{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, ImpredicativeTypes, OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : GHC.Vis Copyright : (c) Dennis Felsing License : 3-Clause BSD-style Maintainer : dennis@felsing.org Although ghc-vis is meant to be used in GHCi it can also be used as a library in regular Haskell programs which are run or compiled by GHC. You can run those programs using \"runghc example.hs\" or \"ghc -threaded example.hs && ./example\". Without the \"-threaded\"-Flag ghc-vis does not work correctly. This is an example using ghc-vis outside of GHCi: > import GHC.Vis > > main = do > putStrLn "Start" > let a = "teeest" > let b = [1..3] > let c = b ++ b > let d = [1..] > putStrLn $ show $ d !! 1 > > visualization > view a "a" > view b "b" > view c "c" > view d "d" > > getChar > switch > > getChar > putStrLn "End" -} module GHC.Vis ( vis, mvis, #ifdef SDL_WINDOW svis, #endif view, eval, switch, update, clear, restore, history, setDepth, export ) where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706 import Prelude hiding (catch) #else import Prelude #endif import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Box, Signal) import System.IO import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Exception hiding (evaluate) import Data.Char import Data.IORef import Data.Version import Data.Text () import qualified Data.IntMap as M import System.Timeout import System.Mem import GHC.HeapView hiding (name) import GHC.Vis.Types hiding (view) import qualified GHC.Vis.Types as T import GHC.Vis.View.Common import qualified GHC.Vis.View.List as List #ifdef GRAPH_VIEW import Data.GraphViz.Commands import qualified GHC.Vis.View.Graph as Graph #endif import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo hiding (restore, x, y, width, height) #ifdef FULL_WINDOW import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.SVG import Paths_ghc_vis as My #endif #ifdef SDL_WINDOW import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL import Foreign.Ptr ( castPtr ) #endif views :: [View] views = View List.redraw List.click List.move List.updateObjects List.export : #ifdef GRAPH_VIEW View Graph.redraw Graph.click Graph.move Graph.updateObjects Graph.export : #endif [] title :: String title = "ghc-vis" backgroundColor :: Color backgroundColor = Color 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff defaultSize :: (Int, Int) defaultSize = (640, 480) zoomIncrement :: Double zoomIncrement = 1.25 positionIncrement :: Double positionIncrement = 50 bigPositionIncrement :: Double bigPositionIncrement = 200 signalTimeout :: Int signalTimeout = 1000000 #ifdef SDL_WINDOW black = SDL.Pixel maxBound white = SDL.Pixel 0xFFFFFF #endif -- | This is the main function. It's to be called from GHCi and launches a -- graphical window in a new thread. vis :: IO () #ifdef FULL_WINDOW vis = do vr <- swapMVar visRunning True unless vr $ void $ forkIO visMainThread #else vis = mvis #endif -- | A minimalistic version of ghc-vis, without window decorations, help and -- all that other stuff. mvis :: IO () mvis = do vr <- swapMVar visRunning True unless vr $ void $ forkIO mVisMainThread #ifdef SDL_WINDOW -- | SDL version. Not properly working yet. Mainly for testing whether SDL -- works better than GTK on some platforms. svis :: IO () svis = do vr <- swapMVar visRunning True unless vr $ void $ forkIO sdlVisMainThread #endif -- | Add expressions with a name to the visualization window. view :: a -> String -> IO () view a name = put $ NewSignal (asBox a) name -- | Evaluate an object that is shown in the visualization. (Names start with 't') eval :: String -> IO () eval t = evaluate t >> update -- | Switch between the list view and the graph view switch :: IO () switch = put SwitchSignal -- | When an object is updated by accessing it, you have to call this to -- refresh the visualization window. You can also click on an object to force -- an update. update :: IO () update = put UpdateSignal -- | Clear the visualization window, removing all expressions from it clear :: IO () clear = put ClearSignal -- | Reset the hidden boxes restore :: IO () restore = put RestoreSignal -- | Change position in history history :: (Int -> Int) -> IO () history = put . HistorySignal -- | Set the maximum depth for following closures on the heap setDepth :: Int -> IO () setDepth newDepth | newDepth > 0 = modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {heapDepth = newDepth}) | otherwise = error "Heap depth has to be positive" zoom :: WidgetClass w => w -> (Double -> Double) -> IO () zoom canvas f = do state <- readIORef visState let newZoomRatio = f $ zoomRatio state newPos <- zoomImage canvas state newZoomRatio (mousePos state) modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {zoomRatio = newZoomRatio, position = newPos}) widgetQueueDraw canvas movePos :: WidgetClass w => w -> (T.Point -> T.Point) -> IO () movePos canvas f = do modifyIORef visState (\s -> let newPosition = f $ position s in s {position = newPosition}) widgetQueueDraw canvas -- | Export the current visualization view to a file, format depends on the -- file ending. Currently supported: svg, png, pdf, ps export :: String -> IO () export filename = void $ export' filename export' :: String -> IO (Maybe String) export' filename = case mbDrawFn of Right errorMsg -> do putStrLn errorMsg return $ Just errorMsg Left _ -> do put $ ExportSignal ((\(Left x) -> x) mbDrawFn) filename return (Nothing :: Maybe String) where mbDrawFn = case map toLower (reverse . take 4 . reverse $ filename) of ".svg" -> Left withSVGSurface ".pdf" -> Left withPDFSurface ".png" -> Left withPNGSurface _:".ps" -> Left withPSSurface _ -> Right "Unknown file extension, try one of the following: .svg, .pdf, .ps, .png" withPNGSurface :: FilePath -> Double -> Double -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a withPNGSurface filePath width height action = withImageSurface FormatARGB32 (ceiling width) (ceiling height) $ \surface -> do ret <- action surface surfaceWriteToPNG surface filePath return ret put :: Signal -> IO () put s = void $ timeout signalTimeout $ putMVar visSignal s mVisMainThread :: IO () mVisMainThread = do initGUI window <- windowNew canvas <- drawingAreaNew widgetModifyBg canvas StateNormal backgroundColor set window [ windowTitle := title , containerChild := canvas ] (uncurry $ windowSetDefaultSize window) defaultSize on canvas draw $ do runCorrect redraw >>= \f -> f canvas runCorrect move >>= \f -> liftIO $ f canvas dummy <- windowNew setupGUI window canvas dummy #ifdef SDL_WINDOW sdlVisMainThread :: IO () sdlVisMainThread = SDL.withInit [ SDL.InitVideo ] $ do screen <- SDL.setVideoMode 600 600 32 [ SDL.Resizable ] SDL.fillRect screen Nothing black pixels <- fmap castPtr $ SDL.surfaceGetPixels screen -- Here we test the first of the user facing functions added by the patch. -- Be sure to use FORMATRGB24 so Cairo and SDL don't conflict about alpha -- values. If you need to use alpha channel in your Cairo routines, consider -- using an independent Cairo surface to buffer your alpha drawing to. --renderWith canvas demo1 -- And here is the other new function for when you want to hide the -- Cairo.Surface from the caller. canvas <- createImageSurfaceForData pixels FormatRGB24 600 600 (600 * 4) reactThread <- forkIO $ react2 let idle = do e <- SDL.waitEvent case e of SDL.Quit -> quit reactThread otherwise -> do putStrLn "Updating" s <- List.getState SDL.fillRect screen Nothing white boundingBoxes <- renderWith canvas $ List.draw s 600 600 List.updateBoundingBoxes boundingBoxes SDL.flip screen idle idle #endif setupGUI :: (WidgetClass w1, WidgetClass w2, WidgetClass w3) => w1 -> w2 -> w3 -> IO () setupGUI window canvas legendCanvas = do widgetAddEvents canvas [PointerMotionMask] on canvas motionNotifyEvent $ do (x,y) <- eventCoordinates lift $ do state <- readIORef visState modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {mousePos = (x,y)}) if dragging state then do let (oldX, oldY) = mousePos state (deltaX, deltaY) = (x - oldX, y - oldY) (oldPosX, oldPosY) = position state modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {position = (oldPosX + deltaX, oldPosY + deltaY)}) widgetQueueDraw canvas else runCorrect move >>= \f -> f canvas return True on canvas buttonPressEvent $ do button <- eventButton eClick <- eventClick lift $ do when (button == LeftButton && eClick == SingleClick) $ join $ runCorrect click when (button == RightButton && eClick == SingleClick) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {dragging = True}) when (button == MiddleButton && eClick == SingleClick) $ do modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {zoomRatio = 1, position = (0, 0)}) widgetQueueDraw canvas return True on canvas buttonReleaseEvent $ do button <- eventButton lift $ do when (button == RightButton) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {dragging = False}) return True on canvas scrollEvent $ do direction <- eventScrollDirection lift $ do state <- readIORef visState when (direction == ScrollUp) $ do let newZoomRatio = zoomRatio state * zoomIncrement newPos <- zoomImage canvas state newZoomRatio (mousePos state) modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {zoomRatio = newZoomRatio, position = newPos}) when (direction == ScrollDown) $ do let newZoomRatio = zoomRatio state / zoomIncrement newPos <- zoomImage