There are problems with displaying filenames in UTF8 encoding, as shown here:

$ echo $LANG
$ git init
$ git annex init test
$ touch "Umlaut Ü.txt"
$ git annex add Uml*
add Umlaut Ã.txt ok
(Recording state in git...)
$ find -name U\* | hexdump -C
00000000  2e 2f 55 6d 6c 61 75 74  20 c3 9c 2e 74 78 74 0a  |./Umlaut ...txt.|
$ git annex find | hexdump -C
00000000  55 6d 6c 61 75 74 20 c3  83 c2 9c 2e 74 78 74 0a  |Umlaut .....txt.|

It looks like the common latin1-to-UTF8 encoding. Functionality other than otuput seems not to be affected.

Yes, I believe that git-annex is reading filename data from git as a stream of char8s, and not decoding unicode in it into logical characters. Haskell then I guess, tries to unicode encode it when it's output to the console. This only seems to matter WRT its output to the console; the data does not get mangled internally and so it accesses the right files under the hood.

I am too new to haskell to really have a handle on how to handle unicode and other encodings issues with it. In general, there are three valid approaches: --Joey

  1. Convert all input data to unicode and be unicode clean end-to-end internally. Problimatic here since filenames may not necessarily be encoded in utf-8 (an archive could have historical filenames using varying encodings), and you don't want which files are accessed to depend on locale settings.

    I tried to do this by making parts of GitRepo call Codec.Binary.UTF8.String.decodeString when reading filenames from git. This seemed to break attempts to operate on the files, weirdly encoded strings were seen in syscalls in strace.

  2. Keep input and internal data un-decoded, but decode it when outputting a filename (assuming the filename is encoded using the user's configured encoding), and allow haskell's output encoding to then encode it according to the user's locale configuration. This is now implemented. I'm not very happy that I have to watch out for any place that a filename is output and call filePathToString on it, but there are really not too many such places in git-annex.

    Note that this only affects filenames apparently. (Names of files in the annex, and also some places where names of keys are displayed.) Utf-8 in the file etc seems to be handled cleanly.

  3. Avoid encodings entirely. Mostly what I'm doing now; probably could find a way to disable encoding of console output. Then the raw filename would be displayed, which should work ok. git-annex does not really need to pull apart filenames; they are almost entirely opaque blobs. I guess that the --exclude option is the exception to that, but it is currently not unicode safe anyway. (Update: tried --exclude again, seems it is unicode clean..) One other possible issue would be that this could cause problems if git-annex were translated. On second thought, I switched to this. Any decoding of a filename is going to make someone unhappy; the previous approach broke non-utf8 filenames.

Simpler test case:

import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import System.Environment

main = do
        args <- getArgs
        let file = decodeString $ head args
        putStrLn $ "file is: " ++ file
        putStr =<< readFile file

If I pass this a filename like 'ü', it will fail, and notice the bad encoding of the filename in the error message:

$ echo hi > ü; runghc foo.hs ü
file is: ü
foo.hs: �: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

On the other hand, if I remove the decodeString, it prints the filename wrong, while accessing it right:

$ runghc foo.hs ü
file is: üa

The only way that seems to consistently work is to delay decoding the filename to places where it's output. But then it's easy to miss some.

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