[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkgbXwQtPQSG8igdS7U8l031N8sqDmuyvk" nickname="Albert" subject="Error with bup and gnupg" date="2012-10-22T20:56:56Z" content=""" Hello, I get this error when trying to use git-annex with bup and gnupg:
move importable_pilot_surveys.tar (gpg) (checking localaseebup...) (to localaseebup...) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File \"/usr/lib/bup/cmd/bup-split\", line 133, in 
  File \"/usr/lib/bup/bup/hashsplit.py\", line 167, in split_to_shalist
    for (sha,size,bits) in sl:
  File \"/usr/lib/bup/bup/hashsplit.py\", line 118, in _split_to_blobs
    for (blob, bits) in hashsplit_iter(files, keep_boundaries, progress):
  File \"/usr/lib/bup/bup/hashsplit.py\", line 86, in _hashsplit_iter
    bnew = next(fi)
  File \"/usr/lib/bup/bup/helpers.py\", line 86, in next
    return it.next()
  File \"/usr/lib/bup/bup/hashsplit.py\", line 49, in blobiter
    for filenum,f in enumerate(files):
  File \"/usr/lib/bup/cmd/bup-split\", line 128, in 
    files = extra and (open(fn) for fn in extra) or [sys.stdin]
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-'
I was able to work-around this issue by altering /usr/lib/bup/cmd/bup-split (though I don't think its a bup bug) to just pull from stdin: files = [sys.stdin] on ~ line 128. Any ideas? Also, do you think that bup's data-deduplication does anything when gnupg is enabled, i.e. is it just as well to use a directory remote with gnupg? Thanks! Git annex rules! Albert """]]