-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-dodgy-imports #-} -- GHC no longer exports def in GHC 8.6 and above {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main(main) where import Arguments (Arguments (..), getArguments) import Control.Monad.Extra (unless) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Default (def) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Development.GitRev (gitHash) import Development.IDE (action) import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest (kick) import Development.IDE.Core.Rules (mainRule) import qualified Development.IDE.Core.Rules as Rules import Development.IDE.Core.Tracing (withTelemetryLogger) import qualified Development.IDE.Main as IDEMain import qualified Development.IDE.Monitoring.EKG as EKG import qualified Development.IDE.Monitoring.OpenTelemetry as OpenTelemetry import qualified Development.IDE.Plugin.HLS.GhcIde as GhcIde import Development.IDE.Types.Options import GHC.Stack (emptyCallStack) import Ide.Logger (Logger (Logger), LoggingColumn (DataColumn, PriorityColumn), Pretty (pretty), Priority (Debug, Error, Info), WithPriority (WithPriority, priority), cfilter, cmapWithPrio, defaultLayoutOptions, layoutPretty, makeDefaultStderrRecorder, renderStrict) import qualified Ide.Logger as Logger import Ide.Plugin.Config (Config (checkParents, checkProject)) import Ide.PluginUtils (pluginDescToIdePlugins) import Ide.Types (PluginDescriptor (pluginNotificationHandlers), defaultPluginDescriptor, mkPluginNotificationHandler) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message as LSP import Language.LSP.Server as LSP import Paths_ghcide (version) import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO import System.Environment (getExecutablePath) import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import System.Info (compilerVersion) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) data Log = LogIDEMain IDEMain.Log | LogRules Rules.Log | LogGhcIde GhcIde.Log instance Pretty Log where pretty = \case LogIDEMain log -> pretty log LogRules log -> pretty log LogGhcIde log -> pretty log ghcideVersion :: IO String ghcideVersion = do path <- getExecutablePath let gitHashSection = case $(gitHash) of x | x == "UNKNOWN" -> "" x -> " (GIT hash: " <> x <> ")" return $ "ghcide version: " <> showVersion version <> " (GHC: " <> showVersion compilerVersion <> ") (PATH: " <> path <> ")" <> gitHashSection main :: IO () main = withTelemetryLogger $ \telemetryLogger -> do -- stderr recorder just for plugin cli commands pluginCliRecorder <- cmapWithPrio pretty <$> makeDefaultStderrRecorder (Just [PriorityColumn, DataColumn]) let hlsPlugins = pluginDescToIdePlugins (GhcIde.descriptors (cmapWithPrio LogGhcIde pluginCliRecorder)) -- WARNING: If you write to stdout before runLanguageServer -- then the language server will not work Arguments{..} <- getArguments hlsPlugins if argsVersion then ghcideVersion >>= putStrLn >> exitSuccess else hPutStrLn stderr {- see WARNING above -} =<< ghcideVersion -- if user uses --cwd option we need to make this path absolute (and set the current directory to it) argsCwd <- case argsCwd of Nothing -> IO.getCurrentDirectory Just root -> IO.setCurrentDirectory root >> IO.getCurrentDirectory let minPriority = if argsVerbose then Debug else Info docWithPriorityRecorder <- makeDefaultStderrRecorder (Just [PriorityColumn, DataColumn]) (lspLogRecorder, cb1) <- Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientLogRecorder (lspMessageRecorder, cb2) <- Logger.withBacklog Logger.lspClientMessageRecorder -- This plugin just installs a handler for the `initialized` notification, which then -- picks up the LSP environment and feeds it to our recorders let lspRecorderPlugin = (defaultPluginDescriptor "LSPRecorderCallback" "Internal plugin") { pluginNotificationHandlers = mkPluginNotificationHandler LSP.SMethod_Initialized $ \_ _ _ _ -> do env <- LSP.getLspEnv liftIO $ (cb1 <> cb2) env } let docWithFilteredPriorityRecorder = (docWithPriorityRecorder & cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= minPriority)) <> (lspLogRecorder & cmapWithPrio (renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions) & cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= minPriority)) <> (lspMessageRecorder & cmapWithPrio (renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions) & cfilter (\WithPriority{ priority } -> priority >= Error)) -- exists so old-style logging works. intended to be phased out let logger = Logger $ \p m -> Logger.logger_ docWithFilteredPriorityRecorder (WithPriority p emptyCallStack (pretty m)) let recorder = docWithFilteredPriorityRecorder & cmapWithPrio pretty let arguments = if argsTesting then IDEMain.testing (cmapWithPrio LogIDEMain recorder) logger hlsPlugins else IDEMain.defaultArguments (cmapWithPrio LogIDEMain recorder) logger hlsPlugins IDEMain.defaultMain (cmapWithPrio LogIDEMain recorder) arguments { IDEMain.argsProjectRoot = Just argsCwd , IDEMain.argCommand = argsCommand , IDEMain.argsLogger = IDEMain.argsLogger arguments <> pure telemetryLogger , IDEMain.argsHlsPlugins = IDEMain.argsHlsPlugins arguments <> pluginDescToIdePlugins [lspRecorderPlugin] , IDEMain.argsRules = do -- install the main and ghcide-plugin rules mainRule (cmapWithPrio LogRules recorder) def -- install the kick action, which triggers a typecheck on every -- Shake database restart, i.e. on every user edit. unless argsDisableKick $ action kick , IDEMain.argsThreads = case argsThreads of 0 -> Nothing ; i -> Just (fromIntegral i) , IDEMain.argsIdeOptions = \config sessionLoader -> let defOptions = IDEMain.argsIdeOptions arguments config sessionLoader in defOptions { optShakeProfiling = argsShakeProfiling , optCheckParents = pure $ checkParents config , optCheckProject = pure $ checkProject config , optRunSubset = not argsConservativeChangeTracking , optVerifyCoreFile = argsVerifyCoreFile } , IDEMain.argsMonitoring = OpenTelemetry.monitoring <> EKG.monitoring logger argsMonitoringPort }