### Please describe the problem. I have a transfer repository on a thumbdrive with a FAT file system mounted. It has been working very well for almost a year. However, the current annex version overrides the core.bare setting with 'false' and tries to checkout the work tree on my thumbdrive (e.g. on a 'git annex status'). ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? Broken git-annex versions: * 5.20131130-gc25be33 * 5.20131118-gc7e5cde Working version: * 4.20131101-gf59a6d1 OS is Linux. ### Please provide any additional information below. [[!format sh """ $> git config --list core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=false core.bare=true core.symlinks=false core.ignorecase=true annex.uuid=3fb63b01-40cf-4613-b171-d6cba04028af annex.version=4 annex.crippledfilesystem=true annex.direct=true """]] [[!format sh """ $> git annex status -d [2013-12-05 15:01:30 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/media/transfer/annex-media.git","--work-tree=/media/transfer","-c","core.bare=false","symbolic-ref","HEAD"] [2013-12-05 15:01:30 CET] read: git ["--git-dir=/media/transfer/annex-media.git","--work-tree=/media/transfer","-c","core.bare=false","show-ref","--hash","refs/heads/master"] [2013-12-05 15:01:30 CET] call: git ["--git-dir=/media/transfer/annex-media.git","--work-tree=/media/transfer","-c","core.bare=false","update-ref","refs/heads/annex/direct/master","eb688442ea29660e9bc604434a77821b9c0349ad"] [2013-12-05 15:01:30 CET] call: git ["--git-dir=/media/transfer/annex-media.git","--work-tree=/media/transfer","-c","core.bare=false","checkout","-q","-B","annex/direct/master"] ... git-annex: git [Param "checkout",Param "-q",Param "-B",Param "annex/direct/master"] failed """]] > If I understand the followup comment corretcly, it confirms my hypothesis > that this is about the bug that has since been fixed. So, [[done]]. > --[[Joey]]