{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.FillSig (
  , refine
  , auto
  ) where

import Data.Char (isSymbol)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (find, nub, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes)
import Exception (ghandle, SomeException(..))
import GHC (GhcMonad, Id, ParsedModule(..), TypecheckedModule(..), DynFlags,
            SrcSpan, Type, GenLocated(L))
import qualified GHC as G
import qualified Name as G
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap as Gap
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Convert
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.SrcUtils
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Outputable (PprStyle)
import qualified Type as Ty
import qualified HsBinds as Ty
import qualified Class as Ty
import qualified Var as Ty
import qualified HsPat as Ty
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated as HE
import Djinn.GHC


-- Possible signatures we can find: function or instance
data SigInfo
    = Signature SrcSpan [G.RdrName] (G.HsType G.RdrName)
    | InstanceDecl SrcSpan G.Class
    | TyFamDecl SrcSpan G.RdrName TyFamType {- True if closed -} [G.RdrName]

-- Signature for fallback operation via haskell-src-exts
data HESigInfo
    = HESignature HE.SrcSpan [HE.Name HE.SrcSpanInfo] (HE.Type HE.SrcSpanInfo)
    | HEFamSignature
          (HE.Name HE.SrcSpanInfo)
          [HE.Name HE.SrcSpanInfo]

data TyFamType = Closed | Open | Data
initialTyFamString :: TyFamType -> (String, String)
initialTyFamString Closed = ("instance", "")
initialTyFamString Open   = ("function", "type instance ")
initialTyFamString Data   = ("function", "data instance ")

-- | Create a initial body from a signature.
sig :: IOish m
    => FilePath     -- ^ A target file.
    -> Int          -- ^ Line number.
    -> Int          -- ^ Column number.
    -> GhcModT m String
sig file lineNo colNo = ghandle handler body
    body = inModuleContext file $ \dflag style -> do
        opt <- options
        modSum <- Gap.fileModSummary file
        whenFound opt (getSignature modSum lineNo colNo) $ \s -> case s of
          Signature loc names ty ->
            ("function", fourInts loc, map (initialBody dflag style ty) names)
          InstanceDecl loc cls ->
             ("instance", fourInts loc, map (\x -> initialBody dflag style (G.idType x) x)
                                            (Ty.classMethods cls))
          TyFamDecl loc name flavour vars ->
            let (rTy, initial) = initialTyFamString flavour
             in (rTy, fourInts loc, [initial ++ initialFamBody dflag style name vars])

    handler (SomeException _) = do
      opt <- options
      -- Code cannot be parsed by ghc module
      -- Fallback: try to get information via haskell-src-exts
      whenFound opt (getSignatureFromHE file lineNo colNo) $ \x -> case x of
        HESignature loc names ty ->
          ("function", fourIntsHE loc, map (initialBody undefined undefined ty) names)
        HEFamSignature loc flavour name vars ->
          let (rTy, initial) = initialTyFamString flavour
           in (rTy, fourIntsHE loc, [initial ++ initialFamBody undefined undefined name vars])

-- a. Code for getting the information

-- Get signature from ghc parsing and typechecking
getSignature :: GhcMonad m => G.ModSummary -> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe SigInfo)
getSignature modSum lineNo colNo = do
    p@ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = ps} <- G.parseModule modSum
    -- Inspect the parse tree to find the signature
    case listifyParsedSpans ps (lineNo, colNo) :: [G.LHsDecl G.RdrName] of
      [L loc (G.SigD (Ty.TypeSig names (L _ ty)))] ->
        -- We found a type signature
        return $ Just $ Signature loc (map G.unLoc names) ty
      [L _ (G.InstD _)] -> do
        -- We found an instance declaration
        TypecheckedModule{tm_renamed_source = Just tcs
                         ,tm_checked_module_info = minfo} <- G.typecheckModule p
        let lst = listifyRenamedSpans tcs (lineNo, colNo)
        case Gap.getClass lst of
            Just (clsName,loc) -> obtainClassInfo minfo clsName loc
            _                  -> return Nothing
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
      [L loc (G.TyClD (G.FamDecl (G.FamilyDecl info (L _ name) (G.HsQTvs _ vars) _)))] -> do
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
      [L loc (G.TyClD (G.TyFamily info (L _ name) (G.HsQTvs _ vars) _))] -> do
      [L loc (G.TyClD (G.TyFamily info (L _ name) vars _))] -> do
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
        let flavour = case info of
                        G.ClosedTypeFamily _ -> Closed
                        G.OpenTypeFamily     -> Open
                        G.DataFamily         -> Data
        let flavour = case info of  -- Closed type families where introduced in GHC 7.8
                        G.TypeFamily -> Open
                        G.DataFamily -> Data
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
            getTyFamVarName x = case x of
                L _ (G.UserTyVar n)     -> n
                L _ (G.KindedTyVar n _) -> n
            getTyFamVarName x = case x of  -- In GHC 7.4, HsTyVarBndr's have an extra arg
                L _ (G.UserTyVar n _)     -> n
                L _ (G.KindedTyVar n _ _) -> n
         in return $ Just (TyFamDecl loc name flavour $ map getTyFamVarName vars)
      _ -> return Nothing
  where obtainClassInfo :: GhcMonad m => G.ModuleInfo -> G.Name -> SrcSpan -> m (Maybe SigInfo)
        obtainClassInfo minfo clsName loc = do
          tyThing <- G.modInfoLookupName minfo clsName
          return $ do Ty.ATyCon clsCon <- tyThing  -- In Maybe
                      cls <- G.tyConClass_maybe clsCon
                      return $ InstanceDecl loc cls

