{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fsimpl-tick-factor=115 #-}
module GHC.Prof.CostCentreTree
  ( aggregateCostCentres
  , aggregateCostCentresOrderBy

  , costCentres
  , costCentresOrderBy

  , callSites
  , callSitesOrderBy

  , buildCostCentresOrderBy
  , buildCallSitesOrderBy
  ) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq

import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Tree (Tree)
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree

import GHC.Prof.Types

#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0, 5, 0)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map

aggregateCostCentres :: Profile -> [AggregateCostCentre]
aggregateCostCentres = aggregateCostCentresOrderBy sortKey
    sortKey = aggregateCostCentreTime &&& aggregateCostCentreAlloc

  :: Ord a
  => (AggregateCostCentre -> a)
  -- ^ Sorting key function
  -> Profile
  -> [AggregateCostCentre]
aggregateCostCentresOrderBy sortKey =
  buildAggregateCostCentresOrderBy sortKey . profileCostCentreTree

-- | Build a tree of cost-centres from a profiling report.
costCentres :: Profile -> Maybe (Tree CostCentre)
costCentres = costCentresOrderBy sortKey
    sortKey =
      costCentreInhTime &&& costCentreIndTime &&&
      costCentreInhAlloc &&& costCentreIndAlloc

-- | Build a tree of cost-centres from a profiling report.
-- Nodes are sorted by the given key function for each level
-- of the tree.
  :: Ord a
  => (CostCentre -> a)
  -- ^ Sorting key function
  -> Profile
  -> Maybe (Tree CostCentre)
costCentresOrderBy sortKey =
  buildCostCentresOrderBy sortKey . profileCostCentreTree

-- | Build a list of call-sites (caller functions) for a specified
-- cost-centre name and module name.
  :: Text
  -- ^ Cost-centre name
  -> Text
  -- ^ Module name
  -> Profile
  -> Maybe (Callee, Seq CallSite)
callSites = callSitesOrderBy sortKey
    sortKey =
      costCentreInhTime &&& costCentreIndTime &&&
      costCentreInhAlloc &&& costCentreIndAlloc

-- | Build a list of call-sites (caller function) for a specified
-- cost-centre name and module name. Nodes are sorted by the given
-- key function.
  :: Ord a
  => (CostCentre -> a)
  -- ^ Sorting key function
  -> Text
  -- ^ Cost-centre name
  -> Text
  -- ^ Module name
  -> Profile
  -> Maybe (Callee, Seq CallSite)
callSitesOrderBy sortKey name modName =
  buildCallSitesOrderBy sortKey name modName . profileCostCentreTree


  :: Ord a
  => (AggregateCostCentre -> a)
  -> CostCentreTree
  -> [AggregateCostCentre]
buildAggregateCostCentresOrderBy sortKey CostCentreTree {..} =
  sortBy (flip compare `on` sortKey) $ Map.elems $ costCentreAggregate

  :: Ord a
  => (CostCentre -> a)
  -- ^ Sorting key function
  -> CostCentreTree
  -> Maybe (Tree CostCentre)
buildCostCentresOrderBy sortKey CostCentreTree {..} = do
  -- Invariant:
  --   The root node (MAIN.MAIN) should have the least cost centre ID
  rootKey <- listToMaybe $ IntMap.keys costCentreNodes
  Tree.unfoldTreeM build rootKey
    build key = do
      node <- IntMap.lookup key costCentreNodes
      return (node, children)
          !children = maybe [] Fold.toList $ do
            nodes <- IntMap.lookup key costCentreChildren
            return $ costCentreNo
                <$> Seq.unstableSortBy (flip compare `on` sortKey) nodes

  :: Ord a
  => (CostCentre -> a)
  -- ^ Sorting key function
  -> Text
  -- ^ Cost-centre name
  -> Text
  -- ^ Module name
  -> CostCentreTree
  -> Maybe (Callee, Seq CallSite)
buildCallSitesOrderBy sortKey name modName tree@CostCentreTree {..} =
  (,) <$> callee <*> callers
    lookupCallees = Map.lookup (name, modName) costCentreCallSites
    !callee = do
      callees <- lookupCallees
      return $ buildCallee name modName callees
    callers = do
      callees <- lookupCallees
      mapM (buildCallSite tree) $
        Seq.unstableSortBy (flip compare `on` sortKey) callees

buildCallee :: Text -> Text -> Seq CostCentre -> Callee
buildCallee name modName callees = Callee
  { calleeName = name
  , calleeModule = modName
  , calleeEntries = Fold.sum $ costCentreEntries <$> callees
  , calleeTime = Fold.sum $ costCentreIndTime <$> callees
  , calleeAlloc = Fold.sum $ costCentreIndAlloc <$> callees
  , calleeTicks = asum $ costCentreTicks <$> callees
  , calleeBytes = asum $ costCentreBytes <$> callees

buildCallSite :: CostCentreTree -> CostCentre -> Maybe CallSite
buildCallSite CostCentreTree {..} CostCentre {..} = do
  parentNo <- IntMap.lookup costCentreNo costCentreParents
  parent <- IntMap.lookup parentNo costCentreNodes
  return CallSite
    { callSiteCostCentre = parent
    , callSiteContribEntries = costCentreEntries
    , callSiteContribTime = costCentreIndTime
    , callSiteContribAlloc = costCentreIndAlloc
    , callSiteContribTicks = costCentreTicks
    , callSiteContribBytes = costCentreBytes