I keep my movie collection in an annex. I recently wrote a python script that pulls information about each movie down from IMDB and stores it as metadata on the annexed file. One of the attributes I'm storing is `rating`. For instance, the metadata for my copy of Blade Runner looks like this: $ git annex metadata blade_runner.mkv metadata blade_runner.mkv director="Ridley Scott" director-lastchanged=2016-04-20@04-21-33 genre="Sci-Fi" genre="Thriller" genre-lastchanged=2016-04-20@04-21-33 lastchanged=2016-04-20@04-21-33 rating=8.2 rating-lastchanged=2016-04-20@04-21-33 runtime=117 runtime-lastchanged=2016-04-20@04-21-33 title="Blade Runner" title-lastchanged=2016-04-20@04-21-33 year=1982 year-lastchanged=2016-04-20@04-21-33 ok I can now use the metadata to ask git annex to show me all movies with a rating of 8.2. $ git annex find --metadata rating=8.2 blade_runner.mkv However, that isn't very useful. What I want to do is specify a range. For example, I want to ask git annex to show me all movies with a rating above 8: $ git annex find --metadata rating=>8 Or, show me all movies with a rating between 6 and 9 $ git annex find --metadata rating=>6 rating=<9 Is something like this possible? I'd like to do something similar with the `year` attribute. Right now I can use metadata views to group movies by their release year, which is pretty neat. $ git annex view "year=*" But I would also like to be able to give a range so that I could group movies by release decade, for example.