-- Get signature from haskell-src-exts
getSignatureFromHE :: GhcMonad m => FilePath -> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe HESigInfo)
getSignatureFromHE file lineNo colNo = do
  presult <- liftIO $ HE.parseFile file
  return $ case presult of
             HE.ParseOk (HE.Module _ _ _ _ mdecls) -> do
               decl <- find (typeSigInRangeHE lineNo colNo) mdecls
               case decl of
                 HE.TypeSig (HE.SrcSpanInfo s _) names ty ->
                     return $ HESignature s names ty

                 HE.TypeFamDecl (HE.SrcSpanInfo s _) declHead _ ->
                   let (name, tys) = dHeadTyVars declHead in
                   return $ HEFamSignature s Open name (map cleanTyVarBind tys)

                 HE.DataFamDecl (HE.SrcSpanInfo s _) _ declHead _ ->
                   let (name, tys) = dHeadTyVars declHead in
                   return $ HEFamSignature s Open name (map cleanTyVarBind tys)
                 _ -> fail ""
             _ -> Nothing
  where cleanTyVarBind (HE.KindedVar _ n _) = n
        cleanTyVarBind (HE.UnkindedVar _ n) = n

#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,16,0)
        dHeadTyVars :: HE.DeclHead l -> (HE.Name l, [HE.TyVarBind l])
        dHeadTyVars (HE.DHead _ name) = (name, [])
        dHeadTyVars (HE.DHApp _ r ty) = (++[ty]) `fmap` (dHeadTyVars r)
        dHeadTyVars (HE.DHInfix _ ty name) = (name, [ty])
        dHeadTyVars (HE.DHParen _ r) = dHeadTyVars r
        dHeadTyVars :: HE.DeclHead l -> (HE.Name l, [HE.TyVarBind l])
        dHeadTyVars (DHead _ n tys) = (n, tys)

-- b. Code for generating initial code

-- A list of function arguments, and whether they are functions or normal
-- arguments is built from either a function signature or an instance signature
data FnArg = FnArgFunction | FnArgNormal | FnExplicitName String

initialBody :: FnArgsInfo ty name => DynFlags -> PprStyle -> ty -> name -> String
initialBody dflag style ty name =
    initialBody' (getFnName dflag style name) (getFnArgs ty)

initialBody' :: String -> [FnArg] -> String
initialBody' fname args =
    initialHead fname args ++ " = " ++ n ++ "_body"
 where n = if isSymbolName fname then "" else '_':fname

initialFamBody :: FnArgsInfo ty name
               => DynFlags -> PprStyle -> name -> [name] -> String
initialFamBody dflag style name args =
    initialHead fnName fnArgs ++ " = ()"
 where fnName = getFnName dflag style name
       fnArgs = map (FnExplicitName . getFnName dflag style) args

initialHead :: String -> [FnArg] -> String
initialHead fname args =
  case initialBodyArgs args infiniteVars infiniteFns of
    []      -> fname
    arglist -> if isSymbolName fname
               then head arglist ++ " " ++ fname ++ " " ++ unwords (tail arglist)
               else fname ++ " " ++ unwords arglist

