{- |
Copyright  : Will Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
License    : LGPL-2.1
Maintainer : Iñaki García Etxebarria (garetxe@gmail.com)

Attributes to use for a newly-created window.

module GI.Gdk.Structs.WindowAttr

-- * Exported types
    WindowAttr(..)                          ,
    newZeroWindowAttr                       ,
    noWindowAttr                            ,

 -- * Properties
-- ** cursor #attr:cursor#
    clearWindowAttrCursor                   ,
    getWindowAttrCursor                     ,
    setWindowAttrCursor                     ,
    windowAttr_cursor                       ,

-- ** eventMask #attr:eventMask#
    getWindowAttrEventMask                  ,
    setWindowAttrEventMask                  ,
    windowAttr_eventMask                    ,

-- ** height #attr:height#
    getWindowAttrHeight                     ,
    setWindowAttrHeight                     ,
    windowAttr_height                       ,

-- ** overrideRedirect #attr:overrideRedirect#
    getWindowAttrOverrideRedirect           ,
    setWindowAttrOverrideRedirect           ,
    windowAttr_overrideRedirect             ,

-- ** title #attr:title#
    clearWindowAttrTitle                    ,
    getWindowAttrTitle                      ,
    setWindowAttrTitle                      ,
    windowAttr_title                        ,

-- ** typeHint #attr:typeHint#
    getWindowAttrTypeHint                   ,
    setWindowAttrTypeHint                   ,
    windowAttr_typeHint                     ,

-- ** visual #attr:visual#
    clearWindowAttrVisual                   ,
    getWindowAttrVisual                     ,
    setWindowAttrVisual                     ,
    windowAttr_visual                       ,

-- ** wclass #attr:wclass#
    getWindowAttrWclass                     ,
    setWindowAttrWclass                     ,
    windowAttr_wclass                       ,

-- ** width #attr:width#
    getWindowAttrWidth                      ,
    setWindowAttrWidth                      ,
    windowAttr_width                        ,

-- ** windowType #attr:windowType#
    getWindowAttrWindowType                 ,
    setWindowAttrWindowType                 ,
    windowAttr_windowType                   ,

-- ** wmclassClass #attr:wmclassClass#
    clearWindowAttrWmclassClass             ,
    getWindowAttrWmclassClass               ,
    setWindowAttrWmclassClass               ,
    windowAttr_wmclassClass                 ,

-- ** wmclassName #attr:wmclassName#
    clearWindowAttrWmclassName              ,
    getWindowAttrWmclassName                ,
    setWindowAttrWmclassName                ,
    windowAttr_wmclassName                  ,

-- ** x #attr:x#
    getWindowAttrX                          ,
    setWindowAttrX                          ,
    windowAttr_x                            ,

-- ** y #attr:y#
    getWindowAttrY                          ,
    setWindowAttrY                          ,
    windowAttr_y                            ,

    ) where

import Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude as SP
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Overloading as O
import qualified Prelude as P

import qualified Data.GI.Base.Attributes as GI.Attributes
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr as B.ManagedPtr
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GError as B.GError
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GVariant as B.GVariant
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GParamSpec as B.GParamSpec
import qualified Data.GI.Base.CallStack as B.CallStack
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as FP

import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gdk.Enums as Gdk.Enums
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gdk.Objects.Cursor as Gdk.Cursor
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Gdk.Objects.Visual as Gdk.Visual

newtype WindowAttr = WindowAttr (ManagedPtr WindowAttr)
instance WrappedPtr WindowAttr where
    wrappedPtrCalloc = callocBytes 80
    wrappedPtrCopy = \p -> withManagedPtr p (copyBytes 80 >=> wrapPtr WindowAttr)
    wrappedPtrFree = Just ptr_to_g_free

-- | Construct a `WindowAttr` struct initialized to zero.
newZeroWindowAttr :: MonadIO m => m WindowAttr
newZeroWindowAttr = liftIO $ wrappedPtrCalloc >>= wrapPtr WindowAttr

instance tag ~ 'AttrSet => Constructible WindowAttr tag where
    new _ attrs = do
        o <- newZeroWindowAttr
        GI.Attributes.set o attrs
        return o

noWindowAttr :: Maybe WindowAttr
noWindowAttr = Nothing

getWindowAttrTitle :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m (Maybe T.Text)
getWindowAttrTitle s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0) :: IO CString
    result <- SP.convertIfNonNull val $ \val' -> do
        val'' <- cstringToText val'
        return val''
    return result

setWindowAttrTitle :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> CString -> m ()
setWindowAttrTitle s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (val :: CString)

clearWindowAttrTitle :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m ()
clearWindowAttrTitle s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (FP.nullPtr :: CString)

data WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet, 'AttrClear]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo = (~) CString
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo = Maybe T.Text
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo = "title"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrTitle
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrTitle
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = clearWindowAttrTitle

windowAttr_title :: AttrLabelProxy "title"
windowAttr_title = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrEventMask :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Int32
getWindowAttrEventMask s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8) :: IO Int32
    return val

