{-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternGuards #-} -- | Simplified interface to the GHC API. module Language.Haskell.GHC.Simple ( -- * Entry points compile, compileWith, compileFold, -- * Configuration, input and output types module Simple.Types, getDynFlagsForConfig, -- * GHC re-exports for processing STG and Core module CoreSyn, module StgSyn, module Module, module Id, module IdInfo, module Var, module Literal, module DataCon, module OccName, module Name, module Type, module TysPrim, module TyCon, module ForeignCall, module PrimOp, module DynFlags, module SrcLoc, module DriverPhases, ModSummary (..), ModGuts (..), PkgKey, pkgKeyString, modulePkgKey ) where -- GHC scaffolding import GHC hiding (Warning) import GhcMonad (liftIO) import DynFlags import HscTypes import ErrUtils import Bag import SrcLoc import Outputable import Hooks import StaticFlags (discardStaticFlags) import DriverPhases import DriverPipeline -- Convenience re-exports for fiddling with STG import StgSyn import CoreSyn import Name hiding (varName) import Type import TysPrim import TyCon import Literal import Var hiding (setIdExported, setIdNotExported, lazySetIdInfo) import Id import IdInfo import OccName hiding (varName) import DataCon import ForeignCall import PrimOp import Module -- Misc. stuff import Data.Binary import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Data.IORef import Control.Monad import GHC.Paths (libdir) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe -- Internals import Language.Haskell.GHC.Simple.PrimIface as Simple.PrimIface import Language.Haskell.GHC.Simple.Types as Simple.Types import Language.Haskell.GHC.Simple.Impl -- | Compile a list of targets and their dependencies into intermediate code. -- Uses settings from the the default 'CompConfig'. compile :: (Intermediate a, Binary b) => (ModMetadata -> a -> IO b) -- ^ Compilation function from some intermediate language to the -- desired output. The output type needs to be an instance of -- 'Binary', as it will be cached after compilation to speed up -- future recompilation. -- This function is called once per module. Due to caching of modules -- which don't need to be recompiled, it will not necessarily be -- called once per module included in the return value of @compile@. -> [String] -- ^ List of compilation targets. A target can be either a module -- or a file name. -> IO (CompResult [CompiledModule b]) compile = compileWith defaultConfig -- | Compile a list of targets and their dependencies using a custom -- configuration. compileWith :: (Intermediate a, Binary b) => CompConfig -- ^ GHC pipeline configuration. -> (ModMetadata -> a -> IO b) -- ^ Compilation function. -> [String] -- ^ List of compilation targets. A target can be either a module -- or a file name. Targets may also be read from the specified -- 'CompConfig', if 'cfgUseTargetsFromFlags' is set. -> IO (CompResult [CompiledModule b]) compileWith cfg comp = compileFold cfg comp consMod [] consMod :: [CompiledModule a] -> CompiledModule a -> IO [CompiledModule a] consMod xs x = return (x:xs) -- | Obtain the dynamic flags and extra targets that would be used to compile -- anything with the given config. getDynFlagsForConfig :: CompConfig -> IO (DynFlags, [String]) getDynFlagsForConfig cfg = initStaticFlags `seq` do ws <- newIORef [] runGhc (maybe (Just libdir) Just (cfgGhcLibDir cfg)) $ do setDFS cfg (discardStaticFlags (cfgGhcFlags cfg)) ws noComp noComp :: FilePath -> ModSummary -> CgGuts -> CompPipeline () noComp _ _ _ = return () -- | Set and return the appropriate dynflags and extra targets for the given -- config. setDFS :: CompConfig -- ^ Compilation configuration. -> [String] -- ^ Dynamic GHC command line flags. -> IORef [Warning] -- ^ IORef to use for logging warnings. -> (FilePath -> ModSummary -> CgGuts -> CompPipeline ()) -- ^ Per-module compilation function. -> Ghc (DynFlags, [String]) setDFS cfg flags warns comp = do -- Parse and update dynamic flags dfs <- getSessionDynFlags (dfs', files2, _dynwarns) <- parseDynamicFlags dfs (map noLoc flags) let ps = cfgStopPhases cfg dfs'' = cfgUpdateDynFlags cfg $ dfs' { log_action = logger (log_action dfs') warns, hooks = (hooks dfs') {runPhaseHook = Just $ phaseHook ps} } -- Update prim interface hook name and cache if we're using a custom -- GHC.Prim interface, setting the dynflags in the process. case cfgCustomPrimIface cfg of Just (nfo, strs) -> setPrimIface dfs'' nfo strs _ -> void $ setSessionDynFlags dfs'' finaldfs <- getSessionDynFlags return (finaldfs, map unLoc files2) where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 #define LOG(dfs,sev,span,sty,msg) (deflog dfs reason sev span sty msg) logger deflog warns dfs reason severity srcspan style msg #else #define LOG(dfs,sev,span,sty,msg) (deflog dfs sev span sty msg) logger deflog warns dfs severity srcspan style msg #endif | cfgUseGhcErrorLogger cfg = do #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 logger' deflog warns dfs reason severity srcspan style msg #else logger' deflog warns dfs severity srcspan style msg #endif -- Messages other than warnings and errors are already logged by GHC -- by default. case severity of SevWarning -> LOG(dfs, severity, srcspan, style, msg) SevError -> LOG(dfs, severity, srcspan, style, msg) _ -> return () | otherwise = do #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 logger' deflog warns dfs reason severity srcspan style msg #else logger' deflog warns dfs severity srcspan style msg #endif -- Collect warnings and supress errors, since we're collecting those -- separately. #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 logger' _ w dfs _ SevWarning srcspan _style msg = do liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' w $ \ws -> (Warning srcspan (showSDoc dfs msg) : ws, ()) logger' _ _ _ _ SevError _ _ _ = do return () logger' output _ dfs reason sev srcspan style msg = do output dfs reason sev srcspan style msg #else logger' _ w dfs SevWarning srcspan _style msg = do liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' w $ \ws -> (Warning srcspan (showSDoc dfs msg) : ws, ()) logger' _ _ _ SevError _ _ _ = do return () logger' output _ dfs sev srcspan style msg = do output dfs sev srcspan style msg #endif setPrimIface dfs nfo strs = do void $ setSessionDynFlags dfs { hooks = (hooks dfs) {ghcPrimIfaceHook = Just $ primIface nfo strs} } getSession >>= liftIO . fixPrimopTypes nfo strs -- TODO: get rid of the @runPhase@ from the HscOut phase phaseHook _ p@(HscOut src mod_name result) inp dfs = do loc <- getLocation src mod_name setModLocation loc let next = hscPostBackendPhase dfs src (hscTarget dfs) case result of HscRecomp cgguts ms -> do outfile <- phaseOutputFilename next comp (ml_hi_file loc) ms cgguts runPhase p inp dfs _ -> runPhase p inp dfs phaseHook stop (RealPhase p) inp _ | p `elem` stop = return (RealPhase StopLn, inp) phaseHook _ p inp dfs = runPhase p inp dfs -- | Write a module to cache file. writeModCache :: Binary a => CompConfig -> ModSummary -> a -> IO () writeModCache cfg ms m = do createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory cachefile) BS.writeFile cachefile (encode m) where cachefile = cacheFileFor cfg (ms_mod_name ms) -- | Read a module from cache file. readModCache :: Binary a => CompConfig -> ModMetadata -> [Target] -> IO (CompiledModule a) readModCache cfg meta tgts = do m <- decode `fmap` BS.readFile cachefile return $ CompiledModule m meta (mmSummary meta `isTarget` tgts) where cachefile = cacheFileFor cfg (ms_mod_name (mmSummary meta)) -- | Get the cache file for the given 'ModSummary' under the given -- configuration. cacheFileFor :: CompConfig -> ModuleName -> FilePath cacheFileFor cfg name = maybe "" id (cfgCacheDirectory cfg) modfile where modfile = moduleNameSlashes name <.