### Please describe the problem. When creating a simple "parent" git repo, creating another "child" repo with an annexed file, then adding the child repo as a submodule of the parent, the symlink path of the large file contained by the submodule is incorrect. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? Here are the exact steps for this simple use case (I have removed unrelated output for brevity, and setting up the repos is error-free): # Create "parent" repo $ mkdir parent $ cd parent/ $ git init $ touch parent_start $ git add parent_start $ git commit -a -m 'New parent repo' $ cd ../ # Create "child" repo $ mkdir child $ cd child/ $ git init $ touch child_start $ git add child_start $ git commit -a -m 'New child repo' $ git annex init $ cp ~/Desktop/some_big_file child_big_file $ git annex add child_big_file $ git commit -a -m 'Added big file' $ cd ../ # Add "child" repo as a submodule of "parent" repo $ cd parent/ $ git submodule add ../child ./submodule $ git commit -m 'Added submodule' # Try to get annexed file $ cd submodule/ $ git annex init $ git annex get $ ls ./ -rw-r--r-- .git lrwxr-xr-x child_big_file -> .git/annex/objects/F5/f2/SHA256E-s1117253--ce17632dfd9c61a0a8c1384d25fb3a8a197f8056f224e15fbcad89904a82c5fd/SHA256E-s1117253--ce17632dfd9c61a0a8c1384d25fb3a8a197f8056f224e15fbcad89904a82c5fd -rw-r--r-- child_start # As you can see above, the child_big_file symlink path is incorrect (the ".git/annex/..." location is not a directory, and should instead be "../.git/modules/submodule/annex/...") # Show the actual location of the annexed file $ cd ../ $ ls .git/modules/submodule/annex/objects/F5/f2/SHA256E-s1117253--ce17632dfd9c61a0a8c1384d25fb3a8a197f8056f224e15fbcad89904a82c5fd -r--r--r-- SHA256E-s1117253--ce17632dfd9c61a0a8c1384d25fb3a8a197f8056f224e15fbcad89904a82c5fd ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? Mac OS X Mountain Lion. git-annex files are from within the downloadable git-annex assistant. $ sw_vers -productVersion 10.8.5 $ git --version git version (Apple Git-37) $ git-annex version git-annex version: 4.20131105-g136b030 build flags: Assistant Webapp Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV FsEvents XMPP DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 WORM URL remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web webdav glacier hook local repository version: 3 default repository version: 3 supported repository versions: 3 4 upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2 Thanks for your help :)