initialBodyArgs :: [FnArg] -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
initialBodyArgs [] _ _ = []
initialBodyArgs (FnArgFunction:xs) vs (f:fs) = f : initialBodyArgs xs vs fs
initialBodyArgs (FnArgNormal:xs)   (v:vs) fs = v : initialBodyArgs xs vs fs
initialBodyArgs (FnExplicitName n:xs)  vs fs = n : initialBodyArgs xs vs fs
initialBodyArgs _                  _      _  =
    error "initialBodyArgs: This should never happen" -- Lists are infinite

initialHead1 :: String -> [FnArg] -> [String] -> String
initialHead1 fname args elts =
  case initialBodyArgs1 args elts of
    []      -> fname
    arglist -> if isSymbolName fname
               then head arglist ++ " " ++ fname ++ " " ++ unwords (tail arglist)
               else fname ++ " " ++ unwords arglist

initialBodyArgs1 :: [FnArg] -> [String] -> [String]
initialBodyArgs1 args elts = take (length args) elts

-- Getting the initial body of function and instances differ
-- This is because for functions we only use the parsed file
-- (so the full file doesn't have to be type correct)
-- but for instances we need to get information about the class

class FnArgsInfo ty name | ty -> name, name -> ty where
  getFnName :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> name -> String
  getFnArgs :: ty -> [FnArg]

instance FnArgsInfo (G.HsType G.RdrName) (G.RdrName) where
  getFnName dflag style name = showOccName dflag style $ Gap.occName name
  getFnArgs (G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ iTy))  = getFnArgs iTy
  getFnArgs (G.HsParTy (L _ iTy))           = getFnArgs iTy
  getFnArgs (G.HsFunTy (L _ lTy) (L _ rTy)) =
      (if fnarg lTy then FnArgFunction else FnArgNormal):getFnArgs rTy
    where fnarg ty = case ty of
              (G.HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L _ iTy)) -> fnarg iTy
              (G.HsParTy (L _ iTy))          -> fnarg iTy
              (G.HsFunTy _ _)                -> True
              _                              -> False
  getFnArgs _ = []

instance FnArgsInfo (HE.Type HE.SrcSpanInfo) (HE.Name HE.SrcSpanInfo) where
  getFnName _ _ (HE.Ident  _ s) = s
  getFnName _ _ (HE.Symbol _ s) = s
  getFnArgs (HE.TyForall _ _ _ iTy) = getFnArgs iTy
  getFnArgs (HE.TyParen _ iTy)      = getFnArgs iTy
  getFnArgs (HE.TyFun _ lTy rTy)    =
      (if fnarg lTy then FnArgFunction else FnArgNormal):getFnArgs rTy
    where fnarg ty = case ty of
              (HE.TyForall _ _ _ iTy) -> fnarg iTy
              (HE.TyParen _ iTy)      -> fnarg iTy
              (HE.TyFun _ _ _)        -> True
              _                       -> False
  getFnArgs _ = []

instance FnArgsInfo Type Id where
  getFnName dflag style method = showOccName dflag style $ G.getOccName method
  getFnArgs = getFnArgs' . Ty.dropForAlls
    where getFnArgs' ty | Just (lTy,rTy) <- Ty.splitFunTy_maybe ty =
            maybe (if Ty.isPredTy lTy then getFnArgs' rTy else FnArgNormal:getFnArgs' rTy)
                  (\_ -> FnArgFunction:getFnArgs' rTy)
                  $ Ty.splitFunTy_maybe lTy

          getFnArgs' ty | Just (_,iTy) <- Ty.splitForAllTy_maybe ty =
              getFnArgs' iTy

          getFnArgs' _ = []

-- Infinite supply of variable and function variable names
infiniteVars, infiniteFns :: [String]
infiniteVars = infiniteSupply ["x","y","z","t","u","v","w"]
infiniteFns  = infiniteSupply ["f","g","h"]
infiniteSupply :: [String] -> [String]
infiniteSupply initialSupply =
    initialSupply ++ concatMap (\n -> map (\v -> v ++ show n) initialSupply)
                               ([1 .. ] :: [Integer])

