{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-} -- We always optimise this, otherwise performance of a non-optimised -- compiler is severely affected -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006 -- -- Unboxed mutable Ints module GHC.Data.FastMutInt( FastMutInt, newFastMutInt, readFastMutInt, writeFastMutInt, atomicFetchAddFastMut ) where import GHC.Prelude import Data.Bits import GHC.Base data FastMutInt = FastMutInt !(MutableByteArray# RealWorld) newFastMutInt :: Int -> IO FastMutInt newFastMutInt n = do x <- create writeFastMutInt x n return x where !(I# size) = finiteBitSize (0 :: Int) `unsafeShiftR` 3 create = IO $ \s -> case newByteArray# size s of (# s, arr #) -> (# s, FastMutInt arr #) readFastMutInt :: FastMutInt -> IO Int readFastMutInt (FastMutInt arr) = IO $ \s -> case readIntArray# arr 0# s of (# s, i #) -> (# s, I# i #) writeFastMutInt :: FastMutInt -> Int -> IO () writeFastMutInt (FastMutInt arr) (I# i) = IO $ \s -> case writeIntArray# arr 0# i s of s -> (# s, () #) atomicFetchAddFastMut :: FastMutInt -> Int -> IO Int atomicFetchAddFastMut (FastMutInt arr) (I# i) = IO $ \s -> case fetchAddIntArray# arr 0# i s of (# s, n #) -> (# s, I# n #)