-- vim:et Name: ginsu Version: 0.8.2 Copyright: 2002-2009 John Meacham 2011-2012 Dylan Simon Author: John Meacham Dylan Simon Maintainer: dylan@dylex.net License: MIT License-File: LICENSE Synopsis: Ginsu Gale Client Description: Ginsu is a client for the gale chat system. It is designed to be powerful and above all stable, as well as having a quick learning curve. Homepage: http://repetae.net/computer/ginsu/ Category: Network,Console Build-Type: Custom Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 tested-with: GHC == 7.8.4, GHC == 7.10.2 extra-source-files: configure ginsu.buildinfo.in config.h.in gen_keyhelp.prl actions.def ginsu-mdk my_curses.h my_rsa.h Boolean/README docs/Changelog.old docs/ginsu-manual.html docs/wiki.css docs/ginsu-manual.txt docs/ginsu.1 data-files: ginsu.config.sample Source-Repository head Type: darcs Location: http://hub.darcs.net/dylex/ginsu Executable ginsu Main-is: Main.hs Other-Modules: Atom Boolean.Algebra Boolean.Boolean CacheIO Charset CircularBuffer ConfigFile Curses Doc.Chars Doc.DocLike EIO ErrorLog ExampleConf Filter Format Gale.Gale Gale.KeyCache Gale.Proto Gale.Puff GenUtil GinsuConfig Help KeyHelpTable KeyName MyLocale OldHash Options PackedString Paths_ginsu RSA Regex Screen SimpleParser Status Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP.ByteString Version C-Sources: my_curses.c my_rsa.c Include-Dirs: . Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, async, bytestring, old-locale, containers, random, directory, pretty, mtl, array, unix, regex-posix, utf8-string >= 0.3.1, binary, old-time, syb, network, parsec, process, hashtables, hashable Extra-Libraries: ssl crypto