-- Check whether a String is a symbol name
isSymbolName :: String -> Bool
isSymbolName (c:_) = c `elem` "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" || isSymbol c
isSymbolName []    = error "This should never happen"


refine :: IOish m
       => FilePath     -- ^ A target file.
       -> Int          -- ^ Line number.
       -> Int          -- ^ Column number.
       -> Expression   -- ^ A Haskell expression.
       -> GhcModT m String
refine file lineNo colNo expr = ghandle handler body
    body = inModuleContext file $ \dflag style -> do
        opt <- options
        modSum <- Gap.fileModSummary file
        p <- G.parseModule modSum
        tcm@TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} <- G.typecheckModule p
        ety <- G.exprType expr
        whenFound opt (findVar dflag style tcm tcs lineNo colNo) $
          \(loc, name, rty, paren) ->
              let eArgs = getFnArgs ety
                  rArgs = getFnArgs rty
                  diffArgs' = length eArgs - length rArgs
                  diffArgs  = if diffArgs' < 0 then 0 else diffArgs'
                  iArgs = take diffArgs eArgs
                  text = initialHead1 expr iArgs (infinitePrefixSupply name)
               in (fourInts loc, doParen paren text)

    handler (SomeException _) = emptyResult =<< options

-- Look for the variable in the specified position
findVar :: GhcMonad m => DynFlags -> PprStyle
                      -> G.TypecheckedModule -> G.TypecheckedSource
                      -> Int -> Int -> m (Maybe (SrcSpan, String, Type, Bool))
findVar dflag style tcm tcs lineNo colNo =
  let lst = sortBy (cmp `on` G.getLoc) $
                listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [G.LHsExpr Id]
  in case lst of
      e@(L _ (G.HsVar i)):others ->
        do tyInfo <- Gap.getType tcm e
           let name = getFnName dflag style i
           if (name == "undefined" || head name == '_') && isJust tyInfo
              then let Just (s,t) = tyInfo
                       b = case others of  -- If inside an App, we need
                                           -- parenthesis
                             [] -> False
                             L _ (G.HsApp (L _ a1) (L _ a2)):_ ->
                               isSearchedVar i a1 || isSearchedVar i a2
                             _  -> False
                    in return $ Just (s, name, t, b)
              else return Nothing
      _ -> return Nothing

infinitePrefixSupply :: String -> [String]
infinitePrefixSupply "undefined" = repeat "undefined"
infinitePrefixSupply p = map (\n -> p ++ "_" ++ show n) ([1 ..] :: [Integer])

doParen :: Bool -> String -> String
doParen False s = s
doParen True  s = if ' ' `elem` s then '(':s ++ ")" else s

isSearchedVar :: Id -> G.HsExpr Id -> Bool
isSearchedVar i (G.HsVar i2) = i == i2
isSearchedVar _ _ = False


auto :: IOish m
     => FilePath     -- ^ A target file.
     -> Int          -- ^ Line number.
     -> Int          -- ^ Column number.
     -> GhcModT m String
auto file lineNo colNo = ghandle handler body
    body = inModuleContext file $ \dflag style -> do
        opt <- options
        modSum <- Gap.fileModSummary file
        p <- G.parseModule modSum
        tcm@TypecheckedModule {
                 tm_typechecked_source = tcs
               , tm_checked_module_info = minfo
               } <- G.typecheckModule p
        whenFound' opt (findVar dflag style tcm tcs lineNo colNo) $ \(loc, _name, rty, paren) -> do
          topLevel <- getEverythingInTopLevel minfo
          let (f,pats) = getPatsForVariable tcs (lineNo,colNo)
              -- Remove self function to prevent recursion, and id to trim
              -- cases
              filterFn (n,_) = let funName = G.getOccString n
                                   recName = G.getOccString (G.getName f)
                               in funName `notElem` recName:notWantedFuns
              -- Find without using other functions in top-level
              localBnds = M.unions $
                  map (\(L _ pat) -> getBindingsForPat pat) pats
              lbn = filter filterFn (M.toList localBnds)
          djinnsEmpty <- djinn True (Just minfo) lbn rty (Max 10) 100000
          let -- Find with the entire top-level
              almostEnv = M.toList $ M.union localBnds topLevel
              env = filter filterFn almostEnv
          djinns <- djinn True (Just minfo) env rty (Max 10) 100000
          return ( fourInts loc
                 , map (doParen paren) $ nub (djinnsEmpty ++ djinns))

    handler (SomeException _) = emptyResult =<< options

-- Functions we do not want in completions
notWantedFuns :: [String]
notWantedFuns = ["id", "asTypeOf", "const"]

