-- | Test the message parser module Language.Haskell.Ghcid.ParserTest ( parserTests )where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Parser import Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Types parserTests :: TestTree parserTests=testGroup "Parser tests" [ testShowModules , testParseLoad ] testShowModules :: TestTree testShowModules = testCase "Show Modules" $ parseShowModules [ "Main ( src/Main.hs, interpreted )", "AI.Neural.WiscDigit ( src/AI/Neural/WiscDigit.hs, interpreted )" ] @?= [("Main","src/Main.hs"),("AI.Neural.WiscDigit","src/AI/Neural/WiscDigit.hs")] testParseLoad :: TestTree testParseLoad = testGroup "Load Parsing" [ testCase "output1" $ parseLoad output1 @?= [ Loading "GHCi" "GHCi.hs" , Message {loadSeverity = Error, loadFile = "GHCi.hs", loadFilePos = (70,1), loadMessage = ["GHCi.hs:70:1: Parse error: naked expression at top level"]} , Message {loadSeverity = Error, loadFile = "GHCi.hs", loadFilePos = (72,13), loadMessage = ["GHCi.hs:72:13:"," No instance for (Num ([String] -> [String]))"," arising from the literal `1'"," Possible fix:"," add an instance declaration for (Num ([String] -> [String]))"," In the expression: 1"," In an equation for `parseLoad': parseLoad = 1"]} , Message {loadSeverity = Warning, loadFile = "GHCi.hs", loadFilePos = (81,1), loadMessage = ["GHCi.hs:81:1: Warning: Defined but not used: `foo'"]} ] ] output1 :: [String] output1= [ "[1 of 2] Compiling GHCi ( GHCi.hs, interpreted )" , "GHCi.hs:70:1: Parse error: naked expression at top level" , "GHCi.hs:72:13:" , " No instance for (Num ([String] -> [String]))" , " arising from the literal `1'" , " Possible fix:" , " add an instance declaration for (Num ([String] -> [String]))" , " In the expression: 1" , " In an equation for `parseLoad': parseLoad = 1" , "GHCi.hs:81:1: Warning: Defined but not used: `foo'" ]