canvas state newZoomRatio (mousePos state) modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {zoomRatio = newZoomRatio, position = newPos}) widgetQueueDraw canvas return True on window keyPressEvent $ do eKeyName <- eventKeyName lift $ do state <- readIORef visState when (eKeyName `elem` ["plus", "Page_Up", "KP_Add"]) $ do let newZoomRatio = zoomRatio state * zoomIncrement (oldX, oldY) = position state newPos = (oldX*zoomIncrement, oldY*zoomIncrement) modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {zoomRatio = newZoomRatio, position = newPos}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["minus", "Page_Down", "KP_Subtract"]) $ do let newZoomRatio = zoomRatio state / zoomIncrement (oldX, oldY) = position state newPos = (oldX/zoomIncrement, oldY/zoomIncrement) modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {zoomRatio = newZoomRatio, position = newPos}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["0", "equal"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {zoomRatio = 1, position = (0, 0)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["Left", "h", "a"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newX = x + positionIncrement in s {position = (newX, y)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["Right", "l", "d"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newX = x - positionIncrement in s {position = (newX, y)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["Up", "k", "w"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newY = y + positionIncrement in s {position = (x, newY)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["Down", "j", "s"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newY = y - positionIncrement in s {position = (x, newY)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["H", "A"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newX = x + bigPositionIncrement in s {position = (newX, y)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["L", "D"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newX = x - bigPositionIncrement in s {position = (newX, y)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["K", "W"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newY = y + bigPositionIncrement in s {position = (x, newY)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["J", "S"]) $ modifyIORef visState (\s -> let (x,y) = position s newY = y - bigPositionIncrement in s {position = (x, newY)}) when (eKeyName `elem` ["space", "Return", "KP_Enter"]) $ join $ runCorrect click when (eKeyName `elem` ["v"]) $ put SwitchSignal when (eKeyName `elem` ["c"]) $ put ClearSignal when (eKeyName `elem` ["C"]) $ put RestoreSignal when (eKeyName `elem` ["u"]) $ put UpdateSignal when (eKeyName `elem` ["comma", "bracketleft"]) $ put $ HistorySignal (+1) when (eKeyName `elem` ["period", "bracketright"]) $ put $ HistorySignal (\x -> x - 1) widgetQueueDraw canvas return True widgetShowAll window reactThread <- forkIO $ react canvas legendCanvas --onDestroy window mainQuit -- Causes :r problems with multiple windows on window destroyEvent $ lift $ quit reactThread >> return True mainGUI return () quit :: ThreadId -> IO () quit reactThread = do swapMVar visRunning False killThread reactThread #ifdef SDL_WINDOW react2 :: IO b react2 = do -- Timeout used to handle ghci reloads (:r) -- Reloads cause the visSignal to be reinitialized, but takeMVar is still -- waiting for the old one. This solution is not perfect, but it works for -- now. mbSignal <- timeout signalTimeout (takeMVar visSignal) case mbSignal of Nothing -> do running <- readMVar visRunning if running then react2 else -- :r caused visRunning to be reset (do swapMVar visRunning True timeout signalTimeout (putMVar visSignal UpdateSignal) react2) Just signal -> do case signal of NewSignal x n -> modifyMVar_ visBoxes ( \y -> return $ if (x,n) `elem` y then y else y ++ [(x,n)]) ClearSignal -> modifyMVar_ visBoxes (\_ -> return []) UpdateSignal -> return () SwitchSignal -> doSwitch ExportSignal d f -> catch (runCorrect exportView >>= \e -> e d f) (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException) hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't export to file \"" ++ f ++ "\": " ++ err return ()) boxes <- readMVar visBoxes performGC -- Else Blackholes appear. Do we want this? -- Blackholes stop our current thread and only resume after -- they have been replaced with their result, thereby leading -- to an additional element in the HeapMap we don't want. -- Example for bad behaviour that would happen then: -- λ> let xs = [1..42] :: [Int] -- λ> let x = 17 :: Int -- λ> let ys = [ y | y <- xs, y >= x ] runCorrect updateObjects >>= \f -> f boxes --postGUISync $ widgetQueueDraw canvas --postGUISync $ widgetQueueDraw legendCanvas react2 #ifdef GRAPH_VIEW where doSwitch = isGraphvizInstalled >>= \gvi -> if gvi then modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {T.view = succN (T.view s), zoomRatio = 1, position = (0, 0)}) else putStrLn "Cannot switch view: The Graphviz binary (dot) is not installed" succN GraphView = ListView succN ListView = GraphView #else where doSwitch = putStrLn "Cannot switch view: Graph view disabled at build" #endif #endif react :: (WidgetClass w1, WidgetClass w2) => w1 -> w2 -> IO b react canvas legendCanvas = do -- Timeout used to handle ghci reloads (:r) -- Reloads cause the visSignal to be reinitialized, but takeMVar is still -- waiting for the old one. This solution is not perfect, but it works for -- now. mbSignal <- timeout signalTimeout (takeMVar visSignal) case mbSignal of Nothing -> do running <- readMVar visRunning if running then react canvas legendCanvas else -- :r caused visRunning to be reset (do swapMVar visRunning True timeout signalTimeout (putMVar visSignal UpdateSignal) react canvas legendCanvas) Just signal -> do doUpdate <- case signal of NewSignal x n -> do modifyMVar_ visBoxes (\y -> return $ if ([n], x) `elem` y then y else y ++ [([n], x)]) return True ClearSignal -> do modifyMVar_ visBoxes $ const $ return [] modifyMVar_ visHidden $ const $ return [] modifyMVar_ visHeapHistory $ const $ return (0, [(HeapGraph M.empty, [])]) return False RestoreSignal -> do modifyMVar_ visHidden $ const $ return [] return False RedrawSignal -> return False UpdateSignal -> return True SwitchSignal -> doSwitch >> return False HistorySignal f -> do modifyMVar_ visHeapHistory (\(i,xs) -> return (max 0 (min (length xs - 1) (f i)), xs)) return False ExportSignal d f -> do catch (runCorrect (exportView :: View -> (forall a. FilePath -> Double -> Double -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a) -> String -> IO ()) >>= \e -> e d f) (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException) hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't export to file \"" ++ f ++ "\": " ++ err return ()) return False boxes <- readMVar visBoxes when doUpdate $ do performGC -- Else Blackholes appear. Do we want this? -- Blackholes stop our current thread and only resume after -- they have been replaced with their result, thereby leading -- to an additional element in the HeapMap we don't want. -- Example for bad behaviour that would happen then: -- λ> let xs = [1..42] :: [Int] -- λ> let x = 17 :: Int -- λ> let ys = [ y | y <- xs, y >= x ] s <- readIORef visState x <- multiBuildHeapGraph (heapDepth s) boxes modifyMVar_ visHeapHistory (\(i,xs) -> return (i,x:xs)) runCorrect updateObjects >>= \f -> f boxes postGUISync $ widgetQueueDraw canvas postGUISync $ widgetQueueDraw legendCanvas react canvas legendCanvas #ifdef GRAPH_VIEW where doSwitch = isGraphvizInstalled >>= \gvi -> if gvi then modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {T.view = succN (T.view s), zoomRatio = 1, position = (0, 0)}) else putStrLn "Cannot switch view: The Graphviz binary (dot) is not installed" succN GraphView = ListView succN ListView = GraphView #else where doSwitch = putStrLn "Cannot switch view: Graph view disabled at build" #endif runCorrect :: MonadIO m => (View -> f) -> m f runCorrect f = do s <- liftIO $ readIORef visState return $ f $ views !! fromEnum (T.view s) zoomImage :: WidgetClass w1 => w1 -> State -> Double -> T.Point -> IO T.Point zoomImage _canvas s newZoomRatio _mousePos@(_x', _y') = do let (oldPosX, oldPosY) = position s newZoom = newZoomRatio / zoomRatio s newPos = (oldPosX * newZoom, oldPosY * newZoom) return newPos #ifdef FULL_WINDOW visMainThread :: IO () visMainThread = do initGUI builder <- builderNew builderAddFromFile builder =<< My.getDataFileName "data/main.ui" let getO :: forall cls . GObjectClass cls => (GObject -> cls) -> String -> IO cls getO = builderGetObject builder window <- getO castToWindow "window" canvas <- getO castToDrawingArea "drawingarea" saveDialog <- getO castToFileChooserDialog "savedialog" aboutDialog <- getO castToAboutDialog "aboutdialog" depthDialog <- getO castToDialog "depthdialog" depthSpin <- getO castToSpinButton "depthspin" legendDialog <- getO castToWindow "legenddialog" legendCanvas <- getO castToDrawingArea "legenddrawingarea" newFilter "*.pdf" "PDF" saveDialog newFilter "*.svg" "SVG" saveDialog newFilter "*.ps" "PostScript" saveDialog newFilter "*.png" "PNG" saveDialog set aboutDialog [aboutDialogVersion := showVersion My.version] on saveDialog response $ fileSave saveDialog on depthDialog response $ setDepthDialog depthDialog depthSpin on