git-annex is now available for Android. This includes the [[git-annex assistant|/assistant]], for easy syncing between your Android and other devices. [[Android installation instructions|/install/android]] When you run the git-annex Android app, two windows will open. The first is a terminal window, and the second is a web browser showing the git-annex webapp. [[!img apps.png alt="two windows"]] [[!toc ]] ## closing and reopening the webapp The webapp does not need to be left open after you've set up your repository. As long as the terminal window is left open, git-annex will remain running and sync your files. To re-open the webapp after closing it, use the [[!img newwindow.png alt="New Window"]] icon in the terminal window. ## starting git-annex The app is not currently automatically started on boot, so you will need to manually open it to keep your files in sync. You do not need to leave the app running all the time, though. It will sync back up automatically when started. ## stopping git-annex Simply close the terminal window to stop git-annex from running. ## using the command line [[!img terminal.png alt="Android terminal"]] If you prefer to use `git-annex` at the command line, you can do so using the terminal. A fairly full set of tools is provided, including `git`, `ssh`, `rsync`, and `gpg`. To prevent the webapp from being automatically started when a terminal window opens, go into the terminal preferences, to "Inital Command", and clear out the default `git annex webapp` setting. Or, if you'd like to run the assistant automatically, but not open the webapp, change the "Initial Command" to: `git annex assistant --autostart` ## using from adb shell To set up the git-annex environment from within `adb shell`, run: `/data/data/ga.androidterm/runshell` This will launch a shell that has git-annex, git, etc in PATH. ## disk space usage The git-annex app uses 65 MB of space on your Android device. Do not be fooled by larger numbers that Android may display for its size, like "273 MB". Android does not correctly calculate the size of hard linked files, so its numbers are wrong.