git-annex 5.20140116 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Added tahoe special remote. * external special remote protocol: Added GETGITDIR, and GETAVAILABILITY. * Refuse to build with git older than, which is needed for git checkout -B * map: Fix display of v5 direct mode repos. * repair: Support old git versions from before git fsck --no-dangling was implemented. * Fix a long-standing bug that could cause the wrong index file to be used when committing to the git-annex branch, if GIT\_INDEX\_FILE is set in the environment. This typically resulted in git-annex branch log files being committed to the master branch and later showing up in the work tree. (These log files can be safely removed.) * assistant: Detect if .git/annex/index is corrupt at startup, and recover. * repair: Fix bug in packed refs file exploding code that caused a .gitrefs directory to be created instead of .git/refs * Fix FTBFS on mipsel and sparc due to test suite not being available on those architectures. * Android: Avoid passing --clobber to busybox wget."""]]