git-annex 6.20160419 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Fix bug that prevented resuming of uploads to encrypted special remotes that used chunking. * That bug could also expose the names of keys to such remotes when attempting to resume an upload, so it is a minor security issue. * Fix duplicate progress meter display when downloading from a git remote over http with -J. * reinject: When src file's content cannot be verified, leave it alone, instead of deleting it. * reinject: Added new mode which can reinject known files into the annex. For example: git-annex reinject --known /mnt/backup/* * calckey: New plumbing command, calculates the key that would be used to refer to a file. * Fix bug that prevented annex.sshcaching=false configuration from taking effect when on a crippled filesystem. Thanks, divergentdave. * git 2.9.0 is going to prevent git merge from merging in unrelated branches. Since the webapp's pairing etc features often combine together repositories with unrelated histories, work around this behavior change when the assistant merges, by passing --allow-unrelated-histories. Note though that this is not done for git annex sync's merges, so it will follow git's default or configured behavior. * When git-annex is used with a git version older than 2.2.0, disable support for adjusted branches, since GIT\_COMMON\_DIR is needed to update them and was first added in that version of git. * Avoid setting LOCPATH in linux standalone builds that are built with a ghc that has been fixed to not hang when it cannot find locale files. * Isolate test suite from global git config settings."""]]