{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  GhcImportedFrom
-- Copyright   :  Carlo Hamalainen 2013-2016
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  carlo@carlo-hamalainen.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Synopsis: Attempt to guess the location of the Haddock HTML
-- documentation for a given symbol in a particular module, file, and
-- line/col location.
-- Latest development version: <https://github.com/carlohamalainen/ghc-imported-from>.

module Language.Haskell.GhcImportedFrom (
   , Symbol
   , GhcOptions(..)
   , GhcPkgOptions(..)
   , HaskellModule(..)
   , modifyDFlags
   , setDynamicFlags
   , getTextualImports
   , getSummary
   , toHaskellModule
   , symbolImportedFrom
   , postfixMatch
   , moduleOfQualifiedName
   , qualifiedName
   , ghcPkgFindModule
   , ghcPkgHaddockUrl
   , moduleNameToHtmlFile
   , matchToUrl
   , guessHaddockUrl
   , haddockUrl
   , getGhcOptionsViaCabalRepl

   -- Things from Language.Haskell.GhcImportedFrom.Types
   , Options (..)
   , defaultOptions
   , LineSeparator (..)
   ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable()
import Desugar()
import FastString
import GHC
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
import GHC.SYB.Utils()
import HscTypes
import Outputable
import RdrName
import System.Directory
import System.Environment()
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Process
import TcRnTypes()
import System.Process.Streaming
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c)

import qualified GhcMonad
import qualified MonadUtils()
import qualified Packages
import qualified SrcLoc
import qualified Safe

import Language.Haskell.GhcMod (
    , cradleRootDir
    , Cradle(..)

import qualified Data.Map as M

import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad ( runGmOutT )
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types as GhcModTypes

import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types       (IOish)
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types (GhcModLog(..), GmOut(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Journal (runJournalT)

import Language.Haskell.GhcImportedFrom.UtilsFromGhcMod
import Language.Haskell.GhcImportedFrom.Types

import Control.Exception (SomeException)

import qualified Text.Parsec as TP
import Data.Functor.Identity

import qualified Documentation.Haddock as Haddock

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Catch

import qualified DynFlags()

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
import DynFlags ( unsafeGlobalDynFlags )
tdflags :: DynFlags
tdflags = unsafeGlobalDynFlags
import DynFlags ( tracingDynFlags )
tdflags :: DynFlags
tdflags = tracingDynFlags

type GHCOption = String

type QualifiedName = String -- ^ A qualified name, e.g. @Foo.bar@.

type Symbol = String -- ^ A symbol, possibly qualified, e.g. @bar@ or @Foo.bar@.

newtype GhcOptions
    -- | List of user-supplied GHC options, refer to @tets@ subdirectory for example usage. Note that
    -- GHC API and ghc-pkg have inconsistencies in the naming of options, see <http://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/sicp.xhtml> for more details.
    = GhcOptions [String] deriving (Show)

--instance Monoid GhcOptions where
--    mempty  = GhcOptions []
--    (GhcOptions g) `mappend` (GhcOptions h) = GhcOptions $ g ++ h

newtype GhcPkgOptions
    -- | List of user-supplied ghc-pkg options.
    = GhcPkgOptions [String] deriving (Show)

data HaskellModule
    -- | Information about an import of a Haskell module.
    = HaskellModule { modName           :: String
                    , modQualifier      :: Maybe String
                    , modIsImplicit     :: Bool
                    , modHiding         :: [String]
                    , modImportedAs     :: Maybe String
                    , modSpecifically   :: [String]
                    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- trace' :: Show x => String -> x -> b -> b
-- trace' m x = trace (m ++ ">>> " ++ show x)

-- trace'' :: Outputable x => String -> x -> b -> b
-- trace'' m x = trace (m ++ ">>> " ++ showSDoc tdflags (ppr x))

-- | Evaluate IO actions in sequence, returning the first that
-- succeeds.
shortcut :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
shortcut []     = return Nothing
shortcut (a:as) = do
    a' <- a

    case a' of
        a''@(Just _)    -> return a''
        Nothing         -> shortcut as

executeFallibly' :: String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (String, String))
executeFallibly' cmd args = do
    x <- (executeFallibly (piped (proc cmd args)) ((,) <$> (foldOut intoLazyBytes) <*> (foldErr intoLazyBytes)))
         `catchIOError` -- FIXME Later, propagate the error so we can log it. Top level type should be an Either or something, not a Maybe.
         (\e -> return $ Left $ show e)

    return $ case x of
        Left e              -> Nothing
        Right (a, b)   -> Just $ (b2s a, b2s b)


    b2s = map w2c . B.unpack . BL.toStrict

-- | Use "stack path" to get the snapshot package db location.
getStackSnapshotPkgDb :: IO (Maybe String)
getStackSnapshotPkgDb = do
    putStrLn "getStackSnapshotPkgDb ..."

    x <- join <$> (fmap (fmap unwords . fmap words . Safe.headMay . lines) . fmap fst) <$> executeFallibly' "stack" ["path", "--snapshot-pkg-db"]

    return $ case x of
        Nothing     -> Nothing
        Just ""     -> Nothing
        Just x'     -> Just x'

-- | Use "stack path" to get the local package db location.
getStackLocalPkgDb :: IO (Maybe String)
getStackLocalPkgDb = do
    putStrLn "getStackLocalPkgDb ..."

    x <- join <$> (fmap (fmap unwords . fmap words . Safe.headMay . lines) . fmap fst) <$> executeFallibly' "stack" ["path", "--local-pkg-db"]

    return $ case x of
        Nothing     -> Nothing
        Just ""     -> Nothing
        Just x'     -> Just x'

-- | Use "stack ghci" with our fake ghc binary to get all the GHC options related
-- to the local Stack configuration (if present).
getGhcOptionsViaStack :: IO (Maybe [String])
getGhcOptionsViaStack = do
    putStrLn "getGhcOptionsViaStack..."

    stackSnapshotPkgDb <- fmap ("-package-db " ++) <$> getStackSnapshotPkgDb :: IO (Maybe String)
    stackLocalPkgDb    <- fmap ("-package-db " ++) <$> getStackLocalPkgDb    :: IO (Maybe String)

    case (stackSnapshotPkgDb, stackLocalPkgDb) of
        (Nothing, _) -> return Nothing
        (_, Nothing) -> return Nothing
        (Just stackSnapshotPkgDb', Just stackLocalPkgDb') -> do
            x <- executeFallibly' "stack" ["ghci", "--with-ghc=fake-ghc-for-ghc-imported-from"]

            let result = case x of
                            Nothing         -> []
                            Just (x', _)    -> filter ("--interactive" `isPrefixOf`) . lines $ x'

            return $ case result of
                [r] -> Just $ filterOpts (words r) ++ [stackSnapshotPkgDb', stackLocalPkgDb']
                _   -> Nothing

