{- |
   Module      : GHC.Vis.GTK.Graph
   Copyright   : (c) Dennis Felsing
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : dennis@felsin9.de

module GHC.Vis.GTK.Graph (

import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Box, Signal, Rectangle)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad

import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe

import GHC.Vis.Graph
import GHC.Vis.Types hiding (State)
import GHC.Vis.GTK.Common

import GHC.HeapView hiding (size)

import Graphics.XDot.Viewer
import Graphics.XDot.Types hiding (size, w, h)

data State = State
  { boxes      :: [Box]
  , operations :: [(Maybe Int, Operation)]
  , totalSize  :: (Double, Double, Double, Double)
  , bounds     :: [(Int, (Double, Double, Double, Double))]
  , hover      :: Maybe Int

state :: IORef State
state = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ State [] [] (0, 0, 1, 1) [] Nothing

-- | Draw visualization to screen, called on every update or when it's
--   requested from outside the program.
redraw :: WidgetClass w => w -> IO ()
redraw canvas = do
  s <- readIORef state
  Gtk.Rectangle _ _ rw2 rh2 <- widgetGetAllocation canvas

  boundingBoxes <- render canvas (draw s rw2 rh2)

  modifyIORef state (\s' -> s' {bounds = boundingBoxes})

-- | Export the visualization to an SVG file
export :: String -> IO ()
export file = do
  s <- readIORef state

  let (_, _, xSize, ySize) = totalSize s

  withSVGSurface file xSize ySize
    (\surface -> renderWith surface (draw s (round xSize) (round ySize)))

  return ()

draw :: State -> Int -> Int -> Render [(Int, Rectangle)]
draw s rw2 rh2 = do
  -- Line widths don't count to size, let's add a bit
  let rw = 0.97 * fromIntegral rw2
      rh = 0.97 * fromIntegral rh2

      ops = operations s
      size@(_,_,sw,sh) = totalSize s

  -- Proportional scaling
      sx = min (rw / sw) (rh / sh)
      sy = sx
      ox = 0.5 * fromIntegral rw2
      oy = 0.5 * fromIntegral rh2

  translate ox oy
  scale sx sy

  result <- drawAll (hover s) size ops

  return $ map (\(o, (x,y,w,h)) -> (o,
    ( x * sx + ox -- Transformations to correct scaling and offset
    , y * sy + oy
    , w * sx
    , h * sy
    ))) result

render :: WidgetClass w => w -> Render b -> IO b
render canvas r = do
  win <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
  renderWithDrawable win r

-- | Handle a mouse click. If an object was clicked an 'UpdateSignal' is sent
--   that causes the object to be evaluated and the screen to be updated.
click :: IO ()
click = do
  s <- readIORef state

  case hover s of
    Just t -> do
      evaluate2 $ boxes s !! t
      putMVar visSignal UpdateSignal
    _ -> return ()

evaluate2 :: Box -> IO ()
evaluate2 b@(Box a) = do
  c <- getBoxedClosureData b
  case c of
    -- ghc: internal error: MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN object entered!
    -- (GHC version 7.4.2 for x86_64_unknown_linux)
    -- Please report this as a GHC bug:  http://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug
    --ArrWordsClosure _ _ _ -> return () -- Don't inspect ArrWords
    --MutArrClosure _ _ _ _ -> return ()
    --MVarClosure _ _ _ _ -> return ()
    --_ -> a `seq` return ()
    IndClosure{} -> a `seq` return ()
    BlackholeClosure{} -> a `seq` return ()
    FunClosure{} -> a `seq` return ()
    ThunkClosure{} -> a `seq` return ()
    APClosure{} -> a `seq` return ()
    PAPClosure{} -> a `seq` return ()
    _ -> return ()

-- | Handle a mouse move. Causes an 'UpdateSignal' if the mouse is hovering a
--   different object now, so the object gets highlighted and the screen
--   updated.
move :: WidgetClass w => w -> IO ()
move canvas = do
  vs <- readIORef visState
  oldS <- readIORef state
  let oldHover = hover oldS

  modifyIORef state $ \s' -> (
    let (mx, my) = mousePos vs
        check (o, (x,y,w,h)) =
          if x <= mx && mx <= x + w &&
             y <= my && my <= y + h
          then Just o else Nothing
    in s' {hover = msum $ map check (bounds oldS)}
  s <- readIORef state
  unless (oldHover == hover s) $ widgetQueueDraw canvas

-- | Something might have changed on the heap, update the view.
updateObjects :: [(Box, String)] -> IO ()
updateObjects bs = do
  (ops, bs', size) <- xDotParse bs
  modifyIORef state (\s -> s {operations = ops, boxes = bs', totalSize = size})