Klaus pointed out that there are two problems that keep git-annex from being used on USB keys, that would typically be VFAT formatted:

  • Use of symlinks, which VFAT does not support. Very hard to fix. Instead, just use bare repositories on the key, they're supported now.
  • Use of ":" in filenames of object files, also not supported. Could easily be fixed by reorganizing the object directory.

Done; in annex.version 2 repos, colons are entirely avoided in filenames. So a bare git clone can be put on VFAT, and git-annex used to move stuff --to and --from it, for sneakernet.

I'm using git-annex to keep my music in sync between all of my different machines. What I'd love to be able to do is to also keep it in sync with my iRiver player. Unfortunately, the firmware, Rockbox, doesn't support ext3, so I'm stuck with a FAT filesystem.

I can see how the design of git-annex makes it rather difficult to get rid of the symlinks, so how about taking a different approach: something like a "git annex export DEST" which would take a destination (not a git remote) and rsync the content over to there as regular files.

Maybe "git annex sync DEST" or "git annex rsync DEST" would be better names if we want to convey the idea that the destination will be made to look like the source repo, including performing the necessary deletions.

Comment by fmarier Mon Apr 4 03:40:41 2011

Hey @fmarier. Well, this bug report is closed because you can already get rid of the symlinks. Just put a bare git repo on your fat filesystem, and use git-annex copy --to/--from there.

Now, that puts all the files that are on the device in .git/annex/objects/xx/yy/blah.mp3 -- how well rockbox would support that I don't know. And if it tries to modify or delete those files, git annex also can't help you manage those changes.

Another recent option is the directory special remote type, which again uses "xx/yy/blah.mp3" and can't track changes made to the files. This could perhaps be extended in the direction you suggest, although trying to fit this into the special remote infrastructure might not be a good fit really.

The most likely way this has to get dealt with is really by using smudge filters, which would eliminate the symlinks and allow copying a non-bare git repo onto vfat.

Comment by joey Mon Apr 4 14:20:45 2011

Thanks for the reply @joey.

While it would certainly be possible for a bare repo to exist on my iRiver, the problem is that the music player uses the filesystem to organize files into directories like "Artist/Album/Track.ogg". So replacing that with "..../xx/yy/Track.ogg" would make it fairly difficult to browse my music collection and select the album/track I want to listen to :)

So unless I have the files physically organized like the symlinks, then it's probably not going to work very for that particular workflow. Smudge filters are interesting though. In the meantime, I'll look into rsyncing from another box which has the right filesystem layout onto my iRiver directly.

Comment by fmarier Tue Apr 5 06:00:21 2011

If you try to clone a git repo that has a symlink over to a VFAT filesystem, you get (in its place) a regular file that contains the name of the symlink target. So why can't git-annex use that? I could still do git annex get on this file, git annex would still "know" that it's a symlink, and could replace it with a copy of the real file (instead of putting it in .git/annex).

I know if it were that simple, someone would have done it already, so what am I missing? I guess trying to get the file FROM the repository would fail because it wouldn't find the file in .git/annex? Couldn't you store a reverse mapping? You wouldn't be able to move the file around, but you already lose that once you give up symlinks. It would also be a little harder to tell which symlinks were "dangling"; I don't see an easy way to get around that. It would still be better than a bare repo..

Comment by ethan.glasser.camp Wed Jun 8 16:59:38 2011
@ethan the reason that wouldn't work is because git would then see a file that was checked in and had its one line symlinkish content replaced with a huge binary blob. And git commit would try to commit that etc. The potential for foot-shooting is too high.
Comment by joey Fri Jun 10 12:41:43 2011
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