-- | Use "cabal repl" with our fake ghc binary to get all the GHC options related
-- to the local cabal sandbox (if present).
getGhcOptionsViaCabalRepl :: IO (Maybe [String])
getGhcOptionsViaCabalRepl = do
    putStrLn "getGhcOptionsViaCabalRepl..."

    x <- executeFallibly' "cabal" ["repl", "--with-ghc=fake-ghc-for-ghc-imported-from"]

    let result = case x of
                    Nothing         -> []
                    Just (x', _)    -> filter ("--interactive" `isPrefixOf`) . lines $ x'

    return $ case result of
        [r] -> Just $ filterOpts (words r)
        _   -> Nothing

-- | GHC options that we don't use when partially compiling the source module.
filterOpts :: [String] -> [String]
filterOpts xs = filter (\x -> x /= "--interactive" && x /= "-fbuilding-cabal-package" && x /= "-Wall") $ dropModuleNames xs


    dropModuleNames :: [String] -> [String]
    dropModuleNames = filter parseHelper

    parseHelper :: String -> Bool
    parseHelper s = case TP.parse (parseFullHaskellModuleName <* TP.eof) "" s of Right _ -> False
                                                                                 Left _  -> True

    parseFullHaskellModuleName :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parseFullHaskellModuleName = do
        h <- parseHaskellModuleName
        rest <- many parseDottedHaskellModuleName

        return $ intercalate "." (h:rest)

    parseHaskellModuleName :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parseHaskellModuleName = do
        c <- TP.upper
        cs <- TP.many (TP.choice [TP.lower, TP.upper, TP.char '_', TP.digit])
        return (c:cs)

    parseDottedHaskellModuleName :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parseDottedHaskellModuleName = TP.char '.' >> parseHaskellModuleName

parsePackageAndQualName :: forall u. TP.ParsecT String u Identity (String, String)
parsePackageAndQualName = TP.choice [TP.try parsePackageAndQualNameWithHash, parsePackageAndQualNameNoHash]


    -- Package with no hash (seems to be for internal packages?)
    -- base-
    parsePackageAndQualNameNoHash :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (String, String)
    parsePackageAndQualNameNoHash = do
        packageName <- parsePackageName
        qName       <- parsePackageFinalQualName

        return (packageName, qName)

    parsePackageName :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parsePackageName = TP.anyChar `TP.manyTill` TP.char ':'

    parsePackageFinalQualName :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parsePackageFinalQualName = TP.many1 TP.anyChar

-- Parse the package name "containers-" from a string like
-- "containers-"
parsePackageAndQualNameWithHash :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (String, String)
parsePackageAndQualNameWithHash = do
    packageName <- parsePackageName
    _           <- parsePackageHash
    qName       <- parsePackageFinalQualName

    return (packageName, qName)


    parsePackageName :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parsePackageName = TP.anyChar `TP.manyTill` TP.char '@'

    parsePackageHash :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parsePackageHash = TP.anyChar `TP.manyTill` TP.char ':'

    parsePackageFinalQualName :: TP.ParsecT String u Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String
    parsePackageFinalQualName = TP.many1 TP.anyChar

-- | Use "cabal repl" or "stack ghci" to try to get GHC options. Lots of things here, for
-- example:
--      --interactive -fbuilding-cabal-package -O0 -outputdir dist/build/rename-photos/rename-photos-tmp
--      -odir dist/build/rename-photos/rename-photos-tmp -hidir dist/build/rename-photos/rename-photos-tmp
--      -stubdir dist/build/rename-photos/rename-photos-tmp -i -idist/build/rename-photos/rename-photos-tmp
--      -i. -idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/rename-photos/rename-photos-tmp
--      -optP-include -optPdist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -dynload deploy
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/array_67iodizgJQIIxYVTp4emlA
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/base_HQfYBxpPvuw8OunzQu6JGM
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/binar_3uXFWMoAGBg0xKP9MHKRwi
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/rts
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/bytes_6VWy06pWzJq9evDvK2d4w6
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/conta_2C3ZI8RgPO2LBMidXKTvIU
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/deeps_6vMKxt5sPFR0XsbRWvvq59
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/direc_0hFG6ZxK1nk4zsyOqbNHfm
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/filep_Ey7a1in9roBAE8bUFJ5R9m
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/ghcpr_8TmvWUcS1U1IKHT0levwg3
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/integ_2aU3IZNMF9a7mQ0OzsZ0dS
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/scratch/sandboxes/camera-scripts/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3/mmorph-1.0.6-2Jm5FlYBlmjDhcU1ovZRKP
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/scratch/sandboxes/camera-scripts/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3/mtl-2.2.1-Aue4leSeVkpKLsfHIV51E8
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/scratch/sandboxes/camera-scripts/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3/parsec-3.1.9-EE5NO1mlYLh4J8mgDEshNv
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/scratch/sandboxes/camera-scripts/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3/pipes-4.1.8-77ihSQ5c6PS0Tlq86aN8G4
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/proce_52AgREEfSrnJLlkGV9YZZJ
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/scratch/sandboxes/camera-scripts/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3/text-
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/time_FTheb6LSxyX1UABIbBXRfn
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/trans_GZTjP9K5WFq01xC9BAGQpF
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/scratch/sandboxes/camera-scripts/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3/transformers-compat-
--      -optl-Wl,-rpath,/opt/ghc/7.10.3/lib/ghc-7.10.3/unix_KZL8h98IqDM57kQSPo1mKx
--      -hide-all-packages
--      -no-user-package-db
--      -package-db /scratch/sandboxes/camera-scripts/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3-packages.conf.d
--      -package-db dist/package.conf.inplace
--      -package-id base-
--      -package-id bytestring-
--      -package-id containers-
--      -package-id directory-
--      -package-id filepath-
--      -package-id parsec-3.1.9-a68c5d78bf2a63f486c525b960f2dddd
--      -package-id pipes-4.1.8-394d3831f54f6d7e2c83d050d94ecb3a
--      -package-id process-
--      -package-id text-
--      -package-id transformers-
--      -XHaskell98
--      ./renamePhotos.hs
getGhcOptionsViaCabalOrStack :: IO [String]
getGhcOptionsViaCabalOrStack = do
    x <- fromMaybe [] <$> shortcut [getGhcOptionsViaStack, getGhcOptionsViaCabalRepl]
    putStrLn $ "getGhcOptionsViaCabalOrStack: " ++ show x
    return x

-- | Add user-supplied GHC options.
modifyDFlags :: [String] -> DynFlags -> IO ([GHCOption], DynFlags)
modifyDFlags ghcOpts0 dflags0 =
    -- defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $
        runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
            ghcOpts1 <- GhcMonad.liftIO getGhcOptionsViaCabalOrStack

