For easy installation, use the beta release of

Be sure to select the build matching your version of OSX.

If you want to run the git-annex assistant, just install the app, look for the icon, and start it up.

To use git-annex at the command line, you can add to your PATH

Alternatively, from the command line you can run, which makes your shell use all the programs bundled inside the app, including not just git-annex, but git, and several more. Handy if you don't otherwise have git installed.

This is still a work in progress. See OSX app issues for problem reports.


Jimmy Tang autobuilds the app for OSX Lion.

Joey autobuilds the app for Mountain Lion.

using Brew

brew update
brew install haskell-platform git ossp-uuid md5sha1sum coreutils libgsasl gnutls libidn libgsasl pkg-config libxml2
brew link libxml2
cabal update
cabal install c2hs git-annex --bindir=$HOME/bin

using MacPorts

Install the Haskell Platform from The version provided by Macports is too old to work with current versions of git-annex. Then execute

sudo port install git-core ossp-uuid md5sha1sum coreutils gnutls libxml2 libgsasl pkgconfig
sudo cabal update
cabal install c2hs git-annex --bindir=$HOME/bin

PATH setup

Do not forget to add to your PATH variable your ~/bin folder. In your .bashrc, for example:


See also:

  • OSX's haskell-platform statically links things
  • OSX's default sshd behaviour has limited paths set

I've moved some outdated comments about installing on OSX to old comments. And also moved away some comments that helped build the instructions above.

Comment by Tue Jul 24 11:09:29 2012
For those that care, I've updated my autobuilder to the latest version of haskell-platform 2012.4.0.0 and it appears to be building correctly.
Comment by Jimmy Mon Dec 10 13:00:43 2012

Installing via the MacPorts method. I ran into this error.

"_locale_charset", referenced from: _localeEncoding in libHSbase- 
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

I was able to solve and get git-annex to build buy providing the --extra-lib-dirs parameter

cabal install c2hs git-annex --bindir=$HOME/bin --extra-lib-dirs=/usr/lib

Cheers, Daniel Wozniak

Comment by Daniel Tue Jan 15 11:22:43 2013


Are there plans to provide a that works on Snow Leopard?

Currently there are only installers for the Lions.

Thanks :-)

Comment by Pere Fri Jan 18 11:51:48 2013
What we need to provide a Snow Leopard or other version build, is access to a box running that version of OSX, or someone with a box that doesn't mind compiling stuff and setting up the autobuilder (not very hard).
Comment by Fri Jan 18 13:25:36 2013
If the process is very automatic I might contribute. I mean, if you tell me, install this and that package and run this script once a week, I might be able to help. I have a MacBook from 2007 with Snow Leopard. I also have macports installed, but I'm not a programmer.
Comment by Pere Fri Jan 18 13:57:40 2013
If you can get it to build using the instructions for Brew (or MacPorts) on this page, it's easy to get from there to a distributable app.
Comment by Fri Jan 18 16:16:52 2013

Bad news, it looks like I'm not able to install git-annex to my machine: When I run

sudo cabal install c2hs git-annex --bindir=$HOME/bin

I get the following error:

cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
DAV-0.3 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 11
git-annex-3.20130114 depends on yesod-core- which failed to install.
yesod- depends on yesod-core- which failed to install.
yesod-auth-1.1.3 depends on yesod-core- which failed to install.
yesod-core- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 11
yesod-default-1.1.3 depends on yesod-core- which failed to install.
yesod-form- depends on yesod-core- which failed to install.
yesod-json-1.1.2 depends on yesod-core- which failed to install.
yesod-persistent- depends on yesod-core- which failed to
yesod-static- depends on yesod-core- which failed to install.

What does ExitFailure 11 mean?

Comment by Pere Sat Jan 19 11:04:27 2013
sig11 is a Segmentation Fault, probably from a C library used by DAV for HTTP in this case.
Comment by Sat Jan 19 12:02:35 2013
I guess my adventure ends here. :'(
Comment by Pere Sat Jan 19 12:10:08 2013
What is the appropriate way to update to the latest build of git-annex using cabal?
Comment by Eric Fri Jan 25 02:05:35 2013
Is there any way I can try to solve or by-pass the Segmentation Fault I commeted before?
Comment by Pere Fri Jan 25 10:36:52 2013
@eric cabal update && cabal upgrade git-annex
Comment by Tue Feb 5 15:46:29 2013

i had macports installed. then i installed brew, instaled haskell via brew. i needed to set PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Comment by Jonas Sat Feb 16 15:46:47 2013

I'm having the same issue as @Pere, with a newer version of DAV :(

cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: DAV-0.3.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 11 git-annex-4.20130323 depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. persistent- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 11 persistent-template- depends on persistent- which failed to install. shakespeare-css-1.0.3 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 11 yesod- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. yesod-auth- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. yesod-core- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. yesod-default- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. yesod-form- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. yesod-json- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. yesod-persistent- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install. yesod-static- depends on shakespeare-css-1.0.3 which failed to install.

Any ideas?

Comment by Juan Moyano Tue Mar 26 12:02:54 2013

I was able to build snow leopard completely for the first time over last night (it took a very long time to build all the tools and dependancies). Woohoo!

The way I was able to fully build on a 32-bit 10.6 machine was this

  1. Delete ~/.ghc and ~/.cabal. They were full of random things and were causing problems.
  2. brew uninstall ghc and haskell-platform
  3. brew update
  4. brew install git ossp-uuid md5sha1sum coreutils libgsasl gnutls libidn libgsasl pkg-config libxml2
  5. brew upgrade git ossp-uuid md5sha1sum coreutils libgsasl gnutls libidn libgsasl pkg-config libxml2 (Some of these were already installed/up to date.
  6. brew link libxml2
  7. brew install haskell-platform (This takes a long, long time).
  8. cabal update (assuming you have added ~/.cabal/bin to your path
  9. cabal install cablal-install
  10. cabal install c2hs
  11. cabal install git-annex

It also appears to be running fairly smoothly than it had in the past on a 32-bit SL system. Thats also neat.

The problem is that it seems to not really work as git annex though, probably due to the error relating you get when you start up the webapp: Running git annex webapp The browser starts up, and I get 3 of these errors: Watcher crashed: Need at least OSX 10.7.0 for file-level FSEvents

Pairing with a local computer appears to work to systems running 10.7, but when you complete the process, they never show up in the repository list.

Also on a side note, when running git annex webapp it triggers the opening of an html file in whatever the default html file handler is. I edit a lot of html, so for me that is usually a text editor. I had to change the file handler to open html files with my web browser for the git annex webapp to actually work. Is there a way to change that so that git annex webapp uses the default web browser for the system rather than the default html file handler?

Comment by Bret Sun Apr 14 16:17:17 2013

@Bret, the assistant relies on FSEvents pretty heavily. It seems to me your best bet is to upgrade OSX to a version that supports FSEvents.

You can certainly use the rest of git-annex on Snow Leopard without FSEvents.

Comment by joey Tue Apr 16 16:31:10 2013
The laptop is one of the first macbook pro's with a 32 bit chip, which apple dropped support for in 10.7, so the furthest it can update to is 10.6.x. :(
Comment by Bret Wed Apr 17 20:58:19 2013
sounds like a prime candidate for a nice lightweight linux distro ;)
Comment by edheil [] Wed Apr 17 22:05:34 2013
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