What steps will reproduce the problem? Create a local and "remote server" repository Create another local repositorty and keep it seperate from the first one. Fails while creating second repository on the remote. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected to get two seperate repositories on the client and server. Only first one works. Got an error: Failed to make repository Something went wrong setting up the repository on the remote server. Transcript: fatal: unrecognized command 'sh -c 'mkdir -p '"'"'second'"'"'&&cd '"'"'second'"'"'&&git init --bare --shared&&git annex init&&mkdir -p ~/.ssh&&if [ ! -e ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell ]; then (echo '"'"'#!/bin/sh'"'"';echo '"'"'set -e'"'"';echo '"'"'if [ "x$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" != "x" ]; then'"'"';echo '"'"'exec git-annex-shell -c "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"'"'"';echo '"'"'else'"'"';echo '"'"'exec git-annex-shell -c "$@"'"'"';echo '"'"'fi'"'"') > ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell; fi&&chmod 700 ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell&&touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys&&chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys&&echo '"'"'command="GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_DIRECTORY='"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'second'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCvoTn+XBdlw/mQlu+NScAeuddUJqJaVXH6KUsO09OddnUvzv4W185ezbAjXfWDgN7ou0Q0xQzwiCzdoSl7T3USJQ1ywTG5Xt2sBV3RIqxyReNA7Nz0yhwWhZBJcFzof34ezNIsi9NVgEJcK2JEs2XqhO5wK5nxEDeays7ti2bqY6V21iOWSy9hlzjD4VTWTEFxQkDp4BCzDpPN934ztOtInwI8ayiTRJZlNQ+ej/AaA+/zOBWNvIFc/96iuMLKY6lLFThw1jNj5r5N7yPaysLdnwTJ3irtCzDygCpD4mau4frrOPvG90ZdcdrQSfIjRtM9nPZ5jIpohfvz0dIfgNFz marvin@marvin-U-100 '"'"' >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys'' git-annex-shell: git-shell failed What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 4.20130413-g5747bf4 ubuntu 12.10 local 3.20120629 debian wheezy remote (also tried 4.20130413-g5747bf4) Please provide any additional information below. > This bug would appear to be the same as a bug I fixed today. > > Except this last bit: **Also noticed if a user has no full name set in unix account, creating remote repository always fails** > So, I'm going to repurpose this bug to track that problem. --[[Joey]] [[!meta title="assistant can fail to make git repository if remote server is lacking GECOS"]]