            (dflags1, _, _) <- GHC.parseDynamicFlags dflags0 (map SrcLoc.noLoc $ ghcOpts0 ++ ghcOpts1)

            let dflags2 = dflags1 { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
                                  , ghcLink = LinkInMemory

            return (ghcOpts0 ++ ghcOpts1, dflags2)

-- | Set GHC options and run 'initPackages' in 'GhcMonad'.
-- Typical use:
-- > defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ do
-- >    runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
-- >        getSessionDynFlags >>= setDynamicFlags (GhcOptions myGhcOptionList)
-- >        -- do stuff
setDynamicFlags :: GhcMonad m => GhcOptions -> DynFlags -> m ([GHCOption], DynFlags)
setDynamicFlags (GhcOptions extraGHCOpts) dflags0 = do
    (allGhcOpts, dflags1) <- GhcMonad.liftIO $ modifyDFlags extraGHCOpts dflags0

    void $ setSessionDynFlags dflags1
    _ <- GhcMonad.liftIO $ Packages.initPackages dflags1

    return (allGhcOpts, dflags1)

-- |Read the textual imports in a file.
-- Example:
-- >>> (showSDoc tracingDynFlags) . ppr <$> getTextualImports "test/data/Hiding.hs" "Hiding" >>= putStrLn
-- [ import (implicit) Prelude, import qualified Safe
-- , import System.Environment ( getArgs )
-- , import Data.List hiding ( map )
-- ]
-- See also 'toHaskellModule' and 'getSummary'.
getTextualImports :: GhcMonad m => GhcOptions -> FilePath -> String -> m ([GHCOption], [SrcLoc.Located (ImportDecl RdrName)])
getTextualImports ghcopts targetFile targetModuleName = do
    GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "getTextualImports: " ++ show (targetFile, targetModuleName)
    (allGhcOpts, modSum) <- getSummary ghcopts targetFile targetModuleName

    GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "getTextualImports: allGhcOpts: " ++ show allGhcOpts

    -- graph <- getModuleGraph
    -- GhcMonad.liftIO $ error $ show $ map ms_hspp_file graph

    return (allGhcOpts, ms_textual_imps modSum)

-- | Get the module summary for a particular file/module. The first and second components of the
-- return value are @ghcOpts1@ and @ghcOpts2@; see 'setDynamicFlags'.
getSummary :: GhcMonad m => GhcOptions -> FilePath -> String -> m ([GHCOption], ModSummary)
getSummary ghcopts targetFile targetModuleName = do
            GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "getSummary, setting dynamic flags..."
            (allGhcOpts, _) <- getSessionDynFlags >>= setDynamicFlags ghcopts

            GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "getSummary, allGhcOpts: " ++ show allGhcOpts

            -- Load the target file (e.g. "Muddle.hs").
            GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "getSummary, loading the target file..."
            target <- guessTarget targetFile Nothing
            setTargets [target]

            _ <- load LoadAllTargets

            -- Set the context by loading the module, e.g. "Muddle" which is in "Muddle.hs".
            GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "getSummary, setting the context..."

            setContext [(IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) targetModuleName]
                   `gcatch` (\(e  :: SourceError)   -> GhcMonad.liftIO (putStrLn $ "getSummary: setContext failed with a SourceError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show e))
                   `gcatch` (\(g  :: GhcApiError)   -> GhcMonad.liftIO (putStrLn $ "getSummary: setContext failed with a GhcApiError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show g))
                   `gcatch` (\(se :: SomeException) -> GhcMonad.liftIO (putStrLn $ "getSummary: setContext failed with a SomeException, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show se))

            -- Extract the module summary.
            GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "getSummary, extracting the module summary..."
            modSum <- getModSummary (mkModuleName targetModuleName)

            -- graph <- GHC.depanal [] False
            -- -- graph <- getModuleGraph
            -- let graph_names = map (GHC.moduleNameString . GHC.ms_mod_name) graph
            -- GhcMonad.liftIO $ print $ "graph_names: " ++ show graph_names

            return (allGhcOpts, modSum)

-- |Convenience function for converting an 'GHC.ImportDecl' to a 'HaskellModule'.
-- Example:
-- > -- Hiding.hs
-- > module Hiding where
-- > import Data.List hiding (map)
-- > import System.Environment (getArgs)
-- > import qualified Safe
-- then:
-- >>> map toHaskellModule <$> getTextualImports "tests/data/data/Hiding.hs" "Hiding" >>= print
-- [ HaskellModule { modName = "Prelude"
--                 , modQualifier = Nothing
--                 , modIsImplicit = True
--                 , modHiding = []
--                 , modImportedAs = Nothing
--                 , modSpecifically = []
--                 }
-- , HaskellModule {modName = "Safe"
--                 , modQualifier = Nothing
--                 , modIsImplicit = False
--                 , modHiding = []
--                 , modImportedAs = Nothing
--                 , modSpecifically = []
--                 }
-- , HaskellModule { modName = "System.Environment"
--                 , modQualifier = Nothing
--                 , modIsImplicit = False
--                 , modHiding = []
--                 , modImportedAs = Nothing
--                 , modSpecifically = ["getArgs"]
--                 }
-- , HaskellModule { modName = "Data.List"
--                 , modQualifier = Nothing
--                 , modIsImplicit = False
--                 , modHiding = ["map"]
--                 , modImportedAs = Nothing
--                 , modSpecifically = []
--                 }
-- ]
toHaskellModule :: SrcLoc.Located (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName) -> HaskellModule
toHaskellModule idecl = HaskellModule name qualifier isImplicit hiding importedAs specifically
    where idecl'     = SrcLoc.unLoc idecl
          name       = showSDoc tdflags (ppr $ GHC.ideclName idecl')
          isImplicit = GHC.ideclImplicit idecl'
          qualifier  = unpackFS <$> GHC.ideclPkgQual idecl'
          hiding     = (catMaybes . parseHiding . GHC.ideclHiding) idecl'
          importedAs = (showSDoc tdflags . ppr) <$> ideclAs idecl'
          specifically = (parseSpecifically . GHC.ideclHiding) idecl'

          --grabNames :: GHC.Located (GHC.IE GHC.RdrName) -> String
          --grabNames loc = showSDoc tdflags (ppr names)
          --  where names = GHC.ieNames $ SrcLoc.unLoc loc

          grabNames' :: GHC.Located [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName] -> [String]
          grabNames' loc = map (showSDoc tdflags . ppr) names
            where names :: [RdrName]
                  names = map (ieName . SrcLoc.unLoc) $ SrcLoc.unLoc loc
                  -- FIXME We are throwing away location info by using unLoc each time?
                  -- Trace these things to see what we are losing.
          parseHiding :: Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE RdrName]) -> [Maybe String]
          parseHiding Nothing = [Nothing]

