git-annex 6.20160412 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * adjust --unlock: Enters an adjusted branch in which all annexed files are unlocked. The v6 equivilant of direct mode, but much cleaner! * Upgrading a direct mode repository to v6 has changed to enter an adjusted unlocked branch. This makes the direct mode to v6 upgrade able to be performed in one clone of a repository without affecting other clones, which can continue using v5 and direct mode. * init --version=6: Automatically enter the adjusted unlocked branch when filesystem doesn't support symlinks. * ddar remote: fix ssh calls Thanks, Robie Basak * log: Display time with time zone. * log --raw-date: Use to display seconds from unix epoch. * v6: Close pointer file handles more quickly, to avoid problems on Windows. * sync: Show output of git commit. * annex.thin and annex.hardlink are now supported on Windows. * unannex --fast now makes hard links on Windows. * Fix bug in annex.largefiles mimetype= matching when git-annex is run in a subdirectory of the repository. * Fix build with ghc v7.11. Thanks, Gabor Greif."""]]