render EditorCollection{..} = column [row [ element selector, element add, element remove] ,render selected] data EditorCollectionConfig k v = EditorCollectionConfig { eccNewKey :: Behavior k -- ^ Current value to use for creating a new key , eccAfterDelKey :: Behavior (Maybe k) -- ^ Current value to use if the selected key is deleted , eccTemplate :: v -- ^ Value to use for creating new items , eccOptions :: Behavior (Set k) -- ^ Currently user select able keys , eccDisplay :: Behavior (k -> UI Element) -- ^ How to render a key } defaultEditorCollectionConfig :: (Enum k, Ord k, Show k, HasEmpty v) => Behavior (Maybe k, Map k v) -> EditorCollectionConfig k v defaultEditorCollectionConfig db = EditorCollectionConfig { eccTemplate = emptyValue , eccOptions = options , eccDisplay = pure (UI.string . show) , eccNewKey = maybe (toEnum 0) succ . Set.lookupMax <$> options , eccAfterDelKey = deletedKey <$> (fst <$> db) <*> options } where options = Map.keysSet . snd <$> db deletedKey Nothing _ = Nothing deletedKey (Just k) kk = Set.lookupLT k kk `mplus` Set.lookupGT k kk -- | A barebones editor for collections of editable items. -- Displays an index selector, add and delete buttons, and an editor for the selected item. -- Limitations: -- - Won't work with recursive data structures, due to the lack of FRP switch. editorCollection :: forall k v w. (Ord k, Renderable w) => (Behavior (Maybe k, Map k v) -> EditorCollectionConfig k v) -> Editor v w v -> Editor (Maybe k, Map k v) (EditorCollection k w) (Maybe k, Map k v) editorCollection mkConfig editorOne = Editor $ \(ba :: Behavior (Maybe k, Map k v)) -> mdo let EditorCollectionConfig{..} = mkConfig ba (selectedKey, db) = (fst <$> ba, snd <$> ba) sel <- create (editorSelection (Set.toList <$> eccOptions) eccDisplay) (fst <$> ba) one <- create editorOne $ (\(k, db) -> fromMaybe eccTemplate (k >>= (`Map.lookup` db))) <$> ba addB <- button #+ [string "+"] remB <- button #+ [string "-"] let insert i = Map.insert i eccTemplate editsDb = head <$> unions [ replace <$> ba <@> edited one , insert <$> eccNewKey <*> db <@ click addB , delete <$> ba <@ click remB ] editsKey = head <$> unions [ edited sel , Just <$> eccNewKey <@ click addB , eccAfterDelKey <@ click remB ] tids = (,) <$> tidings selectedKey editsKey <*> tidings db editsDb return $ GenericWidget tids (EditorCollection (widgetControl sel) addB remB (widgetControl one)) where replace (Just i,xx) x = Map.alter (const $ Just x) i xx replace (Nothing,x) _ = x delete (Just i,xx) = Map.delete i xx delete (_,xx) = xx -- | A barebones editor for collections of editable items. -- Displays an index selector, add and delete buttons, and an editor for the selected item. -- Limitations: -- - Won't work with recursive data structures, due to the lack of FRP switch. editorList :: (HasEmpty a, Renderable w) => Editor a w a -> Editor (Maybe Int, [a]) (EditorCollection Int w) (Maybe Int, [a]) editorList e = dimapE (second (Map.fromAscList . zip [0 ..])) (second F.toList) $ editorCollection config e where (<&>) = flip (<$>) infixl 1 <&> config ba = (defaultEditorCollectionConfig ba) { eccAfterDelKey = ba <&> (\(i,m) -> i >>= (\i -> if Map.member (i + 1) m then return i else let i' = max 0 (i - 1) in guard(i'>=0) >> return i')) }