{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} module Development.IDE.Core.Tracing ( otTracedHandler , otTracedAction , startTelemetry , measureMemory , getInstrumentCached ) where import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async) import Control.Concurrent.Extra (Var, modifyVar_, newVar, readVar, threadDelay) import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Control.Exception.Safe (catch, SomeException) import Control.Monad (unless, forM_, forever, (>=>)) import Control.Monad.Extra (whenJust) import Control.Seq (r0, seqList, seqTuple2, using) import Data.Dynamic (Dynamic) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap import Data.IORef (modifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.List (nub) import Data.String (IsString (fromString)) import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes (GhcSession (GhcSession), GhcSessionDeps (GhcSessionDeps), GhcSessionIO (GhcSessionIO)) import Development.IDE.Types.Logger (logInfo, Logger, logDebug) import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (Key (..), Value, Values) import Development.Shake (Action, actionBracket, liftIO) import Foreign.Storable (Storable (sizeOf)) import HeapSize (recursiveSize, runHeapsize) import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (NormalizedFilePath, fromNormalizedFilePath) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import OpenTelemetry.Eventlog (addEvent, beginSpan, endSpan, mkValueObserver, observe, setTag, withSpan, withSpan_) -- | Trace a handler using OpenTelemetry. Adds various useful info into tags in the OpenTelemetry span. otTracedHandler :: String -- ^ Message type -> String -- ^ Message label -> IO a -> IO a otTracedHandler requestType label act = let !name = if null label then requestType else requestType <> ":" <> show label -- Add an event so all requests can be quickly seen in the viewer without searching in withSpan (fromString name) (\sp -> addEvent sp "" (fromString $ name <> " received") >> act) -- | Trace a Shake action using opentelemetry. otTracedAction :: Show k => k -- ^ The Action's Key -> NormalizedFilePath -- ^ Path to the file the action was run for -> (a -> Bool) -- ^ Did this action succeed? -> Action a -- ^ The action -> Action a otTracedAction key file success act = actionBracket (do sp <- beginSpan (fromString (show key)) setTag sp "File" (fromString $ fromNormalizedFilePath file) return sp ) endSpan (\sp -> do res <- act unless (success res) $ setTag sp "error" "1" return res) startTelemetry :: Logger -> Var Values -> IO () startTelemetry logger stateRef = do instrumentFor <- getInstrumentCached mapCountInstrument <- mkValueObserver "values map count" _ <- regularly (1 * seconds) $ withSpan_ "Measure length" $ readVar stateRef >>= observe mapCountInstrument . length _ <- regularly (1 * seconds) $ do values <- readVar stateRef let keys = nub $ Key GhcSession : Key GhcSessionDeps : [ k | (_,k) <- HMap.keys values -- do GhcSessionIO last since it closes over stateRef itself , k /= Key GhcSessionIO] ++ [Key GhcSessionIO] !groupedForSharing <- evaluate (keys `using` seqList r0) measureMemory logger [groupedForSharing] instrumentFor stateRef `catch` \(e::SomeException) -> logInfo logger ("MEMORY PROFILING ERROR: " <> fromString (show e)) return () where seconds = 1000000 regularly :: Int -> IO () -> IO (Async ()) regularly delay act = async $ forever (act >> threadDelay delay) {-# ANN startTelemetry ("HLint: ignore Use nubOrd" :: String) #-} type OurValueObserver = Int -> IO () getInstrumentCached :: IO (Maybe Key -> IO OurValueObserver) getInstrumentCached = do instrumentMap <- newVar HMap.empty mapBytesInstrument <- mkValueObserver "value map size_bytes" let instrumentFor k = do mb_inst <- HMap.lookup k <$> readVar instrumentMap case mb_inst of Nothing -> do instrument <- mkValueObserver (fromString (show k ++ " size_bytes")) modifyVar_ instrumentMap (return . HMap.insert k instrument) return $ observe instrument Just v -> return $ observe v return $ maybe (return $ observe mapBytesInstrument) instrumentFor whenNothing :: IO () -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO () whenNothing act mb = mb >>= f where f Nothing = act f Just{} = return () measureMemory :: Logger -> [[Key]] -- ^ Grouping of keys for the sharing-aware analysis -> (Maybe Key -> IO OurValueObserver) -> Var Values -> IO () measureMemory logger groups instrumentFor stateRef = withSpan_ "Measure Memory" $ do values <- readVar stateRef valuesSizeRef <- newIORef $ Just 0 let !groupsOfGroupedValues = groupValues values logDebug logger "STARTING MEMORY PROFILING" forM_ groupsOfGroupedValues $ \groupedValues -> do keepGoing <- readIORef valuesSizeRef whenJust keepGoing $ \_ -> whenNothing (writeIORef valuesSizeRef Nothing) $ repeatUntilJust 3 $ do -- logDebug logger (fromString $ show $ map fst groupedValues) runHeapsize 25000000 $ forM_ groupedValues $ \(k,v) -> withSpan ("Measure " <> (fromString $ show k)) $ \sp -> do acc <- liftIO $ newIORef 0 observe <- liftIO $ instrumentFor $ Just k mapM_ (recursiveSize >=> \x -> liftIO (modifyIORef' acc (+ x))) v size <- liftIO $ readIORef acc let !byteSize = sizeOf (undefined :: Word) * size setTag sp "size" (fromString (show byteSize ++ " bytes")) () <- liftIO $ observe byteSize liftIO $ modifyIORef' valuesSizeRef (fmap (+ byteSize)) mbValuesSize <- readIORef valuesSizeRef case mbValuesSize of Just valuesSize -> do observe <- instrumentFor Nothing observe valuesSize logDebug logger "MEMORY PROFILING COMPLETED" Nothing -> logInfo logger "Memory profiling could not be completed: increase the size of your nursery (+RTS -Ax) and try again" where groupValues :: Values -> [ [(Key, [Value Dynamic])] ] groupValues values = let !groupedValues = [ [ (k, vv) | k <- groupKeys , let vv = [ v | ((_,k'), v) <- HMap.toList values , k == k'] ] | groupKeys <- groups ] -- force the spine of the nested lists in groupedValues `using` seqList (seqList (seqTuple2 r0 (seqList r0))) repeatUntilJust :: Monad m => Natural -> m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a) repeatUntilJust 0 _ = return Nothing repeatUntilJust nattempts action = do res <- action case res of Nothing -> repeatUntilJust (nattempts-1) action Just{} -> return res