This is a follow-up to [this qbug]( Thank you for your fix there! However, if I understood correctly, you indicated in your reply that the current fix completely removes the relative path component from WORM keys. I gave some thought to this and believe not having the relative path encoded inside WORM keys makes key collisions (and accordingly data-loss) a very dire problem, while they are not of practical concern if the relative path is encoded. When relative paths are encoded within the key, a collision can only occur when a file in the same directory is annexed twice within the resolution of the mtime component inside the key (i.e., one second). As such, unless one adds files automatically with a period of < 1s, one can very much be certain that no collisions come up. Without relative paths, however, one could never be certain that adding a file will not result in data-loss. Instead of just using the basename, WORM keys could be kept stable by using the relative path and anchoring it to the root of the repository.