          -- If we do
          --     import System.Environment ( getArgs )
          -- then we get ["getArgs"] here, but we don't really need it...
          parseHiding (Just (False, _)) = []

          -- Actually hid names, e.g.
          --     import Data.List hiding (map)
          parseHiding (Just (True, h))  = map Just $ grabNames' h

          parseSpecifically :: Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE RdrName]) -> [String]
          parseSpecifically (Just (False, h)) = grabNames' h
          parseSpecifically _                 = []

-- | List of possible modules which have resulted in
-- the name being in the current scope. Using a
-- global reader we get the provenance data and then
-- get the list of import specs.
symbolImportedFrom :: GlobalRdrElt -> [ModuleName]
symbolImportedFrom occNameLookup = map importSpecModule whys
  where prov = gre_prov occNameLookup :: Provenance
        Imported (whys :: [ImportSpec])  = prov

-- This definition of separateBy is taken
-- from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4978733
separateBy :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
separateBy chr = unfoldr sep' where
  sep' [] = Nothing
  sep' l  = Just . fmap (drop 1) . break (==chr) $ l

-- | Returns True if the 'Symbol' matches the end of the 'QualifiedName'.
-- Example:
-- >>> postfixMatch "bar" "Foo.bar"
-- True
-- >>> postfixMatch "bar" "Foo.baz"
-- False
-- >>> postfixMatch "bar" "bar"
-- True
postfixMatch :: Symbol -> QualifiedName -> Bool
postfixMatch originalSymbol qName = endTerm `isSuffixOf` qName
  where endTerm = last $ separateBy '.' originalSymbol

-- | Get the module part of a qualified name.
-- Example:
-- >>> moduleOfQualifiedName "Foo.bar"
-- Just "Foo"
-- >>> moduleOfQualifiedName "Foo"
-- Nothing
moduleOfQualifiedName :: QualifiedName -> Maybe String
moduleOfQualifiedName qn = if null bits
                                then Nothing
                                else Just $ intercalate "." bits
  where bits = reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse $ separateBy '.' qn

-- | Find the possible qualified names for the symbol at line/col in the given Haskell file and module.
-- Example:
-- >>> x <- qualifiedName "tests/data/data/Muddle.hs" "Muddle" 27 5 ["Data.Maybe", "Data.List", "Data.Map", "Safe"]
-- >>> forM_ x print
-- "AbsBinds [] []\n  {Exports: [Muddle.h <= h\n               <>]\n   Exported types: Muddle.h\n                     :: Data.Map.Base.Map GHC.Base.String GHC.Base.String\n                   [LclId]\n   Binds: h = Data.Map.Base.fromList [(\"x\", \"y\")]}"
-- "h = Data.Map.Base.fromList [(\"x\", \"y\")]"
-- "Data.Map.Base.fromList [(\"x\", \"y\")]"
-- "Data.Map.Base.fromList"
qualifiedName :: String -> Int -> Int -> [String] -> Ghc [String]
qualifiedName targetModuleName lineNr colNr importList = do
        setContext (map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) (targetModuleName:importList))
           `gcatch` (\(s  :: SourceError)    -> do GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualifiedName: setContext failed with a SourceError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show s
                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)
           `gcatch` (\(g  :: GhcApiError)    -> do GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualifiedName: setContext failed with a GhcApiError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show g
                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)
           `gcatch` (\(se :: SomeException)  -> do GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualifiedName: setContext failed with a SomeException, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show se
                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)

        modSummary <- getModSummary $ mkModuleName targetModuleName :: Ghc ModSummary
        p <- parseModule modSummary   :: Ghc ParsedModule
        t <- typecheckModule p        :: Ghc TypecheckedModule

        let TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} = t
            bs = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsBind Id]
            es = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsExpr Id]
            ps = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LPat Id]

        let foo x = showSDoc tdflags $ ppr x
            bs' = map foo bs
            es' = map foo es
            ps' = map foo ps

        return $ bs' ++ es' ++ ps'

-- Like qualifiedName but uses 'reallyAlwaysQualify' to show the fully qualified name, e.g.
-- "containers-" instead of
-- "Data.Map.Base.fromList". Will probably replace qualifiedName once more testing has
-- been done. If this works we can also remove 'ghcPkgFindModule' which uses a shell
-- call to try to find the package name.
qualifiedName' :: String -> Int -> Int -> String -> [String] -> Ghc [String]
qualifiedName' targetModuleName lineNr colNr symbol importList = do
        setContext (map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) (targetModuleName:importList))
           `gcatch` (\(s  :: SourceError)    -> do GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualifiedName: setContext failed with a SourceError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show s
                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)
           `gcatch` (\(g  :: GhcApiError)    -> do GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualifiedName: setContext failed with a GhcApiError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show g
                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)
           `gcatch` (\(se :: SomeException)  -> do GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualifiedName: setContext failed with a SomeException, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show se
                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)

        modSummary <- getModSummary $ mkModuleName targetModuleName :: Ghc ModSummary
        p <- parseModule modSummary   :: Ghc ParsedModule
        t <- typecheckModule p        :: Ghc TypecheckedModule

        let TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} = t
            bs = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsBind Id]
            es = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsExpr Id]
            ps = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LPat Id]
            -- ls0 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsBindLR Id Id]
            -- ls1 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LIPBind Id]
            -- ls2 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LPat Id]
            -- ls3 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsDecl Id]
            -- ls4 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsExpr Id]
            -- ls5 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsTupArg Id]
            -- ls6 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsCmd Id]
            -- ls7 = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsCmdTop Id]

        let bs' = map (showSDocForUser tdflags reallyAlwaysQualify . ppr) bs
            es' = map (showSDocForUser tdflags reallyAlwaysQualify . ppr) es
            ps' = map (showSDocForUser tdflags reallyAlwaysQualify . ppr) ps

        return $ filter (postfixMatch symbol) $ concatMap words $ bs' ++ es' ++ ps'

-- Read everything else available on a handle, and return the empty
-- string if we have hit EOF.
readRestOfHandle :: Handle -> IO String
readRestOfHandle h = do
    ineof <- hIsEOF h
    if ineof
        then return ""
        else hGetContents h

optsForGhcPkg :: [String] -> [String]
optsForGhcPkg [] = []
optsForGhcPkg ("-no-user-package-db":rest)   = "--no-user-package-db"          : optsForGhcPkg rest
optsForGhcPkg ("-package-db":pd:rest)        = ("--package-db" ++ "=" ++ pd)   : optsForGhcPkg rest
optsForGhcPkg ("-package-conf":pc:rest)      = ("--package-conf" ++ "=" ++ pc) : optsForGhcPkg rest
optsForGhcPkg ("-no-user-package-conf":rest) = "--no-user-package-conf"        : optsForGhcPkg rest
optsForGhcPkg (_:rest) = optsForGhcPkg rest

ghcPkgFindModule :: [String] -> GhcPkgOptions -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
ghcPkgFindModule allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) m =
    shortcut [ stackGhcPkgFindModule m
             , hcPkgFindModule   m
             , _ghcPkgFindModule allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) m

