This special remote type rsyncs file contents to somewhere else.

Setup example:

# git annex initremote myrsync type=rsync rsyncurl=rsync://
# git annex describe myrsync "rsync server"

Or for using rsync over SSH

# git annex initremote myrsync type=rsync
# git annex describe myrsync "rsync server"


These parameters can be passed to git annex initremote to configure rsync:

  • encryption - Required. Either "none" to disable encryption of content stored on the remote rsync server, or a value that can be looked up (using gpg -k) to find a gpg encryption key that will be given access to the remote, or "shared" which allows every clone of the repository to decrypt the encrypted data.

    Note that additional gpg keys can be given access to a remote by running enableremote with the new key id. See encryption.

  • rsyncurl - Required. This is the url or hostname:/directory to pass to rsync to tell it where to store content.

  • shellescape - Optional. Set to "no" to avoid shell escaping normally done when using rsync over ssh. That escaping is needed with typical setups, but not with some hosting providers that do not expose rsynced filenames to the shell. You'll know you need this option if git annex get from the special remote fails with an error message containing a single quote (') character. If that happens, you can run enableremote setting shellescape=no.

The annex-rsync-options git configuration setting can be used to pass parameters to rsync.

Hi, I would like to see a example of setting up / using e.g. as a repo.

Please also provide a highlevel description of how the rsync repo fits in with git-annex.

Q1. can you adds files to the remote rsync repo, and will they be detected and synced back ? Q2. is all the git history rsync'd to remote ? how do i recover if i loose all data except the remote rsync repo ?

Comment by diepes Fri Mar 29 11:57:20 2013
No, special remotes do not contain a copy of the git repository, and no, git-annex does not notice when files are added to remote rsync repositories. Suggest you read special remotes.
Comment by joey Fri Mar 29 13:12:47 2013
  • It sound to me it would be 1st prize if the cloud provider supported the git-annex functionality over ssh.
  • Then it could be a full git-annex repo, and used for recovery if my laptop with the git info gets lost.
  • From special remotes "These can be used just like any normal remote by git-annex"
  • Your comment "No, special remotes do not contain a copy of the git repository"

  • so a special remote is

  • "A. just a remote filesystem, that contains the objects with sha1 names ? "

  • "B. there is no git info and thus no file name & directory details or am i missing something ?"
  • "C. you can't use the remote as a cloud drive to sync changes e.g. file moves, renames between two other git-annex repositories ? (no meta data)"
  • "D. the data on the cloud/rsync storage can not be used directly it has to moved into a git-annex capable storage location. "

  • Would it not be better to mount the remote storage over ssh(sshfs) and then use full git-annex on mounted directory ?

Comment by diepes Fri Mar 29 18:09:49 2013
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