{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Library for spawning and working with Ghci sessions. module Language.Haskell.Ghcid( Ghci, GhciError(..), Stream(..), Load(..), Severity(..), startGhci, startGhciProcess, stopGhci, interrupt, process, execStream, showModules, showPaths, reload, exec, quit ) where import System.IO import System.IO.Error import System.Process import System.Time.Extra import Control.Concurrent.Extra import Control.Exception.Extra import Control.Monad.Extra import Data.Function import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import Data.IORef import Control.Applicative import Data.Unique import System.Console.CmdArgs.Verbosity import Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Parser import Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Types as T import Language.Haskell.Ghcid.Util import Prelude -- | A GHCi session. Created with 'startGhci', closed with 'stopGhci'. -- -- The interactions with a 'Ghci' session must all occur single-threaded, -- or an error will be raised. The only exception is 'interrupt', which aborts -- a running computation, or does nothing if no computation is running. data Ghci = Ghci {ghciProcess :: ProcessHandle ,ghciInterrupt :: IO () ,ghciExec :: String -> (Stream -> String -> IO ()) -> IO () ,ghciUnique :: Unique } instance Eq Ghci where a == b = ghciUnique a == ghciUnique b withCreateProc proc f = do let undo (_, _, _, proc) = ignored $ terminateProcess proc bracketOnError (createProcess proc) undo $ \(a,b,c,d) -> f a b c d -- | Start GHCi by running the described process, returning the result of the initial loading. -- If you do not call 'stopGhci' then the underlying process may be leaked. -- The callback will be given the messages produced while loading, useful if invoking something like "cabal repl" -- which might compile dependent packages before really loading. -- -- To create a 'CreateProcess' use the functions in "System.Process", particularly -- 'System.Process.shell' and 'System.Process.proc'. -- -- @since 0.6.11 startGhciProcess :: CreateProcess -> (Stream -> String -> IO ()) -> IO (Ghci, [Load]) startGhciProcess process echo0 = do let proc = process{std_in=CreatePipe, std_out=CreatePipe, std_err=CreatePipe, create_group=True} withCreateProc proc $ \(Just inp) (Just out) (Just err) ghciProcess -> do hSetBuffering out LineBuffering hSetBuffering err LineBuffering hSetBuffering inp LineBuffering let writeInp x = do whenLoud $ outStrLn $ "%STDIN: " ++ x hPutStrLn inp x -- Some programs (e.g. stack) might use stdin before starting ghci (see #57) -- Send them an empty line hPutStrLn inp "" -- I'd like the GHCi prompt to go away, but that's not possible, so I set it to a special -- string and filter that out. let ghcid_prefix = "#~GHCID-START~#" let removePrefix = dropPrefixRepeatedly ghcid_prefix -- At various points I need to ensure everything the user is waiting for has completed -- So I send messages on stdout/stderr and wait for them to arrive syncCount <- newVar 0 let syncReplay = do i <- readVar syncCount -- useful to avoid overloaded strings by showing the ['a','b','c'] form, see #109 let showStr xs = "[" ++ intercalate "," (map show xs) ++ "]" let msg = "#~GHCID-FINISH-" ++ show i ++ "~#" -- Prepend a leading \n to try and avoid junk already on stdout, -- e.g. https://github.com/ndmitchell/ghcid/issues/291 writeInp $ "\nINTERNAL_GHCID.putStrLn " ++ showStr msg ++ "\n" ++ "INTERNAL_GHCID.hPutStrLn INTERNAL_GHCID.stderr " ++ showStr msg return $ isInfixOf msg let syncFresh = do modifyVar_ syncCount $ return . succ syncReplay -- Consume from a stream until EOF (return Nothing) or some predicate returns Just let consume :: Stream -> (String -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (Either (Maybe String) a) consume name finish = do let h = if name == Stdout then out else err flip fix Nothing $ \rec oldMsg -> do el <- tryBool isEOFError $ hGetLine h case el of Left _ -> return $ Left oldMsg Right l -> do whenLoud $ outStrLn $ "%" ++ upper (show name) ++ ": " ++ l let msg = removePrefix l res <- finish msg case res of Nothing -> rec $ Just msg Just a -> return $ Right a let consume2 :: String -> (Stream -> String -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (a,a) consume2 msg finish = do -- fetch the operations in different threads as hGetLine may block -- and can't be aborted by async exceptions, see #154 res1 <- onceFork $ consume Stdout (finish Stdout) res2 <- onceFork $ consume Stderr (finish Stderr) res1 <- res1 res2 <- res2 let raise msg err = throwIO $ case cmdspec process of ShellCommand cmd -> UnexpectedExit cmd msg err RawCommand exe args -> UnexpectedExit (unwords (exe:args)) msg err case (res1, res2) of (Right v1, Right v2) -> return (v1, v2) (_, Left err) -> raise msg err (_, Right _) -> raise msg Nothing -- held while interrupting, and briefly held when starting an exec -- ensures exec values queue up behind an ongoing interrupt and no two interrupts run at once isInterrupting <- newLock -- is anyone running running an exec statement, ensure only one person talks to ghci at a time isRunning <- newLock let