setWindowAttrEventMask :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Int32 -> m ()
setWindowAttrEventMask s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (val :: Int32)

data WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo = (~) Int32
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo = Int32
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo = "event_mask"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrEventMask
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrEventMask
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_eventMask :: AttrLabelProxy "eventMask"
windowAttr_eventMask = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrX :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Int32
getWindowAttrX s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 12) :: IO Int32
    return val

setWindowAttrX :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Int32 -> m ()
setWindowAttrX s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 12) (val :: Int32)

data WindowAttrXFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrXFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrXFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrXFieldInfo = (~) Int32
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrXFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrXFieldInfo = Int32
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrXFieldInfo = "x"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrXFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrX
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrX
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_x :: AttrLabelProxy "x"
windowAttr_x = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrY :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Int32
getWindowAttrY s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16) :: IO Int32
    return val

setWindowAttrY :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Int32 -> m ()
setWindowAttrY s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (val :: Int32)

data WindowAttrYFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrYFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrYFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrYFieldInfo = (~) Int32
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrYFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrYFieldInfo = Int32
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrYFieldInfo = "y"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrYFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrY
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrY
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_y :: AttrLabelProxy "y"
windowAttr_y = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrWidth :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Int32
getWindowAttrWidth s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 20) :: IO Int32
    return val

setWindowAttrWidth :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Int32 -> m ()
setWindowAttrWidth s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 20) (val :: Int32)

data WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo = (~) Int32
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo = Int32
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo = "width"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrWidth
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrWidth
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_width :: AttrLabelProxy "width"
windowAttr_width = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrHeight :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Int32
getWindowAttrHeight s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24) :: IO Int32
    return val

setWindowAttrHeight :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Int32 -> m ()
setWindowAttrHeight s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (val :: Int32)

data WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo = (~) Int32
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo = Int32
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo = "height"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrHeight
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrHeight
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_height :: AttrLabelProxy "height"
windowAttr_height = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrWclass :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Gdk.Enums.WindowWindowClass
getWindowAttrWclass s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 28) :: IO CUInt
    let val' = (toEnum . fromIntegral) val
    return val'

setWindowAttrWclass :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Gdk.Enums.WindowWindowClass -> m ()
setWindowAttrWclass s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    let val' = (fromIntegral . fromEnum) val
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 28) (val' :: CUInt)

data WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo = (~) Gdk.Enums.WindowWindowClass
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo = Gdk.Enums.WindowWindowClass
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo = "wclass"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrWclass
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrWclass
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_wclass :: AttrLabelProxy "wclass"
windowAttr_wclass = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrVisual :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m (Maybe Gdk.Visual.Visual)
getWindowAttrVisual s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 32) :: IO (Ptr Gdk.Visual.Visual)
    result <- SP.convertIfNonNull val $ \val' -> do
        val'' <- (newObject Gdk.Visual.Visual) val'
        return val''
    return result

setWindowAttrVisual :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Ptr Gdk.Visual.Visual -> m ()
setWindowAttrVisual s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 32) (val :: Ptr Gdk.Visual.Visual)

clearWindowAttrVisual :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m ()
clearWindowAttrVisual s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 32) (FP.nullPtr :: Ptr Gdk.Visual.Visual)

data WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet, 'AttrClear]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo = (~) (Ptr Gdk.Visual.Visual)
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo = Maybe Gdk.Visual.Visual
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo = "visual"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrVisual
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrVisual
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = clearWindowAttrVisual

windowAttr_visual :: AttrLabelProxy "visual"
windowAttr_visual = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrWindowType :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Gdk.Enums.WindowType
getWindowAttrWindowType s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 40) :: IO CUInt
    let val' = (toEnum . fromIntegral) val
    return val'

setWindowAttrWindowType :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Gdk.Enums.WindowType -> m ()
setWindowAttrWindowType s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    let val' = (fromIntegral . fromEnum) val
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 40) (val' :: CUInt)

data WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo = (~) Gdk.Enums.WindowType
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo = Gdk.Enums.WindowType
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo = "window_type"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrWindowType
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrWindowType
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_windowType :: AttrLabelProxy "windowType"
windowAttr_windowType = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrCursor :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m (Maybe Gdk.Cursor.Cursor)
getWindowAttrCursor s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 48) :: IO (Ptr Gdk.Cursor.Cursor)
    result <- SP.convertIfNonNull val $ \val' -> do
        val'' <- (newObject Gdk.Cursor.Cursor) val'
        return val''
    return result

setWindowAttrCursor :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Ptr Gdk.Cursor.Cursor -> m ()
setWindowAttrCursor s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 48) (val :: Ptr Gdk.Cursor.Cursor)

clearWindowAttrCursor :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m ()
clearWindowAttrCursor s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 48) (FP.nullPtr :: Ptr Gdk.Cursor.Cursor)

data WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet, 'AttrClear]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo = (~) (Ptr Gdk.Cursor.Cursor)
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo = Maybe Gdk.Cursor.Cursor
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo = "cursor"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrCursor
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrCursor
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = clearWindowAttrCursor

