[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 23""" date="2016-04-13T19:13:35Z" content=""" @tim, are the git-annex repositories going to be connected? If so, `git-annex initremote` the S3 remote to one, merge it into the next repo, and then `git annex enableremote` the S3 remote there. That's the sane way. If you want for some reason to have multiple separate git-annex repositories, that all try to use the same S3 bucket, without knowing about one-another, I have to recommend against it. You're setting yourself up to shoot yourself in the foot, and quite possibly lose data. While you can `git annex enableremote` the same bucket repeatedly in the different repositories, each time it will be given a different uuid, and since the uuid is stored in the bucket, this will prevent `git annex enableremote` from being used for the old uuid, since it will see the bucket has a different uuid now. """]]