> cfgCacheFileExt cfg -- | Left fold over a list of compilation targets and their dependencies. -- -- Sometimes you don't just want a huge pile of intermediate code lying -- around; chances are you either want to dump it to file or combine it with -- some other intermediate code, without having to keep it all in memory at -- the same time. compileFold :: (Intermediate a, Binary b) => CompConfig -- ^ GHC pipeline configuration. -> (ModMetadata -> a -> IO b) -- ^ Per module compilation function. -> (acc -> CompiledModule b -> IO acc) -- ^ Folding function. -> acc -- ^ Initial accumulator. -> [String] -- ^ List of compilation targets. A target can be either a module -- or a file name. Targets may also be read from the specified -- 'CompConfig', if 'cfgUseTargetsFromFlags' is set. -> IO (CompResult acc) compileFold cfg comp f acc files = initStaticFlags `seq` do warns <- newIORef [] -- all warnings produced by GHC runGhc (maybe (Just libdir) Just (cfgGhcLibDir cfg)) $ do (_, files2) <- setDFS cfg dfs warns compileToCache ecode <- genCode cfg f acc (files ++ files2) ws <- liftIO $ readIORef warns case ecode of Right (finaldfs, code) -> return Success { compResult = code, compWarnings = ws, compDynFlags = finaldfs } Left es -> return Failure { compErrors = es, compWarnings = ws } where dfs = discardStaticFlags (cfgGhcFlags cfg) compileToCache hifile ms cgguts = do source <- prepare ms cgguts liftIO $ comp (toModMetadata cfg ms) source >>= writeModCache cfg ms -- | Is @ms@ in the list of targets? isTarget :: ModSummary -> [Target] -> Bool isTarget ms = any (`isTargetOf` ms) -- | Is @t@ the target that corresponds to @ms@? isTargetOf :: Target -> ModSummary -> Bool isTargetOf t ms = case targetId t of TargetModule mn -> ms_mod_name ms == mn TargetFile fn _ | ModLocation (Just f) _ _ <- ms_location ms -> f == fn _ -> False {-# NOINLINE initStaticFlags #-} -- | Use lazy evaluation to only call 'parseStaticFlags' once. initStaticFlags :: [Located String] initStaticFlags = unsafePerformIO $ fmap fst (parseStaticFlags []) -- | Map a compilation function over each 'ModSummary' in the dependency graph -- of a list of targets. genCode :: (GhcMonad m, Binary b) => CompConfig -> (a -> CompiledModule b -> IO a) -> a -> [String] -> m (Either [Error] (DynFlags, a)) genCode cfg f acc files = do dfs <- getSessionDynFlags eerrs <- handleSourceError (maybeErrors dfs) $ do ts <- mapM (flip guessTarget Nothing) files setTargets ts -- Compile all modules; if cached code file is gone, then force -- recompilation (loads, mss) <- do loads <- load LoadAllTargets mss <- depanal [] False recomp <- filterM needRecomp mss if null recomp then return (loads, mss) else do mapM_ (liftIO . removeFile . ml_obj_file . ms_location) recomp loads' <- load LoadAllTargets mss' <- depanal [] False return (loads', mss') acc' <- liftIO $ foldM (loadCachedMod ts) acc mss return $ if succeeded loads then Right acc' else Left [] case eerrs of Left errs -> return $ Left errs Right acc -> return $ Right (dfs, acc) where needRecomp = liftIO . fmap not . doesFileExist . cacheFileFor cfg . ms_mod_name loadCachedMod tgts acc ms = readModCache cfg (toModMetadata cfg ms) tgts >>= f acc maybeErrors dfs | cfgUseGhcErrorLogger cfg = \srcerr -> liftIO $ do let msgs = srcErrorMessages srcerr printBagOfErrors dfs msgs return . Left . map (fromErrMsg dfs) $ bagToList msgs | otherwise = return . Left . map (fromErrMsg dfs) . bagToList . srcErrorMessages fromErrMsg :: DynFlags -> ErrMsg -> Error fromErrMsg dfs e = Error { errorSpan = errMsgSpan e, #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 errorMessage = showSDocForUser dfs ctx (pprLocErrMsg e), errorExtraInfo = "" #else errorMessage = showSDocForUser dfs ctx (errMsgShortDoc e), errorExtraInfo = showSDocForUser dfs ctx (errMsgExtraInfo e) #endif } where ctx = errMsgContext e