git-annex 4.20131106 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Improve local pairing behavior when two computers both try to start the pairing process separately. * sync: Work even when the local git repository is new and empty, with no master branch. * gcrypt, bup: Fix bug that prevented using these special remotes with encryption=pubkey. * Fix enabling of gcrypt repository accessed over ssh; git-annex-shell gcryptsetup had a bug that caused it to fail with permission denied. * Fix zombie process that occurred when switching between repository views in the webapp. * map: Work when there are gcrypt remotes. * Fix build w/o webapp. * Fix exception handling bug that could cause .git/annex/index to be used for git commits outside the git-annex branch. Known to affect git-annex when used with the git shipped with Ubuntu 13.10."""]]