aboutDialog response $ const $ widgetHide aboutDialog on saveDialog deleteEvent $ lift $ widgetHide saveDialog >> return True on aboutDialog deleteEvent $ lift $ widgetHide aboutDialog >> return True on legendDialog deleteEvent $ lift $ widgetHide legendDialog >> return True let setDepthSpin = do s <- readIORef visState spinButtonSetValue depthSpin $ fromIntegral $ heapDepth s getO castToMenuItem "clear" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated clear getO castToMenuItem "switch" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated switch getO castToMenuItem "restore" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated restore getO castToMenuItem "update" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated update getO castToMenuItem "setdepth" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ setDepthSpin >> widgetShow depthDialog getO castToMenuItem "export" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ widgetShow saveDialog getO castToMenuItem "quit" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ widgetDestroy window getO castToMenuItem "about" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ widgetShow aboutDialog getO castToMenuItem "legend" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ widgetShow legendDialog getO castToMenuItem "timeback" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ history (+1) getO castToMenuItem "timeforward" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ history (\x -> x - 1) getO castToMenuItem "zoomin" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ zoom canvas (*1.25) getO castToMenuItem "zoomout" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ zoom canvas (/1.25) getO castToMenuItem "left" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ movePos canvas (\(x,y) -> (x + positionIncrement, y)) getO castToMenuItem "right" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ movePos canvas (\(x,y) -> (x - positionIncrement, y)) getO castToMenuItem "up" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ movePos canvas (\(x,y) -> (x, y + positionIncrement)) getO castToMenuItem "down" >>= \item -> on item menuItemActivated $ movePos canvas (\(x,y) -> (x, y - positionIncrement)) widgetModifyBg canvas StateNormal backgroundColor widgetModifyBg legendCanvas StateNormal backgroundColor welcomeSVG <- My.getDataFileName "data/welcome.svg" >>= svgNewFromFile legendListSVG <- My.getDataFileName "data/legend_list.svg" >>= svgNewFromFile legendGraphSVG <- My.getDataFileName "data/legend_graph.svg" >>= svgNewFromFile on canvas draw $ do boxes <- liftIO $ readMVar visBoxes if null boxes then renderSVGScaled canvas welcomeSVG else do runCorrect redraw >>= \f -> f canvas runCorrect move >>= \f -> liftIO $ f canvas return () on legendCanvas draw $ do state <- liftIO $ readIORef visState renderSVGScaled legendCanvas $ case T.view state of ListView -> legendListSVG GraphView -> legendGraphSVG setupGUI window canvas legendCanvas fileSave :: FileChooserDialog -> ResponseId -> IO () fileSave fcdialog responseId = do case responseId of ResponseOk -> do Just filename <- fileChooserGetFilename fcdialog mbError <- export' filename case mbError of Nothing -> return () Just errorMsg -> do errorDialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing [] MessageError ButtonsOk errorMsg widgetShow errorDialog on errorDialog response $ const $ widgetHide errorDialog return () _ -> return () widgetHide fcdialog setDepthDialog :: Dialog -> SpinButton -> ResponseId -> IO () setDepthDialog depthDialog depthSpin responseId = do case responseId of ResponseOk -> do depth <- spinButtonGetValue depthSpin setDepth $ round depth _ -> return () widgetHide depthDialog newFilter :: FileChooserClass fc => String -> String -> fc -> IO () newFilter filterString name dialog = do filt <- fileFilterNew fileFilterAddPattern filt filterString fileFilterSetName filt $ name ++ " (" ++ filterString ++ ")" fileChooserAddFilter dialog filt renderSVGScaled :: (WidgetClass w) => w -> SVG -> Render () renderSVGScaled canvas svg = do rw2 <- liftIO $ widgetGetAllocatedWidth canvas rh2 <- liftIO $ widgetGetAllocatedHeight canvas let (cx2, cy2) = svgGetSize svg (rw,rh) = (fromIntegral rw2, fromIntegral rh2) (cx,cy) = (fromIntegral cx2, fromIntegral cy2) -- Proportional scaling (sx,sy) = (min (rw/cx) (rh/cy), sx) (ox,oy) = (rw/2 - sx*cx/2, rh/2 - sy*cy/2) translate ox oy scale sx sy svgRender svg return () #endif -- Zoom into mouse, but only working from (0,0) -- newPos = ( oldPosX + x * zoomRatio s - x * newZoomRatio -- , oldPosY + y * zoomRatio s - y * newZoomRatio ) -- Zoom into center: -- newPos = ( oldPosX * zoomIncrement -- , oldPosY * zoomIncrement )