-- | Call @ghc-pkg find-module@ to determine that package that provides a module, e.g. @Prelude@ is defined
-- in @base-
_ghcPkgFindModule :: [String] -> GhcPkgOptions -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
_ghcPkgFindModule allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) m = do
    let opts = ["find-module", m, "--simple-output"] ++ ["--global", "--user"] ++ optsForGhcPkg allGhcOptions ++ extraGHCPkgOpts
    putStrLn $ "ghc-pkg " ++ show opts

    x <- executeFallibly' "ghc-pkg" opts

    case x of
        Nothing             -> return Nothing
        Just (output, err)  -> do putStrLn $ "_ghcPkgFindModule stdout: " ++ show output
                                  putStrLn $ "_ghcPkgFindModule stderr: " ++ show err
                                  return $ join $ (Safe.lastMay . words) <$> (Safe.lastMay . lines) output

-- | Call @cabal sandbox hc-pkg@ to find the package the provides a module.
hcPkgFindModule :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
hcPkgFindModule m = do
    let opts = ["sandbox", "hc-pkg", "find-module", m, "--", "--simple-output"]

    x <- executeFallibly' "cabal" opts

    case x of
        Nothing             -> return Nothing
        Just (output, err)  -> do putStrLn $ "hcPkgFindModule stdout: " ++ show output
                                  putStrLn $ "hcPkgFindModule stderr: " ++ show err
                                  return $ join $ (Safe.lastMay . words) <$> (Safe.lastMay . lines) output

-- | Call @stack exec ghc-pkg@ to find the package the provides a module.
stackGhcPkgFindModule :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
stackGhcPkgFindModule m = do
    let opts = ["exec", "ghc-pkg", "find-module", m, "--", "--simple-output"]

    x <- executeFallibly' "stack" opts

    case x of
        Nothing             -> return Nothing
        Just (output, err)  -> do putStrLn $ "stackGhcPkgFindModule stdout: " ++ show output
                                  putStrLn $ "stackGhcPkgFindModule stderr: " ++ show err
                                  return $ join $ (Safe.lastMay . words) <$> (Safe.lastMay . lines) output

ghcPkgHaddockUrl :: [String] -> GhcPkgOptions -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
ghcPkgHaddockUrl allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) p =
    shortcut [ stackPkgHaddockUrl p
             , sandboxPkgHaddockUrl p
             , _ghcPkgHaddockUrl allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) p

-- | Call @ghc-pkg field@ to get the @haddock-html@ field for a package.
_ghcPkgHaddockUrl :: [String] -> GhcPkgOptions -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
_ghcPkgHaddockUrl allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) p = do
    let opts = ["field", p, "haddock-html"] ++ ["--global", "--user"] ++ optsForGhcPkg allGhcOptions ++ extraGHCPkgOpts
    putStrLn $ "ghc-pkg "++ show opts

    x <- executeFallibly' "ghc-pkg" opts

    case x of
        Nothing             -> return Nothing
        Just (hout, _)      -> return $ Safe.lastMay $ words $ reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse $ hout

readHaddockHtmlOutput :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Maybe String)
readHaddockHtmlOutput cmd opts = do
    x <- executeFallibly' cmd opts

    case x of
        Nothing             -> return Nothing
        Just (hout, _)      -> do let line = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse $ hout
                                  print ("line", line)

                                  if "haddock-html:" `isInfixOf` line
                                      then do print ("line2", Safe.lastMay $ words line)
                                              return $ Safe.lastMay $ words line
                                      else return Nothing

-- | Call cabal sandbox hc-pkg to find the haddock url.
sandboxPkgHaddockUrl :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
sandboxPkgHaddockUrl p = do
    let opts = ["sandbox", "hc-pkg", "field", p, "haddock-html"]
    putStrLn $ "cabal sandbox hc-pkg field " ++ p ++ " haddock-html"
    readHaddockHtmlOutput "cabal" opts

-- | Call cabal stack to find the haddock url.
stackPkgHaddockUrl :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
stackPkgHaddockUrl p = do
    let opts = ["exec", "ghc-pkg", "field", p, "haddock-html"]
    putStrLn $ "stack exec hc-pkg field " ++ p ++ " haddock-html"
    readHaddockHtmlOutput "stack" opts

ghcPkgHaddockInterface :: [String] -> GhcPkgOptions -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
ghcPkgHaddockInterface allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) p =
    shortcut [ stackGhcPkgHaddockInterface
             , cabalPkgHaddockInterface
             , _ghcPkgHaddockInterface


    _ghcPkgHaddockInterface :: IO (Maybe String)
    _ghcPkgHaddockInterface = do
        let opts = ["field", p, "haddock-interfaces"] ++ ["--global", "--user"] ++ optsForGhcPkg allGhcOptions ++ extraGHCPkgOpts
        putStrLn $ "ghc-pkg "++ show opts

        x <- executeFallibly' "ghc-pkg" opts

        return $ case x of
            Nothing         -> Nothing
            Just (hout, _)  -> Safe.lastMay $ words $ reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse $ hout

    -- | Call cabal sandbox hc-pkg to find the haddock Interfaces.
    cabalPkgHaddockInterface :: IO (Maybe String)
    cabalPkgHaddockInterface = do
        let opts = ["sandbox", "hc-pkg", "field", p, "haddock-interfaces"]
        putStrLn $ "cabal sandbox hc-pkg field " ++ p ++ " haddock-interfaces"

        x <- executeFallibly' "cabal" opts

        case x of
            Nothing         -> return Nothing
            Just (hout, _)  -> do let line = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse $ hout
                                  print ("ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ", line)

                                  return $ if "haddock-interfaces" `isInfixOf` line
                                      then Safe.lastMay $ words line
                                      else Nothing

    -- | Call stack to find the haddock Interfaces.
    stackGhcPkgHaddockInterface :: IO (Maybe String)
    stackGhcPkgHaddockInterface = do
        let opts = ["exec", "ghc-pkg", "field", p, "haddock-interfaces"]
        putStrLn $ "stack exec ghc-pkg field " ++ p ++ " haddock-interfaces"

        x <- executeFallibly' "stack" opts

        case x of
            Nothing         -> return Nothing
            Just (hout, _)  -> do let line = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse $ hout
                                  print ("UUUUUUUUUUUUU", line, opts)

