-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | Display information on hover. module Development.IDE.LSP.HoverDefinition ( setIdeHandlers -- * For haskell-language-server , hover , gotoDefinition , gotoTypeDefinition ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Development.IDE.Core.Actions import Development.IDE.Core.Rules import Development.IDE.Core.Shake import Development.IDE.LSP.Server import Development.IDE.Types.Location import Development.IDE.Types.Logger import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP import Language.LSP.Types import qualified Data.Text as T gotoDefinition :: IdeState -> TextDocumentPositionParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult TextDocumentDefinition)) hover :: IdeState -> TextDocumentPositionParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (Maybe Hover)) gotoTypeDefinition :: IdeState -> TextDocumentPositionParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult TextDocumentTypeDefinition)) documentHighlight :: IdeState -> TextDocumentPositionParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (List DocumentHighlight)) gotoDefinition = request "Definition" getDefinition (InR $ InL $ List []) (InR . InL . List) gotoTypeDefinition = request "TypeDefinition" getTypeDefinition (InR $ InL $ List []) (InR . InL . List) hover = request "Hover" getAtPoint Nothing foundHover documentHighlight = request "DocumentHighlight" highlightAtPoint (List []) List references :: IdeState -> ReferenceParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (List Location)) references ide (ReferenceParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos _ _ _) = liftIO $ case uriToFilePath' uri of Just path -> do let filePath = toNormalizedFilePath' path logDebug (ideLogger ide) $ "References request at position " <> T.pack (showPosition pos) <> " in file: " <> T.pack path Right . List <$> (runAction "references" ide $ refsAtPoint filePath pos) Nothing -> pure $ Left $ ResponseError InvalidParams ("Invalid URI " <> T.pack (show uri)) Nothing wsSymbols :: IdeState -> WorkspaceSymbolParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError (List SymbolInformation)) wsSymbols ide (WorkspaceSymbolParams _ _ query) = liftIO $ do logDebug (ideLogger ide) $ "Workspace symbols request: " <> query runIdeAction "WorkspaceSymbols" (shakeExtras ide) $ Right . maybe (List []) List <$> workspaceSymbols query foundHover :: (Maybe Range, [T.Text]) -> Maybe Hover foundHover (mbRange, contents) = Just $ Hover (HoverContents $ MarkupContent MkMarkdown $ T.intercalate sectionSeparator contents) mbRange setIdeHandlers :: LSP.Handlers (ServerM c) setIdeHandlers = mconcat [ requestHandler STextDocumentDefinition $ \ide DefinitionParams{..} -> gotoDefinition ide TextDocumentPositionParams{..} , requestHandler STextDocumentTypeDefinition $ \ide TypeDefinitionParams{..} -> gotoTypeDefinition ide TextDocumentPositionParams{..} , requestHandler STextDocumentDocumentHighlight $ \ide DocumentHighlightParams{..} -> documentHighlight ide TextDocumentPositionParams{..} , requestHandler STextDocumentReferences references , requestHandler SWorkspaceSymbol wsSymbols ] -- | Respond to and log a hover or go-to-definition request request :: T.Text -> (NormalizedFilePath -> Position -> IdeAction (Maybe a)) -> b -> (a -> b) -> IdeState -> TextDocumentPositionParams -> LSP.LspM c (Either ResponseError b) request label getResults notFound found ide (TextDocumentPositionParams (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) pos) = liftIO $ do mbResult <- case uriToFilePath' uri of Just path -> logAndRunRequest label getResults ide pos path Nothing -> pure Nothing pure $ Right $ maybe notFound found mbResult logAndRunRequest :: T.Text -> (NormalizedFilePath -> Position -> IdeAction b) -> IdeState -> Position -> String -> IO b logAndRunRequest label getResults ide pos path = do let filePath = toNormalizedFilePath' path logDebug (ideLogger ide) $ label <> " request at position " <> T.pack (showPosition pos) <> " in file: " <> T.pack path runIdeAction (T.unpack label) (shakeExtras ide) (getResults filePath pos)