windowAttr_cursor :: AttrLabelProxy "cursor"
windowAttr_cursor = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrWmclassName :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m (Maybe T.Text)
getWindowAttrWmclassName s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 56) :: IO CString
    result <- SP.convertIfNonNull val $ \val' -> do
        val'' <- cstringToText val'
        return val''
    return result

setWindowAttrWmclassName :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> CString -> m ()
setWindowAttrWmclassName s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 56) (val :: CString)

clearWindowAttrWmclassName :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m ()
clearWindowAttrWmclassName s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 56) (FP.nullPtr :: CString)

data WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet, 'AttrClear]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo = (~) CString
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo = Maybe T.Text
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo = "wmclass_name"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrWmclassName
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrWmclassName
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = clearWindowAttrWmclassName

windowAttr_wmclassName :: AttrLabelProxy "wmclassName"
windowAttr_wmclassName = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrWmclassClass :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m (Maybe T.Text)
getWindowAttrWmclassClass s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 64) :: IO CString
    result <- SP.convertIfNonNull val $ \val' -> do
        val'' <- cstringToText val'
        return val''
    return result

setWindowAttrWmclassClass :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> CString -> m ()
setWindowAttrWmclassClass s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 64) (val :: CString)

clearWindowAttrWmclassClass :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m ()
clearWindowAttrWmclassClass s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 64) (FP.nullPtr :: CString)

data WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet, 'AttrClear]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo = (~) CString
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo = Maybe T.Text
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo = "wmclass_class"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrWmclassClass
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrWmclassClass
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = clearWindowAttrWmclassClass

windowAttr_wmclassClass :: AttrLabelProxy "wmclassClass"
windowAttr_wmclassClass = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrOverrideRedirect :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Bool
getWindowAttrOverrideRedirect s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 72) :: IO CInt
    let val' = (/= 0) val
    return val'

setWindowAttrOverrideRedirect :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Bool -> m ()
setWindowAttrOverrideRedirect s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    let val' = (fromIntegral . fromEnum) val
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 72) (val' :: CInt)

data WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo = (~) Bool
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo = Bool
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo = "override_redirect"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrOverrideRedirect
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrOverrideRedirect
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_overrideRedirect :: AttrLabelProxy "overrideRedirect"
windowAttr_overrideRedirect = AttrLabelProxy

getWindowAttrTypeHint :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> m Gdk.Enums.WindowTypeHint
getWindowAttrTypeHint s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 76) :: IO CUInt
    let val' = (toEnum . fromIntegral) val
    return val'

setWindowAttrTypeHint :: MonadIO m => WindowAttr -> Gdk.Enums.WindowTypeHint -> m ()
setWindowAttrTypeHint s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    let val' = (fromIntegral . fromEnum) val
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 76) (val' :: CUInt)

data WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo = (~) Gdk.Enums.WindowTypeHint
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo = (~) WindowAttr
    type AttrGetType WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo = Gdk.Enums.WindowTypeHint
    type AttrLabel WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo = "type_hint"
    type AttrOrigin WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo = WindowAttr
    attrGet _ = getWindowAttrTypeHint
    attrSet _ = setWindowAttrTypeHint
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

windowAttr_typeHint :: AttrLabelProxy "typeHint"
windowAttr_typeHint = AttrLabelProxy

instance O.HasAttributeList WindowAttr
type instance O.AttributeList WindowAttr = WindowAttrAttributeList
type WindowAttrAttributeList = ('[ '("title", WindowAttrTitleFieldInfo), '("eventMask", WindowAttrEventMaskFieldInfo), '("x", WindowAttrXFieldInfo), '("y", WindowAttrYFieldInfo), '("width", WindowAttrWidthFieldInfo), '("height", WindowAttrHeightFieldInfo), '("wclass", WindowAttrWclassFieldInfo), '("visual", WindowAttrVisualFieldInfo), '("windowType", WindowAttrWindowTypeFieldInfo), '("cursor", WindowAttrCursorFieldInfo), '("wmclassName", WindowAttrWmclassNameFieldInfo), '("wmclassClass", WindowAttrWmclassClassFieldInfo), '("overrideRedirect", WindowAttrOverrideRedirectFieldInfo), '("typeHint", WindowAttrTypeHintFieldInfo)] :: [(Symbol, *)])

type family ResolveWindowAttrMethod (t :: Symbol) (o :: *) :: * where
    ResolveWindowAttrMethod l o = O.MethodResolutionFailed l o

instance (info ~ ResolveWindowAttrMethod t WindowAttr, O.MethodInfo info WindowAttr p) => O.IsLabelProxy t (WindowAttr -> p) where
    fromLabelProxy _ = O.overloadedMethod (O.MethodProxy :: O.MethodProxy info)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance (info ~ ResolveWindowAttrMethod t WindowAttr, O.MethodInfo info WindowAttr p) => O.IsLabel t (WindowAttr -> p) where
    fromLabel _ = O.overloadedMethod (O.MethodProxy :: O.MethodProxy info)