                                  return $ if "haddock-interfaces" `isInfixOf` line
                                      then Safe.lastMay $ words line
                                      else Nothing

getVisibleExports :: [String] -> GhcPkgOptions -> String -> Ghc (Maybe (M.Map String [String]))
getVisibleExports allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) p = do
    haddockInterfaceFile <- GhcMonad.liftIO $ ghcPkgHaddockInterface allGhcOptions (GhcPkgOptions extraGHCPkgOpts) p
    join <$> traverse getVisibleExports' haddockInterfaceFile


    getVisibleExports' :: FilePath -> Ghc (Maybe (M.Map String [String]))
    getVisibleExports' ifile = do
        iface <- Haddock.readInterfaceFile Haddock.nameCacheFromGhc ifile

        case iface of
            Left _          -> GhcMonad.liftIO $ do putStrLn $ "Failed to read the Haddock interface file: " ++ ifile
                                                    putStrLn "You probably installed packages without using the '--enable-documentation' flag."
                                                    putStrLn ""
                                                    putStrLn "Try something like:\n\n\tcabal install --enable-documentation p"
                                                    error "No haddock interfaces file, giving up."
            Right iface'    -> do let m  = map (\ii -> (Haddock.instMod ii, Haddock.instVisibleExports ii)) $ Haddock.ifInstalledIfaces iface' :: [(Module, [Name])]
                                      m' = map (\(mname, names) -> (showSDoc tdflags $ ppr mname, map (showSDoc tdflags . ppr) names)) m       :: [(String, [String])]
                                  return $ Just $ M.fromList m'

-- | Convert a module name string, e.g. @Data.List@ to @Data-List.html@.
moduleNameToHtmlFile :: String -> String
moduleNameToHtmlFile m =  map f m ++ ".html"
    where f :: Char -> Char
          f '.' = '-'
          f c   = c

I don't want to use this any more. The refiner works so much better with
the local haddock interfaces file...

-- | Convert a file path to a Hackage HTML file to its equivalent on @https://hackage.haskell.org@.
toHackageUrl :: FilePath -> String -> String -> String
toHackageUrl filepath package modulename = "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ package ++ "/" ++ "docs/" ++ modulename''
    where filepath'    = map repl filepath
          modulename'  = head $ separateBy '.' $ head $ separateBy '-' modulename
          modulename'' = drop (fromJust $ substringP modulename' filepath') filepath'

          -- On Windows we get backslashes in the file path; convert
          -- to forward slashes for the URL.
          repl :: Char -> Char
          repl '\\' = '/'
          repl c    = c

          -- Adapted from http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2010-June/078702.html
          substringP :: String -> String -> Maybe Int
          substringP _ []  = Nothing
          substringP sub str = if sub `isPrefixOf` str then Just 0 else (+1) <$> substringP sub (tail str)

-- | Convert our match to a URL, either @file://@ if the file exists, or to @hackage.org@ otherwise.
matchToUrl :: (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String) -> IO String
matchToUrl (importedFrom, haddock, foundModule, base) = do
    when (isNothing importedFrom) $ error "importedFrom is Nothing :("
    when (isNothing haddock) $ error "haddock is Nothing :("
    when (isNothing foundModule) $ error "foundModule is Nothing :("
    when (isNothing base) $ error "base is Nothing :("

    let importedFrom' = fromJust importedFrom
        haddock'      = fromJust haddock
        foundModule'  = fromJust foundModule
        base'         = fromJust base

        f = haddock' </> base'

    e <- doesFileExist f

    if e then return $ "file://" ++ f
         else do putStrLn $ "f:  " ++ show f
                 putStrLn $ "foundModule2: " ++ show foundModule'
                 putStrLn $ "calling toHackageUrl with params: " ++ show (f, foundModule', importedFrom')
                 return $ toHackageUrl f foundModule' importedFrom'

-- | Convert our match to a URL of the form @file://@ so that we can open it in a web browser.
matchToUrl :: (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String) -> IO String
matchToUrl (importedFrom, haddock, foundModule, base) = do
    when (isNothing importedFrom)   $ error "importedFrom is Nothing :("
    when (isNothing haddock)        $ error "haddock is Nothing :("
    when (isNothing foundModule)    $ error "foundModule is Nothing :("
    when (isNothing base)           $ error "base is Nothing :("

    let -- importedFrom' = fromJust importedFrom
        haddock'      = fromJust haddock
        -- foundModule'  = fromJust foundModule
        base'         = fromJust base

        f = haddock' </> base'

    e <- doesFileExist f

    if e then return $ "file://" ++ f
         else do putStrLn "Please reinstall packages using the flag '--enable-documentation' for 'cabal install.\n"
                 error $ "Could not find " ++ f

filterMatchingQualifiedImport :: String -> [HaskellModule] -> [HaskellModule]
filterMatchingQualifiedImport symbol hmodules =
    case moduleOfQualifiedName symbol of Nothing    -> []
                                         asBit@(Just _) -> filter (\z -> asBit == modImportedAs z) hmodules

-- Copied from ghc-mod-
findCradleNoLog  :: forall m. (IOish m, GmOut m) => m Cradle
findCradleNoLog = fst <$> (runJournalT findCradle :: m (Cradle, GhcModLog))

getModuleExports :: GhcOptions
                 -> GhcPkgOptions
                 -> HaskellModule
                 -> Ghc (Maybe ([String], String))
getModuleExports (GhcOptions gopts) ghcpkgOpts m = do
    minfo     <- (findModule (mkModuleName $ modName m) Nothing >>= getModuleInfo)
                   `gcatch` (\(_  :: SourceError)   -> return Nothing)

    p <- GhcMonad.liftIO $ ghcPkgFindModule gopts ghcpkgOpts (modName m)

    case (minfo, p) of
        (Nothing, _)            -> return Nothing
        (_, Nothing)            -> return Nothing
        (Just minfo', Just p')  -> return $ Just (map (showSDocForUser tdflags reallyAlwaysQualify . ppr) $ modInfoExports minfo', p')

-- type UnqualifiedName    = String    -- ^ e.g. "Just"
type FullyQualifiedName = String    -- ^ e.g. e.g. "base-"
type StrModuleName      = String    -- ^ e.g. "Data.List"

data MySymbol = MySymbolSysQualified  String  -- ^ e.g. "base-"
              | MySymbolUserQualified String  -- ^ e.g. "DL.length" with an import earlier like "import qualified Data.List as DL"
              deriving Show

data ModuleExports = ModuleExports
    { mName            :: StrModuleName            -- ^ e.g. "Data.List"
    , mPackageName     :: String                   -- ^ e.g. "snap-"
    , mInfo            :: HaskellModule            -- ^ Our parse of the module import, with info like "hiding (map)".
    , qualifiedExports :: [FullyQualifiedName]     -- ^ e.g. [ "base-"
                                                        --        , "base-"
                                                        --        , "base-"
                                                        --        , ...
                                                        --        ]
    deriving Show

pprModuleExports :: ModuleExports -> String
pprModuleExports me = mName me ++ "\n" ++ show (mInfo me) ++ "\n" ++ unwords (map show $ qualifiedExports me)

refineAs :: MySymbol -> [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]

