{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} -- | Parses the output from GHCi -- Copyright Neil Mitchell 2014. module Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Parser ( parseShowModules , parseLoad ) where import System.FilePath import Data.Char import Data.List.Extra import Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Types import Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Util -- | Parse messages from show modules command parseShowModules :: [String] -> [(String, FilePath)] parseShowModules xs = [ (takeWhile (not . isSpace) $ trimStart a, takeWhile (/= ',') b) | x <- xs, (a,'(':' ':b) <- [break (== '(') x]] -- | Parse messages given on reload -- nub, because cabal repl sometimes does two reloads at the start parseLoad :: [String] -> [Load] parseLoad = ordNub . parseLoad' -- | Parse messages given on reload parseLoad' :: [String] -> [Load] parseLoad' (('[':xs):rest) = map (uncurry Loading) (parseShowModules [drop 11 $ dropWhile (/= ']') xs]) ++ parseLoad rest parseLoad' (x:xs) | not $ " " `isPrefixOf` x , (file,':':rest) <- break (== ':') x , takeExtension file `elem` [".hs",".lhs"] , (pos,rest2) <- span (\c -> c == ':' || isDigit c) rest , [p1,p2] <- map read $ words $ map (\c -> if c == ':' then ' ' else c) pos , (msg,las) <- span (isPrefixOf " ") xs , rest3 <- trimStart rest2 , sev <- if "Warning:" `isPrefixOf` rest3 then Warning else Error = Message sev file (p1,p2) (x:msg) : parseLoad las parseLoad' (x:xs) | Just file <- stripPrefix ": can't find file: " x = Message Error file (0,0) [file ++ ": Can't find file"] : parseLoad xs parseLoad' (_:xs) = parseLoad xs parseLoad' [] = []