cabal-version: 2.4 name: ghc-tags version: 1.3 x-revision: 1 synopsis: Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API. description: Utility for generating etags (Emacs) and ctags (Vim and other editors) with GHC API for efficient project navigation. license: MPL-2.0 license-file: LICENSE author: Andrzej Rybczak maintainer: copyright: (c) 2021, Andrzej Rybczak category: Development extra-source-files: homepage: bug-reports: tested-with: GHC ==8.10.4 || ==9.0.1 source-repository head type: git location: flag ghc-lib default: False manual: True description: Use ghc-lib even when compiling with compatible GHC version. executable ghc-tags ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-A4m if !flag(ghc-lib) && impl(ghc == 9.0.*) build-depends: ghc, ghc-boot else build-depends: ghc-lib == 9.0.* build-depends: base >=4.14 && <4.16 , aeson < , async , attoparsec , bytestring , containers , deepseq , directory , filepath , ghc-paths , stm , optparse-applicative , process , temporary , text , time , unordered-containers , vector , yaml hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Main.hs other-modules: GhcTags GhcTags.Config.Args GhcTags.Config.Project GhcTags.Ghc GhcTags.GhcCompat GhcTags.Tag GhcTags.CTag GhcTags.CTag.Header GhcTags.CTag.Parser GhcTags.CTag.Formatter GhcTags.CTag.Utils GhcTags.ETag GhcTags.ETag.Parser GhcTags.ETag.Formatter GhcTags.Utils Paths_ghc_tags autogen-modules: Paths_ghc_tags default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: BangPatterns , DataKinds , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , GADTs , KindSignatures , LambdaCase , MultiWayIf , NamedFieldPuns , OverloadedStrings , RecordWildCards , ScopedTypeVariables , StrictData , StandaloneDeriving , TupleSections