-- User qualified the symbol, so we can filter out anything that doesn't have a matching 'modImportedAs'.
refineAs (MySymbolUserQualified userQualSym) exports = filter f exports
    f export = case modas of
                Nothing     -> False
                Just modas' -> modas' == userQualAs
       where modas = modImportedAs $ mInfo export :: Maybe String

             -- e.g. "DL"
             userQualAs = fromMaybe (error $ "Expected a qualified name like 'DL.length' but got: " ++ userQualSym)
                                    (moduleOfQualifiedName userQualSym)

-- User didn't qualify the symbol, so we have the full system qualified thing, so do nothing here.
refineAs (MySymbolSysQualified _) exports = exports

refineRemoveHiding :: [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
refineRemoveHiding exports = map (\e -> e { qualifiedExports = f e }) exports
    f export = filter (`notElem` hiding') thisExports
       where hiding = modHiding $ mInfo export :: [String] -- Things that this module hides.
             hiding' = map (qualifyName thisExports) hiding  :: [String]    -- Qualified version of hiding.
             thisExports = qualifiedExports export         -- Things that this module exports.

    qualifyName :: [QualifiedName] -> Symbol -> QualifiedName
    qualifyName qualifiedNames name
        -- = case filter (postfixMatch name) qualifiedNames of
        = case filter (name `f`) qualifiedNames of
            [match]     -> match
            m           -> error $ "Could not qualify " ++ name ++ " from these exports: " ++ show qualifiedNames ++ "\n    matches: " ++ show m

        -- Time for some stringly typed rubbish. The previous test used
        -- postfixMatch but this failed on an import that had "hiding (lines, unlines)" since
        -- both lines and unlines matched. Prepending a dot doesn't work due to things like ".=" from
        -- Control.Lens. So we manually check that the suffix matches, that the next symbol is a dot,
        -- and then an alpha character, which hopefully is the end of a module name. Such a mess.
        where f n qn = if length qn - length n - 2 >= 0
                            then n `isSuffixOf` qn && isAlpha (qn !! (length qn - length n - 2)) && (qn !! (length qn - length n - 1)) == '.'
                            else error $ "Internal error: trying to check if \"" ++ n ++ "\" is a match for \"" ++ qn ++ "\""

refineExportsIt :: String -> [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
refineExportsIt symbol exports = map (\e -> e { qualifiedExports = f symbol e }) exports
    -- f symbol export = filter (symbol ==) thisExports
    f sym export = filter (postfixMatch sym) thisExports
       where thisExports = qualifiedExports export         -- Things that this module exports.

refineLeadingDot :: MySymbol -> [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
refineLeadingDot (MySymbolUserQualified _)           exports = exports
refineLeadingDot (MySymbolSysQualified symb)         exports = map (\e -> e { qualifiedExports = f leadingDot e }) exports
    leadingDot :: String
    leadingDot = '.' : last (separateBy '.' symb)

    -- f symbol export = filter (symbol ==) thisExports
    f symbol export = filter (symbol `isSuffixOf`) thisExports
       where thisExports = qualifiedExports export         -- Things that this module exports.

refineVisibleExports :: [String] -> GhcPkgOptions -> [ModuleExports] -> Ghc [ModuleExports]
refineVisibleExports allGhcOpts ghcpkgOptions exports = mapM f exports
    f :: ModuleExports -> Ghc ModuleExports
    f mexports = do
        let pname          = mPackageName     mexports -- e.g. "base-"
            thisModuleName = mName            mexports -- e.g. "Prelude"
            qexports       = qualifiedExports mexports -- e.g. ["base-", ...]
        visibleExportsMap <- getVisibleExports allGhcOpts ghcpkgOptions pname
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ print visibleExportsMap

        let thisModVisibleExports = fromMaybe
                                        (error $ "Could not get visible exports of " ++ pname)
                                        (join $ traverse (M.lookup thisModuleName) visibleExportsMap)

        let qexports' = filter (hasPostfixMatch thisModVisibleExports) qexports

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ print (qexports, qexports')

        return $ mexports { qualifiedExports = qexports' }

    -- hasPostfixMatch "base-" ["Just", "True", ...] -> True
    hasPostfixMatch :: [String] -> String -> Bool
    hasPostfixMatch xs s = last (separateBy '.' s) `elem` xs

-- | The last thing with a single export must be the match? Iffy.
getLastMatch :: [ModuleExports] -> Maybe ModuleExports
getLastMatch exports = Safe.lastMay $ filter f exports
    f me = length (qualifiedExports me) == 1

-- | Attempt to guess the Haddock url, either a local file path or url to @hackage.haskell.org@
-- for the symbol in the given file, module, at the specified line and column location.
-- Example:
-- >>> guessHaddockUrl "tests/data/data/Muddle.hs" "Muddle" "Maybe" 11 11
-- (lots of output)
-- SUCCESS: file:///home/carlo/opt/ghc-7.6.3_build/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-

guessHaddockUrl :: FilePath -> String -> Symbol -> Int -> Int -> GhcOptions -> GhcPkgOptions -> IO (Either String String)
guessHaddockUrl _targetFile targetModule symbol lineNr colNr (GhcOptions ghcOpts0) ghcpkgOptions = do
    cradle <- runGmOutT GhcModTypes.defaultOptions findCradleNoLog
    let currentDir = cradleCurrentDir cradle
        workDir = cradleRootDir cradle
    setCurrentDirectory workDir

    let targetFile = currentDir </> _targetFile

    putStrLn $ "currentDir: " ++ currentDir
    putStrLn $ "workDir: " ++ workDir

    putStrLn $ "targetFile: " ++ targetFile
    putStrLn $ "targetModule: " ++ targetModule
    putStrLn $ "symbol: " ++ show symbol
    putStrLn $ "line nr: " ++ show lineNr
    putStrLn $ "col nr: " ++ show colNr

    putStrLn $ "ghcOpts0: " ++ show ghcOpts0
    putStrLn $ "ghcpkgOptions: " ++ show ghcpkgOptions

    runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
        (allGhcOpts, textualImports) <- getTextualImports (GhcOptions ghcOpts0) targetFile targetModule

        let haskellModules0 = map toHaskellModule textualImports
            haskellModuleNames0 = map modName haskellModules0
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "haskellModuleNames0: " ++ show haskellModuleNames0
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "haskellModuleNames0 (full detail): " ++ show haskellModules0