-- Get all things defined in top-level
getEverythingInTopLevel :: GhcMonad m => G.ModuleInfo -> m (M.Map G.Name Type)
getEverythingInTopLevel m = do
  let modInfo  = tyThingsToInfo (G.modInfoTyThings m)
      topNames = G.modInfoTopLevelScope m
  case topNames of
    Just topNames' -> do topThings <- mapM G.lookupGlobalName topNames'
                         let topThings' = catMaybes topThings
                             topInfo    = tyThingsToInfo topThings'
                         return $ M.union modInfo topInfo
    Nothing -> return modInfo

tyThingsToInfo :: [Ty.TyThing] -> M.Map G.Name Type
tyThingsToInfo [] = M.empty
tyThingsToInfo (G.AnId i : xs) =
    M.insert (G.getName i) (Ty.varType i) (tyThingsToInfo xs)
-- Getting information about constructors is not needed
-- because they will be added by djinn-ghc when traversing types
-- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
-- tyThingToInfo (G.AConLike (G.RealDataCon con)) = return [(Ty.dataConName con, Ty.dataConUserType con)]
-- #else
-- tyThingToInfo (G.AConLike con) = return [(Ty.dataConName con, Ty.dataConUserType con)]
-- #endif
tyThingsToInfo (_:xs) = tyThingsToInfo xs

-- Find the Id of the function and the pattern where the hole is located
getPatsForVariable :: G.TypecheckedSource -> (Int,Int) -> (Id, [Ty.LPat Id])
getPatsForVariable tcs (lineNo, colNo) =
  let (L _ bnd:_) = sortBy (cmp `on` G.getLoc) $
                      listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo) :: [G.LHsBind Id]
   in case bnd of
        G.PatBind { Ty.pat_lhs = L ploc pat }  -> case pat of
          Ty.ConPatIn (L _ i) _ -> (i, [L ploc pat])
          _                     -> (error "This should never happen", [])
        G.FunBind { Ty.fun_id = L _ funId } ->
          let m = sortBy (cmp `on` G.getLoc) $ listifySpans tcs (lineNo, colNo)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
                    :: [G.LMatch Id (G.LHsExpr Id)]
                    :: [G.LMatch Id]
              (L _ (G.Match pats _ _):_) = m
           in (funId, pats)
        _ -> (error "This should never happen", [])

getBindingsForPat :: Ty.Pat Id -> M.Map G.Name Type
getBindingsForPat (Ty.VarPat i) = M.singleton (G.getName i) (Ty.varType i)
getBindingsForPat (Ty.LazyPat (L _ l)) = getBindingsForPat l
getBindingsForPat (Ty.BangPat (L _ b)) = getBindingsForPat b
getBindingsForPat (Ty.AsPat (L _ a) (L _ i)) =
    M.insert (G.getName a) (Ty.varType a) (getBindingsForPat i)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
getBindingsForPat (Ty.ListPat  l _ _) =
    M.unions $ map (\(L _ i) -> getBindingsForPat i) l
getBindingsForPat (Ty.ListPat  l _)   =
    M.unions $ map (\(L _ i) -> getBindingsForPat i) l
getBindingsForPat (Ty.TuplePat l _ _) =
    M.unions $ map (\(L _ i) -> getBindingsForPat i) l
getBindingsForPat (Ty.PArrPat  l _)   =
    M.unions $ map (\(L _ i) -> getBindingsForPat i) l
getBindingsForPat (Ty.ViewPat _ (L _ i) _) = getBindingsForPat i
getBindingsForPat (Ty.SigPatIn  (L _ i) _) = getBindingsForPat i
getBindingsForPat (Ty.SigPatOut (L _ i) _) = getBindingsForPat i
getBindingsForPat (Ty.ConPatIn (L _ i) d) =
    M.insert (G.getName i) (Ty.varType i) (getBindingsForRecPat d)
getBindingsForPat (Ty.ConPatOut { Ty.pat_args = d }) = getBindingsForRecPat d
getBindingsForPat _ = M.empty

getBindingsForRecPat :: Ty.HsConPatDetails Id -> M.Map G.Name Type
getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.PrefixCon args) =
    M.unions $ map (\(L _ i) -> getBindingsForPat i) args
getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.InfixCon (L _ a1) (L _ a2)) =
    M.union (getBindingsForPat a1) (getBindingsForPat a2)
getBindingsForRecPat (Ty.RecCon (Ty.HsRecFields { Ty.rec_flds = fields })) =
    getBindingsForRecFields fields
 where getBindingsForRecFields [] = M.empty
       getBindingsForRecFields (Ty.HsRecField {Ty.hsRecFieldArg = (L _ a)}:fs) =
         M.union (getBindingsForPat a) (getBindingsForRecFields fs)