# NAME git-annex-shell - Restricted login shell for git-annex only SSH access # SYNOPSIS git-annex-shell [-c] command [params ...] # DESCRIPTION git-annex-shell is a restricted shell, similar to git-shell, which can be used as a login shell for SSH accounts. Since its syntax is identical to git-shell's, it can be used as a drop-in replacement anywhere git-shell is used. For example it can be used as a user's restricted login shell. # COMMANDS Any command not listed below is passed through to git-shell. Note that the directory parameter should be an absolute path, otherwise it is assumed to be relative to the user's home directory. Also the first "/~/" or "/~user/" is expanded to the specified home directory. * configlist directory This outputs a subset of the git configuration, in the same form as `git config --list` * inannex directory [key ...] This checks if all specified keys are present in the annex, and exits zero if so. * dropkey directory [key ...] This drops the annexed data for the specified keys. * recvkey directory key This runs rsync in server mode to receive the content of a key, and stores the content in the annex. * sendkey directory key This runs rsync in server mode to transfer out the content of a key. * commit directory This commits any staged changes to the git-annex branch. It also runs the annex-content hook. # OPTIONS Most options are the same as in git-annex. The ones specific to git-annex-shell are: * --uuid=UUID git-annex uses this to specify the UUID of the repository it was expecting git-annex-shell to access, as a sanity check. # HOOK After content is received or dropped from the repository by git-annex-shell, it runs a hook, `.git/hooks/annex-content` (or `hooks/annex-content` on a bare repository). The hook is not currently passed any information about what changed. # ENVIRONMENT * GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_READONLY If set, disallows any command that could modify the repository. * GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_LIMITED If set, disallows running git-shell to handle unknown commands. # SEE ALSO [[git-annex]](1) git-shell(1) # AUTHOR Joey Hess Warning: Automatically converted into a man page by mdwn2man. Edit with care