        -- If symbol is something like DM.lookup, then restrict haskellModuleNames to the
        -- one that has modImportedAs == Just "DM".
        let filterThings = filterMatchingQualifiedImport symbol haskellModules0
        -- let haskellModules = if null filterThings then haskellModules0 else filterThings
        let haskellModuleNames = if null filterThings then map modName haskellModules0 else map modName filterThings

        qnames <- filter (not . (' ' `elem`)) <$> qualifiedName targetModule lineNr colNr haskellModuleNames
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualified names: " ++ show qnames

        qnames_with_qualified_printing <- filter (not . (' ' `elem`)) <$> qualifiedName' targetModule lineNr colNr symbol haskellModuleNames :: Ghc [String]
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qualified names with qualified printing: " ++ show qnames_with_qualified_printing

        let parsedPackagesAndQualNames :: [Either TP.ParseError (String, String)]
            parsedPackagesAndQualNames = map (TP.parse parsePackageAndQualName "") qnames_with_qualified_printing

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "qqqqqq1: " ++ show parsedPackagesAndQualNames

        let symbolToUse :: String
            symbolToUse = case (qnames_with_qualified_printing, qnames) of
                            (qq:_, _)     -> qq   -- We got a qualified name, with qualified printing. Qualified!
                            ([], qn:_)    -> qn   -- No qualified names (oh dear) so fall back to qnames list.
                            ([], [])        -> error "Lists 'qnames' and 'qnames_with_qualified_printing' are both empty."

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ print ("symbolToUse", symbolToUse)

        -- Possible extra modules...
        let extraModules :: [HaskellModule]
            extraModules = case Safe.headMay parsedPackagesAndQualNames of
                            Just (Right (_, x)) -> case moduleOfQualifiedName x of Just x' -> [ HaskellModule { modName         = x'
                                                                                                              , modQualifier    = Nothing
                                                                                                              , modIsImplicit   = False
                                                                                                              , modHiding       = []
                                                                                                              , modImportedAs   = Nothing
                                                                                                              , modSpecifically = []
                                                                                   Nothing -> []
                            _                   -> []

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ print extraModules

        -- Try to use the qnames_with_qualified_printing case, which has something like "base-",
        -- which will be more accurate to filter on.

        exports <- mapM (getModuleExports (GhcOptions ghcOpts0) ghcpkgOptions) (haskellModules0 ++ extraModules)

        -- Sometimes the modules in extraModules might be hidden or weird ones like GHC.Base that we can't
        -- load, so filter out the successfully loaded ones.
        let successes :: [(HaskellModule, Maybe ([String], String))]
            successes = filter (isJust . snd) (zip (haskellModules0 ++ extraModules) exports)

            bubble :: (HaskellModule, Maybe ([FullyQualifiedName], String)) -> Maybe (HaskellModule, ([FullyQualifiedName], String))
            bubble (h, Just x)  = Just (h, x)
            bubble (_, Nothing) = Nothing

            successes' :: [(HaskellModule, ([String], String))]
            successes' = mapMaybe bubble successes

            upToNow = map (\(m, (e, p)) -> ModuleExports
                                                { mName             = modName m
                                                , mPackageName      = p
                                                , mInfo             = m
                                                , qualifiedExports  = e
                                                }) successes'

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ forM_ upToNow $ \x -> putStrLn $ pprModuleExports x

        -- Get all "as" imports.
        let asImports :: [String]
            asImports = mapMaybe (modImportedAs . mInfo) upToNow

        -- Can a user do "import xxx as Foo.Bar"??? Check this.

        let mySymbol = case moduleOfQualifiedName symbol of
                        Nothing     -> MySymbolSysQualified symbolToUse
                        Just x      -> if x `elem` asImports
                                            then MySymbolUserQualified symbol
                                            else MySymbolSysQualified symbolToUse

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ print mySymbol

        let upToNow0 = refineAs mySymbol upToNow
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "upToNow0"
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ forM_ upToNow0 $ \x -> putStrLn $ pprModuleExports x

        let upToNow1 = refineRemoveHiding upToNow0
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "upToNow1"
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ forM_ upToNow1 $ \x -> putStrLn $ pprModuleExports x

        let upToNow2 = refineExportsIt symbolToUse upToNow1
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "upToNow2"
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ forM_ upToNow2 $ \x -> putStrLn $ pprModuleExports x

        let upToNow3 = refineLeadingDot mySymbol upToNow2
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "upToNow3"
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ forM_ upToNow3 $ \x -> putStrLn $ pprModuleExports x

        upToNow4 <- refineVisibleExports allGhcOpts ghcpkgOptions upToNow3
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn "upToNow4"
        GhcMonad.liftIO $ forM_ upToNow4 $ \x -> putStrLn $ pprModuleExports x

        let lastMatch3 = getLastMatch upToNow3
            lastMatch4 = getLastMatch upToNow4
            lastMatch  = Safe.headMay $ catMaybes [lastMatch4, lastMatch3]

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ print $ "last match: " ++ show lastMatch

        -- "last match: Just (ModuleExports {mName = \"Control.Monad\", mInfo = HaskellModule {modName = \"Control.Monad\", modQualifier = Nothing, modIsImplicit = False, modHiding = [], modImportedAs = Nothing, modSpecifically = [\"forM_\",\"liftM\",\"filterM\",\"when\",\"unless\"]}, qualifiedExports = [\"base-\"]})"

        let matchedModule :: String
            matchedModule = case mName <$> lastMatch of
                                Just modn   -> modn
                                _           -> error $ "No nice match in lastMatch for module: " ++ show lastMatch

        let matchedPackageName :: String
            matchedPackageName = case mPackageName <$> lastMatch of
                                    Just p -> p
                                    _      -> error $ "No nice match in lastMatch for package name: " ++ show lastMatch

        haddock <- GhcMonad.liftIO $ (maybe (return Nothing) (ghcPkgHaddockUrl allGhcOpts ghcpkgOptions) . Just) matchedPackageName

        GhcMonad.liftIO $ putStrLn $ "at the end now: " ++ show (matchedModule, moduleNameToHtmlFile matchedModule, matchedPackageName, haddock)

        url <- GhcMonad.liftIO $ matchToUrl (Just matchedModule, haddock, Just matchedModule, Just $ moduleNameToHtmlFile matchedModule)

        return $ Right url

-- | Top level function; use this one from src/Main.hs.
haddockUrl :: Options -> FilePath -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO String
haddockUrl opt file modstr symbol lineNr colNr = do

    let ghcopts    = GhcOptions    $ ghcOpts    opt
    let ghcpkgopts = GhcPkgOptions $ ghcPkgOpts opt

    res <- guessHaddockUrl file modstr symbol lineNr colNr ghcopts ghcpkgopts
    print ("res", show res)

    case res of Right x  -> return $ "SUCCESS: " ++ x ++ "\n"
                Left err -> return $ "FAIL: " ++ show err ++ "\n"