cabal-version: 3.0 -- This library is a copy of the sublibrary ghcide-test-utils until stack and hackage support public sublibraries build-type: Simple category: Development name: ghcide-test-utils version: license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE author: Digital Asset and Ghcide contributors maintainer: Ghcide contributors copyright: Digital Asset and Ghcide contributors 2018-2022 synopsis: Test utils for ghcide description: Test utils for ghcide homepage: bug-reports: tested-with: GHC == 8.6.5 || == 8.8.4 || == 8.10.7 || == 9.0.2 || == 9.2.3 || == 9.2.4 source-repository head type: git location: library default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: aeson, base > 4.9 && < 5, containers, data-default, directory, extra, filepath, ghcide, lsp-types, hls-plugin-api, lens, lsp-test ^>= 0.14, tasty-hunit >= 0.10, text, hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Development.IDE.Test Development.IDE.Test.Diagnostic default-extensions: BangPatterns DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric FlexibleContexts GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving LambdaCase NamedFieldPuns OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TupleSections TypeApplications ViewPatterns