ghciExec command echo = do withLock isInterrupting $ return () res <- withLockTry isRunning $ do writeInp command stop <- syncFresh void $ consume2 command $ \strm s -> if stop s then return $ Just () else do echo strm s; return Nothing when (isNothing res) $ fail "Ghcid.exec, computation is already running, must be used single-threaded" let ghciInterrupt = withLock isInterrupting $ whenM (fmap isNothing $ withLockTry isRunning $ return ()) $ do whenLoud $ outStrLn "%INTERRUPT" interruptProcessGroupOf ghciProcess -- let the person running ghciExec finish, since their sync messages -- may have been the ones that got interrupted syncReplay -- now wait for the person doing ghciExec to have actually left the lock withLock isRunning $ return () -- there may have been two syncs sent, so now do a fresh sync to clear everything stop <- syncFresh void $ consume2 "Interrupt" $ \_ s -> return $ if stop s then Just () else Nothing ghciUnique <- newUnique let ghci = Ghci{..} -- Now wait for 'GHCi, version' to appear before sending anything real, required for #57 stdout <- newIORef [] stderr <- newIORef [] sync <- newIORef $ const False consume2 "" $ \strm s -> do stop <- readIORef sync if stop s then return $ Just () else do -- there may be some initial prompts on stdout before I set the prompt properly s <- return $ maybe s (removePrefix . snd) $ stripInfix ghcid_prefix s whenLoud $ outStrLn $ "%STDOUT2: " ++ s modifyIORef (if strm == Stdout then stdout else stderr) (s:) when (any (`isPrefixOf` s) [ "GHCi, version " , "GHCJSi, version " , "Clashi, version " ]) $ do -- the thing before me may have done its own Haskell compiling writeIORef stdout [] writeIORef stderr [] writeInp "import qualified System.IO as INTERNAL_GHCID" writeInp ":unset +t +s" -- see https://github.com/ndmitchell/ghcid/issues/162 writeInp $ ":set prompt " ++ ghcid_prefix -- failure isn't harmful, so do them one-by-one forM_ (ghciFlagsRequired ++ ghciFlagsRequiredVersioned) $ \flag -> writeInp $ ":set " ++ flag writeIORef sync =<< syncFresh echo0 strm s return Nothing r1 <- parseLoad . reverse <$> ((++) <$> readIORef stderr <*> readIORef stdout) -- see #132, if hide-source-paths was turned on the modules didn't get printed out properly -- so try a showModules to capture the information again r2 <- if any isLoading r1 then return [] else map (uncurry Loading) <$> showModules ghci execStream ghci "" echo0 return (ghci, r1 ++ r2) -- | Start GHCi by running the given shell command, a helper around 'startGhciProcess'. startGhci :: String -- ^ Shell command -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Working directory -> (Stream -> String -> IO ()) -- ^ Output callback -> IO (Ghci, [Load]) startGhci cmd directory = startGhciProcess (shell cmd){cwd=directory} -- | Execute a command, calling a callback on each response. -- The callback will be called single threaded. execStream :: Ghci -> String -> (Stream -> String -> IO ()) -> IO () execStream = ghciExec -- | Interrupt Ghci, stopping the current computation (if any), -- but leaving the process open to new input. interrupt :: Ghci -> IO () interrupt = ghciInterrupt -- | Obtain the progress handle behind a GHCi instance. process :: Ghci -> ProcessHandle process = ghciProcess --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SUGAR HELPERS -- | Execute a command, calling a callback on each response. -- The callback will be called single threaded. execBuffer :: Ghci -> String -> (Stream -> String -> IO ()) -> IO [String] execBuffer ghci cmd echo = do stdout <- newIORef [] stderr <- newIORef [] execStream ghci cmd $ \strm s -> do modifyIORef (if strm == Stdout then stdout else stderr) (s:) echo strm s reverse <$> ((++) <$> readIORef stderr <*> readIORef stdout) -- | Send a command, get lines of result. Must be called single-threaded. exec :: Ghci -> String -> IO [String] exec ghci cmd = execBuffer ghci cmd $ \_ _ -> return () -- | List the modules currently loaded, with module name and source file. showModules :: Ghci -> IO [(String,FilePath)] showModules ghci = parseShowModules <$> exec ghci ":show modules" -- | Return the current working directory, and a list of module import paths showPaths :: Ghci -> IO (FilePath, [FilePath]) showPaths ghci = parseShowPaths <$> exec ghci ":show paths" -- | Perform a reload, list the messages that reload generated. reload :: Ghci -> IO [Load] reload ghci = parseLoad <$> exec ghci ":reload" -- | Send @:quit@ and wait for the process to quit. quit :: Ghci -> IO () quit ghci = do interrupt ghci handle (\UnexpectedExit{} -> return ()) $ void $ exec ghci ":quit" -- Be aware that waitForProcess has a race condition, see https://github.com/haskell/process/issues/46. -- Therefore just ignore the exception anyway, its probably already terminated. ignored $ void $ waitForProcess $ process ghci -- | Stop GHCi. Attempts to interrupt and execute @:quit:@, but if that doesn't complete -- within 5 seconds it just terminates the process. stopGhci :: Ghci -> IO () stopGhci ghci = do forkIO $ do -- if nicely doesn't work, kill ghci as the process level sleep 5 terminateProcess $ process ghci quit ghci