{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Language.Haskell.Packages
-- Copyright   : (c) Thiago Arrais 2009
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : jpmoresmau@gmail.com
-- Stability   : beta
-- Portability : portable
-- Packages from packages databases (global, user).
-- see <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1522104/how-to-programmatically-retrieve-ghc-package-information>
module Language.Haskell.Packages ( getPkgInfos ) where

import Prelude hiding (Maybe)
import qualified System.Info
import qualified Config

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0)
import Distribution.ModuleName
import Control.Applicative
import Distribution.Text

import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc

import GHC.Paths

import qualified Control.Exception as Exception

-- This was borrowed from the ghc-pkg source:
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0)
type InstalledPackageInfoString = InstalledPackageInfo_ ModuleName
type InstalledPackageInfoString = InstalledPackageInfo_ String

-- | Types of cabal package databases
data CabalPkgDBType =
    PkgDirectory FilePath
  | PkgFile      FilePath

type InstalledPackagesList = [(FilePath, [InstalledPackageInfo])]

-- | Fetch the installed package info from the global and user package.conf
-- databases, mimicking the functionality of ghc-pkg.
getPkgInfos :: Maybe FilePath   -- ^ the path to the cabal sandbox if any
        -> IO InstalledPackagesList
getPkgInfos msandbox=
    -- | Test for package database's presence in a given directory
    -- NB: The directory is returned for later scanning by listConf,
    -- which parses the actual package database file(s).
    lookForPackageDBIn :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe InstalledPackagesList)
    lookForPackageDBIn dir =
        path_dir = dir </> "package.conf.d"
        path_file = dir </> "package.conf"
        path_sd_dir= dir </> ("packages-" ++ ghcVersion ++ ".conf")
        -- cabal sandboxes
        path_ghc_dir= dir </> currentArch ++ '-' : currentOS ++ "-ghc-" ++ ghcVersion ++ "-packages.conf.d"

      in join . listToMaybe . filter isJust <$>
           mapM readIfExists [PkgDirectory path_dir,PkgFile path_file,PkgDirectory path_sd_dir,PkgDirectory path_ghc_dir]

    currentArch :: String
    currentArch = System.Info.arch

    currentOS :: String
    currentOS = System.Info.os

    ghcVersion :: String
    ghcVersion = Config.cProjectVersion
  in do
    -- Get the global package configuration database:
    global_conf <- do
      r <- lookForPackageDBIn getLibDir
      case r of
        Nothing   -> ioError $ userError ("Can't find package database in " ++ getLibDir)
        Just pkgs -> return pkgs

    -- Get the user package configuration database
    user_conf <- case msandbox of
        Nothing -> do
            e_appdir <- Exc.try $ getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"
            case e_appdir of
                    Left (_::Exc.IOException) -> return []
                    Right appdir -> do
                       let subdir
                             = currentArch ++ '-' : currentOS ++ '-' : ghcVersion
                           dir = appdir </> subdir
                       r <- lookForPackageDBIn dir
                       case r of
                           Nothing -> return []
                           Just pkgs -> return pkgs
        Just sd->do
                r <- lookForPackageDBIn sd
                case r of
                           Nothing -> return []
                           Just pkgs -> return pkgs
    -- Process GHC_PACKAGE_PATH, if present:
    e_pkg_path <- Exc.try (getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH")
    env_stack <- case e_pkg_path of
        Left (_::Exc.IOException)     -> return []
        Right path -> do
          pkgs <- mapM readContents [PkgDirectory pkg | pkg <- splitSearchPath path]
          return $ concat pkgs

    -- Send back the combined installed packages list:
    return (env_stack ++ user_conf ++ global_conf)

readIfExists :: CabalPkgDBType -> IO (Maybe InstalledPackagesList)
readIfExists p@(PkgDirectory path_dir) = do
        exists_dir <- doesDirectoryExist path_dir
        if exists_dir
          then Just <$> readContents p
          else return Nothing
readIfExists p@(PkgFile path_dir) = do
        exists_dir <- doesFileExist path_dir
        if exists_dir
          then Just <$> readContents p
          else return Nothing

-- | Read the contents of the given directory, searching for ".conf" files, and parse the
-- package contents. Returns a singleton list (directory, [installed packages])

readContents :: CabalPkgDBType                   -- ^ The package database
                -> IO InstalledPackagesList      -- ^ Installed packages

readContents pkgdb =
    -- | List package configuration files that might live in the given directory
    listConf :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
    listConf dbdir = do
      conf_dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist dbdir
      if conf_dir_exists
        then do
          files <- getDirectoryContents dbdir
          return  [ dbdir </> file | file <- files, ".conf" `isSuffixOf` file]
        else return []

    -- | Read a file, ensuring that UTF8 coding is used for GCH >= 6.12
    readUTF8File :: FilePath -> IO String
    readUTF8File file = do
      h <- openFile file ReadMode
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 612
      -- fix the encoding to UTF-8
      hSetEncoding h utf8
      Exc.catch (hGetContents h) (\(err :: Exc.IOException)->do
         print err
         hClose h
         h' <- openFile file ReadMode
         hSetEncoding h' localeEncoding
         hGetContents h'
      hGetContents h

    -- | This function was lifted directly from ghc-pkg. Its sole purpose is
    -- parsing an input package description string and producing an
    -- InstalledPackageInfo structure.
    convertPackageInfoIn :: InstalledPackageInfoString -> InstalledPackageInfo
        (pkgconf@(InstalledPackageInfo { exposedModules = e,
                                         hiddenModules = h })) =
            pkgconf{ exposedModules = convert e,
                     hiddenModules  = convert h }
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0)
        where convert = map id
        where convert = mapMaybe simpleParse

    -- | Utility function that just flips the arguments to Control.Exception.catch
    catchError :: IO a -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a
    catchError io handler = io `Exception.catch` handler'
        where handler' (Exception.ErrorCall err) = handler err

    -- | Slightly different approach in Cabal 1.8 series, with the package.conf.d
    -- directories, where individual package configuration files are association
    -- pairs.
    pkgInfoReader ::  FilePath
                      -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
    pkgInfoReader f =
      Exc.catch (
              pkgStr <- readUTF8File f
              let pkgInfo = parseInstalledPackageInfo pkgStr
              case pkgInfo of
                ParseOk _ info -> return [info]
                ParseFailed err  -> do
                        print err
                        return [emptyInstalledPackageInfo]
        ) (\(_::Exc.IOException)->return [emptyInstalledPackageInfo])

  in case pkgdb of
      (PkgDirectory pkgdbDir) -> do
        confs <- listConf pkgdbDir
        pkgInfoList <- mapM pkgInfoReader confs
        return [(pkgdbDir, join pkgInfoList)]

      (PkgFile dbFile) -> do
        pkgStr <- readUTF8File dbFile
        let pkgs = map convertPackageInfoIn $ readObj "InstalledPackageInfo" pkgStr
        pkgInfoList <-
          Exception.evaluate pkgs
            (\e-> ioError $ userError $ "parsing " ++ dbFile ++ ": " ++ show e)
        return [(takeDirectory dbFile, pkgInfoList)]

-- GHC.Path sets libdir for us...
getLibDir :: String
getLibDir = libdir

-- | read an object from a String, with a given error message if it fails
readObj :: Read a=> String -> String -> a
readObj msg s=let parses=reads s -- :: [(a,String)]
        in if null parses
                then error (msg ++ ": " ++ s ++ ".")
                else fst $ head parses